Debate #1 - Hillary proved to be a scripted, status quo politician.

No doubt it was an interesting debate. What stood out most was Hillary came off as the typical, status quo politician. Trump truly came off as not a politician. Was Hillary smooth and polished? Overall yes. But Trump spoke from the heart, not from the script - he was far more genuine.

Both candidates got good shots in on each other, but where Trump may have made the biggest impact is - you've been doing this 30 years, thus enforcing in people's minds she's a career politician.
It was really like two separate debates. Hillarry was prepared and Trump was, uh Trump. Hillary addressed the issues and Trump uh, was Trump.

Of course, Hillary won the debate, however as one pundit pointed out, Trump supporters hold Trump to a different set of standards than Hillary because he isn't a "professional" politician. Well here's some news for you Trump supporters. The presidency is a political position. In fact, it's the highest political office in the country, and everything a president does is political. The idea of making Trump the president makes about about as much sense as making Hillary the CEO of the Trump Organization.
No doubt it was an interesting debate. What stood out most was Hillary came off as the typical, status quo politician. Trump truly came off as not a politician. Was Hillary smooth and polished? Overall yes. But Trump spoke from the heart, not from the script - he was far more genuine.

Both candidates got good shots in on each other, but where Trump may have made the biggest impact is - you've been doing this 30 years, thus enforcing in people's minds she's a career politician.

Agreed. Clinton does sound like a scripted politician. She's more wooden than Al Gore. Stick another quarter in her mouth if you want to hear one of her tired talking points. Agreed. Agreed. Agreed. The dems are running a lemon this cycle.

But you're missing something fundamental.

The script of the Republicans who run for political office is that of the straight-talking anti-government outsider. This is why both Reagan and Bush had ranches and we're strategically photographed in cowboy boots clearing brush and getting their hands dirty; and it's why they both miraculously went through religious conversions.

You get this right? Once Goldwater, Wallace & Nixon broke the New Deal coalition, the Bible/Rust Belt and South were up for grabs - which is why every Republican running for president now has to perform the same kabuki dance, winking to the rich as they bullshit the poor about taking their country back. This is why Bush, who grew-up boating off the Main coast and studying in the elitist the halls of Yale, refashioned himself as a plain spoken man with a slight Texas drawl.

Trump, a life-long liberal, figured out that he could steal the presidency by fooling well-meaning Republicans with anti-government straight talk.

Son, you are being fooled by a script.

(Why do Republicans always fall so deeply for their Government leaders?)

(Trump is appealing to the Great White Dispossessed Working Class in Ohio and Pennsylvania, the two states that will determine this year's election. He is appealing to the very people who have been destroyed by the global capitalism he practices. This is why his ties are made in Mexico. In my wildest dreams could I not have imagined that people would buy into this script)
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The Hillary campaign is shitting themselves, they did nothing to stop his momentum in spite of trying to bait him multiple times.
Trump shit himself on stage every time Hillary baited him. He's too dumb not to take the bait, every time.

What are you smoking, its more than pot. :cuckoo:
Trump was almost Sarah Palin bad when it comes to debating. You must have had your earmuffs on.


Hillary is a lying pig, sorry to burst your bubble.

You miss the point.....that does not matter.

Many don't trust her.

She just needs people to trust Donald less.....he really helped her out tonight.

If he focuses on this debate, he's toast.
You didn't even watch the debate.

Trump was composed the entire time despite Hillary being a total asshole to him the entire debate with the moderator helping her.

Hillary did not look like an expert, and the questions didn't really require Trump to be either.
No doubt it was an interesting debate. What stood out most was Hillary came off as the typical, status quo politician. Trump truly came off as not a politician. Was Hillary smooth and polished? Overall yes. But Trump spoke from the heart, not from the script - he was far more genuine.

Both candidates got good shots in on each other, but where Trump may have made the biggest impact is - you've been doing this 30 years, thus enforcing in people's minds she's a career politician.
It was really like two separate debates. Hillarry was prepared and Trump was, uh Trump. Hillary addressed the issues and Trump uh, was Trump.

Of course, Hillary won the debate, however as one pundit pointed out, Trump supporters hold Trump to a different set of standards than Hillary because he isn't a "professional" politician. Well here's some news for you Trump supporters. The presidency is a political position. In fact, it's the highest political office in the country, and everything a president does is political. The idea of making Trump the president makes about about as much sense as making Hillary the CEO of the Trump Organization.
What issue did Hillary address?

I did nod off on one of her rants, but I doubt that one rant was any better than the others.
Trump shit himself on stage every time Hillary baited him. He's too dumb not to take the bait, every time.

What are you smoking, its more than pot. :cuckoo:
Trump was almost Sarah Palin bad when it comes to debating. You must have had your earmuffs on.


Hillary is a lying pig, sorry to burst your bubble.

You miss the point.....that does not matter.

Many don't trust her.

She just needs people to trust Donald less.....he really helped her out tonight.

If he focuses on this debate, he's toast.
You didn't even watch the debate.

Trump was composed the entire time despite Hillary being a total asshole to him the entire debate with the moderator helping her.

Hillary did not look like an expert, and the questions didn't really require Trump to be either.

I've been watching the clips.

He looked terrible.

Even the reasonable Fox people say he sucked.
Drudge = 81% Trump 19% Hilary Total Votes: 7,092

Breitbart dot com= 75/25 Trump 161,559 Total Votes

Time dot com = 56/44 Trump 293,227 Votes

Nj dot com = 53/42 Trump Total Votes: 90,313

Washingtontimes dot com = 72/21 Trump Votes 5200

Variety dot com = 51/49 Trump Total Votes: 30,947

Heavy dot com = 70/27 Trump Total Votes: 37,607

Slate dot com = 54/46 Trump 42,418 votes

Cnbc dot com = 52/48 trump 231,815 Votes

Fortune dot com = 51/49 Trump 371,739 Votes

Any fool knows that online polls are the most inaccurate polls.
I'll wait for the real polls.
My take on the debate; God help America, no matter who wins in November.
What are you smoking, its more than pot. :cuckoo:
Trump was almost Sarah Palin bad when it comes to debating. You must have had your earmuffs on.


Hillary is a lying pig, sorry to burst your bubble.

You miss the point.....that does not matter.

Many don't trust her.

She just needs people to trust Donald less.....he really helped her out tonight.

If he focuses on this debate, he's toast.
You didn't even watch the debate.

Trump was composed the entire time despite Hillary being a total asshole to him the entire debate with the moderator helping her.

Hillary did not look like an expert, and the questions didn't really require Trump to be either.

I've been watching the clips.

He looked terrible.

Even the reasonable Fox people say he sucked.
Fox is not on his side....

Trump did not go anywhere near the level he went in some of the primary debates, and that is with everything that pisses him off being thrown at him at once.

Hillary supporters are freaking out.
The beasty had the questions way before hand, she knew what was coming and for a week practiced her lines!

It's true, she cheated by preparing for a debate against a one-trick-pony candidate who didn't.
When you hot the questions a week early it's easy!

He should have been better prepared....pure and simple.
He had the chance to kill her tonight and he fucked it...didn't hurt himself, but I could have put her out of America's misery!

Sure you would Vagisil.:laugh: With what? All those hyper-partisan blogs you love to use so much? :2up: You know, the ones made for the easily manipulated and the unbelievable gullible, that you suck up all their bullshit like clockwork? :uhoh3:
No doubt it was an interesting debate. What stood out most was Hillary came off as the typical, status quo politician. Trump truly came off as not a politician. Was Hillary smooth and polished? Overall yes. But Trump spoke from the heart, not from the script - he was far more genuine.

Both candidates got good shots in on each other, but where Trump may have made the biggest impact is - you've been doing this 30 years, thus enforcing in people's minds she's a career politician.
It was really like two separate debates. Hillarry was prepared and Trump was, uh Trump. Hillary addressed the issues and Trump uh, was Trump.

Of course, Hillary won the debate, however as one pundit pointed out, Trump supporters hold Trump to a different set of standards than Hillary because he isn't a "professional" politician. Well here's some news for you Trump supporters. The presidency is a political position. In fact, it's the highest political office in the country, and everything a president does is political. The idea of making Trump the president makes about about as much sense as making Hillary the CEO of the Trump Organization.
Apparently being informed is a negative.
The beasty had the questions way before hand, she knew what was coming and for a week practiced her lines!

It's true, she cheated by preparing for a debate against a one-trick-pony candidate who didn't.
When you hot the questions a week early it's easy!

He should have been better prepared....pure and simple.
He had the chance to kill her tonight and he fucked it...didn't hurt himself, but I could have put her out of America's misery!

Sure you would Vagisil.:laugh: With what? All those hyper-partisan blogs you love to use so much? :2up: You know, the ones made for the easily manipulated and the unbelievable gullible, that you suck up all their bullshit like clockwork? :uhoh3:

Yes, the truth really hurts you little subversives.
Trump shit himself on stage every time Hillary baited him. He's too dumb not to take the bait, every time.

What are you smoking, its more than pot. :cuckoo:
Trump was almost Sarah Palin bad when it comes to debating. You must have had your earmuffs on.


Hillary is a lying pig, sorry to burst your bubble.

You miss the point.....that does not matter.

Many don't trust her.

She just needs people to trust Donald less.....he really helped her out tonight.

If he focuses on this debate, he's toast.
You didn't even watch the debate.

Trump was composed the entire time despite Hillary being a total asshole to him the entire debate with the moderator helping her.

Hillary did not look like an expert, and the questions didn't really require Trump to be either.
Trump tamed his rhetoric down a bit from his rallies but that's about all. I understand now why he didn't prepare for the debate. He didn't debate. He just made the same old accusations he's been making and when Clinton offered rebuttal, he just made more accusations.

As one commentary said there was no winner but there was a loser, the American people. Instead of explaining their policies and attacking the oppositions policies, they spend most of the debate talking about themselves and attacking their opponent.
What are you smoking, its more than pot. :cuckoo:
Trump was almost Sarah Palin bad when it comes to debating. You must have had your earmuffs on.


Hillary is a lying pig, sorry to burst your bubble.

You miss the point.....that does not matter.

Many don't trust her.

She just needs people to trust Donald less.....he really helped her out tonight.

If he focuses on this debate, he's toast.
You didn't even watch the debate.

Trump was composed the entire time despite Hillary being a total asshole to him the entire debate with the moderator helping her.

Hillary did not look like an expert, and the questions didn't really require Trump to be either.
Trump tamed his rhetoric down a bit from his rallies but that's about all. I understand now why he didn't prepare for the debate. He didn't debate. He just made the same old accusations he's been making and when Clinton offered rebuttal, he just made more accusations.

As one commentary said there was no winner but there was a loser, the American people. Instead of explaining their policies and attacking the oppositions policies, they spend most of the debate talking about themselves and attacking their opponent.
Trump did, not her.
What are you smoking, its more than pot. :cuckoo:
Trump was almost Sarah Palin bad when it comes to debating. You must have had your earmuffs on.


Hillary is a lying pig, sorry to burst your bubble.

You miss the point.....that does not matter.

Many don't trust her.

She just needs people to trust Donald less.....he really helped her out tonight.

If he focuses on this debate, he's toast.
You didn't even watch the debate.

Trump was composed the entire time despite Hillary being a total asshole to him the entire debate with the moderator helping her.

Hillary did not look like an expert, and the questions didn't really require Trump to be either.
Trump tamed his rhetoric down a bit from his rallies but that's about all. I understand now why he didn't prepare for the debate. He didn't debate. He just made the same old accusations he's been making and when Clinton offered rebuttal, he just made more accusations.

As one commentary said there was no winner but there was a loser, the American people. Instead of explaining their policies and attacking the oppositions policies, they spend most of the debate talking about themselves and attacking their opponent.
Standard fare for American political debates....

Did you even watch the 2012 election?
No doubt it was an interesting debate. What stood out most was Hillary came off as the typical, status quo politician. Trump truly came off as not a politician. Was Hillary smooth and polished? Overall yes. But Trump spoke from the heart, not from the script - he was far more genuine.

Both candidates got good shots in on each other, but where Trump may have made the biggest impact is - you've been doing this 30 years, thus enforcing in people's minds she's a career politician.
It was really like two separate debates. Hillarry was prepared and Trump was, uh Trump. Hillary addressed the issues and Trump uh, was Trump.

Of course, Hillary won the debate, however as one pundit pointed out, Trump supporters hold Trump to a different set of standards than Hillary because he isn't a "professional" politician. Well here's some news for you Trump supporters. The presidency is a political position. In fact, it's the highest political office in the country, and everything a president does is political. The idea of making Trump the president makes about about as much sense as making Hillary the CEO of the Trump Organization.
Apparently being informed is a negative.
Yes, being informed is definitely a negative for Trump supporters. The less there candidate knows about issues, government, foreign and domestic policy the better because anyone with knowledge an experience has got to be part of the establishment and therefore not to be trusted. I wonder if Trump supporters use the same logic when they hire a plumber.
No doubt it was an interesting debate. What stood out most was Hillary came off as the typical, status quo politician. Trump truly came off as not a politician. Was Hillary smooth and polished? Overall yes. But Trump spoke from the heart, not from the script - he was far more genuine.

Both candidates got good shots in on each other, but where Trump may have made the biggest impact is - you've been doing this 30 years, thus enforcing in people's minds she's a career politician.
It was really like two separate debates. Hillarry was prepared and Trump was, uh Trump. Hillary addressed the issues and Trump uh, was Trump.

Of course, Hillary won the debate, however as one pundit pointed out, Trump supporters hold Trump to a different set of standards than Hillary because he isn't a "professional" politician. Well here's some news for you Trump supporters. The presidency is a political position. In fact, it's the highest political office in the country, and everything a president does is political. The idea of making Trump the president makes about about as much sense as making Hillary the CEO of the Trump Organization.
Apparently being informed is a negative.
Yes, being informed is definitely a negative for Trump supporters. The less there candidate knows about issues, government, foreign and domestic policy the better because anyone with knowledge an experience has got to be part of the establishment and therefore not to be trusted. I wonder if Trump supporters use the same logic when they hire a plumber.
Hillary doesn't know about any of those things.
Maybe they might learn something. Congress gave Reagan the authority to negotiate NAFTA in 1984. The negotiations began under Reagan but most of the negotiations occurred under H.W. Bush. Bill Clinton sighed it into law but had very little to do with the treaty. The agreement was supported by both parties as it is today.

I would think a lot of people would be doing searches on NAFTA. The only thing Trump supporters seem to know about it is what Trump tells them. It certainly is not beneficial to Trump to have his supporters actually researching it. Both Clinton and Trump have said they would like to see changes.

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