*Debate: Biden's Final Curtain Call!*

Trump should bring up all the lies Biden told in the last debates, and demonstrate how the Democrats removed covid restrictions despite more illnesses and deaths. He should also show how the DOW recovered and increased from COVID on his watch, and most of the GDP as well., 33% positive over one quarter.

He should show how the DOW has lagged behind inflation over the last three years. He should also point out how he cleaned up after Obama by defeating ISIS, and how otherwise there were no wars on his watch. Then the Democrats took over, and now we find major wars on two continents of our interests, for which we find ourselves in a quiet war threatening to get loud, and he's the guy to negotiate that problem, because he can.

He should show how the Democrats have weaponized the justice system to go after their enemies, and how they threaten democracy in the name of "saving" it. And tell the truth about January 6th, an occurrence their mouths and actions lie about, so they could use the incident for a false flag. Just more corruption, like russian-gate, two impeachments-gate, a fake quote inciting racism-gate, inciting riots in the cities-gate, and so on.

I'd say our nation and thoughts are under attack, all while they project and distort reality. MAGA
Trump should bring up all the lies Biden told in the last debates, and demonstrate how the Democrats removed covid restrictions despite more illnesses and deaths. He should also show how the DOW recovered and increased from COVID on his watch, and most of the GDP as well., 33% positive over one quarter.

He should show how the DOW has lagged behind inflation over the last three years. He should also point out how he cleaned up after Obama by defeating ISIS, and how otherwise there were no wars on his watch. Then the Democrats took over, and now we find major wars on two continents of our interests, for which we find ourselves in a quiet war threatening to get loud, and he's the guy to negotiate that problem, because he can.

He should show how the Democrats have weaponized the justice system to go after their enemies, and how they threaten democracy in the name of "saving" it. And tell the truth about January 6th, an occurrence their mouths and actions lie about, so they could use the incident for a false flag. Just more corruption, like russian-gate, two impeachments-gate, a fake quote inciting racism-gate, inciting riots in the cities-gate, and so on.

I'd say our nation and thoughts are under attack, all while they project and distort reality. MAGA
All Trump needs to hammer home is that families have $1,000 a month less to spend because of Biden's inflation.
It's no secret that CNN is going to do its best to protect Biden and the rest of the mainstream media will go along with it. CNN probably furnished Biden's handlers with the questions and his Dr. Feelgood probably has enough drugs on hand to keep him relatively rational for an hour.
Biden could stand there in a total freeze for 90 minutes, and the MSM would report the next morning on how brilliant his “silent strategy” was.

Forgive me indulging in fantasy, but wouldn't it be great if both candidates do so poorly that voters finally grow some backbone and just say "no"?

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