Debt Ceiling Increases By President, 1981-2011


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Despite recent rhetoric from GOP lawmakers, Republican presidents have raised the statutory limit on U.S. debt by a much greater percentage than either of the two Democrats elected since 1981. According an analysis of historical data compiled on the statutory limit by the Office of Management and Budget, former President Ronald Reagan outstrips all other executives to date, increasing the debt ceiling by 199.5 percent during his eight years in office. He is followed by President George W. Bush, Jr. at a 90.2 percent increase over eight years and by President George H. Bush, Sr. at a 48.0 percent increase over only four years in office.


More: Even After Proposed Hike, Reagan Increased Debt Ceiling Twice As Fast As Obama | ThinkProgress
So how many times was it raised in Reagan's terms? Did it ever go over a year and a half? That is what the O meister is asking for, during a severe economic crisis.
So how many times was it raised in Reagan's terms? Did it ever go over a year and a half? That is what the O meister is asking for, during a severe economic crisis.

The debt ceiling had to be raised 18 times under Reagan because of how fast he was increasing the national debt.
So how many times was it raised in Reagan's terms? Did it ever go over a year and a half? That is what the O meister is asking for, during a severe economic crisis.

The debt ceiling had to be raised 18 times under Reagan because of how fast he was increasing the national debt.

Hmm, faster than the O meister? Link?
So how many times was it raised in Reagan's terms? Did it ever go over a year and a half? That is what the O meister is asking for, during a severe economic crisis.

The debt ceiling had to be raised 18 times under Reagan because of how fast he was increasing the national debt.

Hmm, faster than the O meister? Link?
People, like you, are just gonna have to get-over the fact that you don't have to be a D.C.-insider (like the Bush Family always was), to make a difference.

You've got the option to be a greedy, fuckin' the Bushes....and, you've got the option to clean-UP after the greedy, fuckin' Bill Clinton did....and, the "O meister" is attempting!!!

You really believe The Marketplace is capable o' regulating itself....without government-interference???? We've had suckers buyin' that pile o' horseshit, decade-after-decade......from The Depression.....

[ame=]‪Great Depression‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]​

....up TO, and INCLUDING, the Reagan Years!!!!

Ya' gotta be pretty, fuckin' STUPID....too-young to KNOW what the facts are.....or, a Teabagger (a combination o' the two) DEFEND Republicans, presently!!


BTW....despite what Republicans and Teabaggers suggest....Obama did not have some obligation to wait (until all White-people "passed", on running for The Presidency)....before he was "officially" qualified to run.​
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The debt ceiling had to be raised 18 times under Reagan because of how fast he was increasing the national debt.

Hmm, faster than the O meister? Link?
People, like you, are just gonna have to get-over the fact that you don't have to be a D.C.-insider (like the Bush Family always was), to make a difference.

You've got the option to be a greedy, fuckin' the Bushes....and, you've got the option to clean-UP after the greedy, fuckin' Bill Clinton did....and, the "O meister" is attempting!!!

You really believe The Marketplace is capable o' regulating itself....without government-interference???? We've had suckers buyin' that pile o' horseshit, decade-after-decade......from The Depression.....

[ame=]‪Great Depression‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]​

....up TO, and INCLUDING, the Reagan Years!!!!

Ya' gotta be pretty, fuckin' STUPID....too-young to KNOW what the facts are.....or, a Teabagger (a combination o' the two) DEFEND Republicans, presently!!


BTW....despite what Republicans and Teabaggers suggest....Obama did not have some obligation to wait (until all White-people "passed", on running for The Presidency)....before he was "officially" qualified to run.​

Is being as stupid as you are like doing a cocktail of acid, heroin and Quaaludes while shooting Jack Black?
Despite recent rhetoric from GOP lawmakers, Republican presidents have raised the statutory limit on U.S. debt by a much greater percentage than either of the two Democrats elected since 1981. According an analysis of historical data compiled on the statutory limit by the Office of Management and Budget, former President Ronald Reagan outstrips all other executives to date, increasing the debt ceiling by 199.5 percent during his eight years in office. He is followed by President George W. Bush, Jr. at a 90.2 percent increase over eight years and by President George H. Bush, Sr. at a 48.0 percent increase over only four years in office.

Mendacity comes in three forms- Lies, Damned Lies and statistics.- Benjamin Disraeli.

Come on, we are here because your boy Hussein has managed to run up 4 Trillion in new debt, (a 40% increase) and thinks it will be an accomplishment if he can get the deficit down to 600 billion a year in a few decades. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this discussion. And rather than present a real budget, which he hasn't done in three years, he has done continuing resolutions and big honking programs to pay off his union buddies.

That's why we are here.

Everyone knows the government is going to have to cut back. They should be taking the House resolution as a basis and then go from there.
So how many times was it raised in Reagan's terms? Did it ever go over a year and a half? That is what the O meister is asking for, during a severe economic crisis.

The debt ceiling had to be raised 18 times under Reagan because of how fast he was increasing the national debt.

In Reagan's case, the debt ceiling had to be raised because the hyper-inflation of the 1970's had rendered the currency nearly worthless. In real dollars, the debt didn't increase that much, as a percentage of GDP. The debt grew, but so did GDP

Hussein's debt is real, honest to God debt, he's run up more debt in three years than Bush ran up in 8 with a war going on. And GDP has shrunk on his watch, as we spiral towards a second recession.
The graph is meaningless.
Take the amount Bush Jr. rose it - it wasn't spent while Bush was in office, but while Obama was in office.
The fact is, Obama added $4 trillion to the national debt....and he did it in 30 months.
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He bashed the Republicans for putting out a plan that would have them back at the table in six months, as if that was simply unacceptable and implying that the R's were utter loons for asking such a thing, all the while touting that Reagan had raised the limit 18 times in 8 years -- which averages out to every 3 months or so.

He has diarrhea of the mouth . . . both sides of it. He wants a year and half on this because then it won't be around during the elections . . . the same reason Boehner wants it around in six months.

I'm so sick and tired of all of them.

Also, your graph compares the full term of previous presidents to 2 1/2 years of Barry. Are you really this stupid?
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He bashed the Republicans for putting out a plan that would have them back at the table in six months, as if that was simply unacceptable and implying that the R's were utter loons for asking such a thing, all the while touting that Reagan had raised the limit 18 times in 8 years -- which averages out to every 3 months or so.

He has diarrhea of the mouth . . . both sides of it. He wants a year and half on this because then it won't be around during the elections . . . the same reason Boehner wants it around in six months.

I'm so sick and tired of all of them.

Well said.

This isn't about actually cutting spending. Everyone has agreed we are going to have to do that. Obama's got two goals.

1) Try to get the GOP to sign on to some kind of tax increase, to split them from the TEA Party...

2) Get another discussion of this issue out past the 2012 election, because he knows it's poison to him to remind people how much debt he's run up.
So how many times was it raised in Reagan's terms? Did it ever go over a year and a half? That is what the O meister is asking for, during a severe economic crisis.
The debt ceiling had to be raised 18 times under Reagan because of how fast he was increasing the national debt.

The debt ceiling had to be raised so often under Reagan becasue he nover got a $1 trillion increase in one shot, and did not have the outright gall to demand a $2 trillion increase the second time.

Does your mother let you cross the street unsupervised? If she does she should be reported for it.

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