Debt Up $6.35T Since Ryan Predicted--in 2008-U.S. Was Headed Toward Bankruptcy

Ryan’s been on top of this for years, While Obama and the dems spend us into oblivion

Rep. Paul Ryan, whom Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has picked as his running mate, told four years ago, in August 2008, that the U.S. was heading toward bankruptcy on the fiscal path it was then following and that it would be “mindboggling” to make the problem worse by adding the sort of health-care plan that then-Sen. Barack Obama was advocating in his presidential campaign. asked Ryan: “If our country, if the federal government of the United States, stays on the fiscal path it is currently following, is the government going to go bankrupt down the road?"

“Yes. We know that for a fact,” said Ryan. “All the actuaries, all the objective score-keepers of the federal government are predicting this. So, this much we know. What we know is our government is growing at an unsustainable pace and it will overwhelm our economy’s ability to pay the bills

Since first published Ryan making this prediction on Aug. 4, 2008, the debt of the federal government has grown by $6.35 trillion--rising 66 percent, from $9,565,042,361,845.53 then to $15,915,814,457,919.46 now

Debt Up $6.35T Since Ryan Predicted--in 2008-U.S. Was Headed Toward Bankruptcy |
Ryan knew this back in 2008....thus he knew the track that Bush and congress had put us on with their added 6 trillion to the national debt, and the continuation of these legislated programs that occurred under president bush, were going to bankrupt us.....


And the stock market crash, the housing bust, the bank crisis of 2008 and the biggest recession since the great depression hadn't even happened yet in August 2008 when Ryan predicted this.....

Again, interesting....

And you guys want to put ALL of the blame for this on to President Obama now....?

Triply interesting....:eusa_hand:

Ryan knew all of this was going to happen, BEFORE Obama was even elected...hmmmmm....that should tell ya something if you know how to think, and be objective imo.

Also Ryan helped increase our national debt by funding the Bush wars outside the budget and by voting to expand the government in at least one of his votes as a congressman.

Ryan is also known as having a deep allergy to debt. But such a concern isn’t evident in his voting record. He voted for the George W. Bush tax cuts, as well as the war in Iraq and the unfunded Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit. Perhaps his most ambitious policy proposal prior to his celebrated budgets was the Social Security Personal Savings Guarantee and Prosperity Act of 2005, a plan to privatize Social Security. The program’s actuaries found that Ryan’s plan would require $2.4 trillion in additional costs over the first 10 years, and the Bush administration ultimately dismissed it as “irresponsible.”

Yes, but compare his wisdom and grasp of America financial plight to that of the incomparable Slow Joe Biden:

‘We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt’

- Joe Biden
Oh horse shit.

do like obama said when he claimed "without the stimulus things would ahve been worse" prove me wrong.
without the stimulus, which included a huge chunk for tax cuts, it would have been worse....ASK ROMNEY who supported it....and still defends it and supports it.....

vices presidents can't do crap....other than cheney who ran the show....

Romney is NOT going to let Ryan run the show like bush let'll never happen, Romney will be sole ruler.

Make up your mind. Either vice presidents can do crap or they cannot.

Are you telling us Ryan won't be the key architect of the White House budget?
Ryan’s been on top of this for years, While Obama and the dems spend us into oblivion

Rep. Paul Ryan, whom Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has picked as his running mate, told four years ago, in August 2008, that the U.S. was heading toward bankruptcy on the fiscal path it was then following and that it would be “mindboggling” to make the problem worse by adding the sort of health-care plan that then-Sen. Barack Obama was advocating in his presidential campaign. asked Ryan: “If our country, if the federal government of the United States, stays on the fiscal path it is currently following, is the government going to go bankrupt down the road?"

“Yes. We know that for a fact,” said Ryan. “All the actuaries, all the objective score-keepers of the federal government are predicting this. So, this much we know. What we know is our government is growing at an unsustainable pace and it will overwhelm our economy’s ability to pay the bills

Since first published Ryan making this prediction on Aug. 4, 2008, the debt of the federal government has grown by $6.35 trillion--rising 66 percent, from $9,565,042,361,845.53 then to $15,915,814,457,919.46 now

Debt Up $6.35T Since Ryan Predicted--in 2008-U.S. Was Headed Toward Bankruptcy |
Ryan knew this back in 2008....thus he knew the track that Bush and congress had put us on with their added 6 trillion to the national debt, and the continuation of these legislated programs that occurred under president bush, were going to bankrupt us.....


And the stock market crash, the housing bust, the bank crisis of 2008 and the biggest recession since the great depression hadn't even happened yet in August 2008 when Ryan predicted this.....

Again, interesting....

And you guys want to put ALL of the blame for this on to President Obama now....?

Triply interesting....:eusa_hand:

Ryan knew all of this was going to happen, BEFORE Obama was even elected...hmmmmm....that should tell ya something if you know how to think, and be objective imo.
Not only did Lyin' Ryan KNOW about all of the Bush budget busting spending, he VOTED for all of it!!!! That's right, Lyin' Ryan was for big deficits before he was against them.

Paul Ryan was for Big Deficits before he was against them (graphic) | Informed Comment

Paul Ryan blames President Obama for the government’s budget deficits, and singles out the stimulus program as the culprit. But stimulus was one-time expenditures, not ongoing annual ones, and so over time will contribute little to the deficit. What does drive up the deficit annually is a series of Bush-era measures, including the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, tax cuts and unfunded medicaid prescription drug benefits, and the economic collapse that derived in some large part from extensive deregulation of the banking and financial sectors.

Paul Ryan voted for every single one of the government measures that created the current deficits, and he opposes the obvious measures that would bring them down.He was opposed to the US withdrawal from Iraq. He opposes letting the Bush tax cuts on the super-wealthy expire. He opposes re-regulating the banks.

Libtards want to talk about everything except the runaway entitlement spending which is destroying America.

Romney and Ryan won't let them.

Ryan’s been on top of this for years, While Obama and the dems spend us into oblivion

Rep. Paul Ryan, whom Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has picked as his running mate, told four years ago, in August 2008, that the U.S. was heading toward bankruptcy on the fiscal path it was then following and that it would be “mindboggling” to make the problem worse by adding the sort of health-care plan that then-Sen. Barack Obama was advocating in his presidential campaign. asked Ryan: “If our country, if the federal government of the United States, stays on the fiscal path it is currently following, is the government going to go bankrupt down the road?"

“Yes. We know that for a fact,” said Ryan. “All the actuaries, all the objective score-keepers of the federal government are predicting this. So, this much we know. What we know is our government is growing at an unsustainable pace and it will overwhelm our economy’s ability to pay the bills

Since first published Ryan making this prediction on Aug. 4, 2008, the debt of the federal government has grown by $6.35 trillion--rising 66 percent, from $9,565,042,361,845.53 then to $15,915,814,457,919.46 now

Debt Up $6.35T Since Ryan Predicted--in 2008-U.S. Was Headed Toward Bankruptcy |
Ryan knew this back in 2008....thus he knew the track that Bush and congress had put us on with their added 6 trillion to the national debt, and the continuation of these legislated programs that occurred under president bush, were going to bankrupt us.....


And the stock market crash, the housing bust, the bank crisis of 2008 and the biggest recession since the great depression hadn't even happened yet in August 2008 when Ryan predicted this.....

Again, interesting....

And you guys want to put ALL of the blame for this on to President Obama now....?
Triply interesting....:eusa_hand:

Ryan knew all of this was going to happen, BEFORE Obama was even elected...hmmmmm....that should tell ya something if you know how to think, and be objective imo.

Nope but the democrats have spent at a staggering pace Bush didn't even sign the last budget because Pelosi and the rest of the libs added so much more spending to it. Obama signed "Bush's" last budget
Ryan's plan to fix it? A budget that would add 14T in additional debt to current baselines.
Ryan’s been on top of this for years, While Obama and the dems spend us into oblivion


Debt Up $6.35T Since Ryan Predicted--in 2008-U.S. Was Headed Toward Bankruptcy |
Ryan knew this back in 2008....thus he knew the track that Bush and congress had put us on with their added 6 trillion to the national debt, and the continuation of these legislated programs that occurred under president bush, were going to bankrupt us.....


And the stock market crash, the housing bust, the bank crisis of 2008 and the biggest recession since the great depression hadn't even happened yet in August 2008 when Ryan predicted this.....

Again, interesting....

And you guys want to put ALL of the blame for this on to President Obama now....?
Triply interesting....:eusa_hand:

Ryan knew all of this was going to happen, BEFORE Obama was even elected...hmmmmm....that should tell ya something if you know how to think, and be objective imo.

Nope but the democrats have spent at a staggering pace Bush didn't even sign the last budget because Pelosi and the rest of the libs added so much more spending to it. Obama signed "Bush's" last budget
that's another dishonest answer...

President bush passed nearly 90% of the budget before he left office.

Please jroc, read this link on went in to great detail, in depth analysis, with supporting links on who signed off on what, for the 2009 fiscal budget. : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?
Ryan's plan to fix it? A budget that would add 14T in additional debt to current baselines.

And Libtards will be screaming about the extreme belt-tightening measures needed to get us there.

But of course, you want to have your argument both ways.
Ryan's plan to fix it? A budget that would add 14T in additional debt to current baselines.

And Libtards will be screaming about the extreme belt-tightening measures needed to get us there.

Well yes - because the Ryan plan forces the government and the middle class to tighten their belts so the wealthiest Americans can have another serving of their alleged just desserts.
Ryan knew this back in 2008....thus he knew the track that Bush and congress had put us on with their added 6 trillion to the national debt, and the continuation of these legislated programs that occurred under president bush, were going to bankrupt us.....


And the stock market crash, the housing bust, the bank crisis of 2008 and the biggest recession since the great depression hadn't even happened yet in August 2008 when Ryan predicted this.....

Again, interesting....

And you guys want to put ALL of the blame for this on to President Obama now....?
Triply interesting....:eusa_hand:

Ryan knew all of this was going to happen, BEFORE Obama was even elected...hmmmmm....that should tell ya something if you know how to think, and be objective imo.

Nope but the democrats have spent at a staggering pace Bush didn't even sign the last budget because Pelosi and the rest of the libs added so much more spending to it. Obama signed "Bush's" last budget
that's another dishonest answer...

President bush passed nearly 90% of the budget before he left office.

Please jroc, read this link on went in to great detail, in depth analysis, with supporting links on who signed off on what, for the 2009 fiscal budget. : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

Utter nonsense. Pelosi and Reid wouldn't let Bush anywhere NEAR the 2009 budget, and they worked it up with President Elect Obama - and which he SIGNED INTO LAW:

President Obama Signs FY 2009 Omnibus Budget Bill
Written by Michael Wero
Friday, 13 March 2009 14:29

Navajo Nation Washington Office &view=article&id=66:president-obama-sign s-fy-2009-omnibus-budget-bill-&catid=35:fy20 09&Itemid=45

'It was supposed to have been completed last fall, but Democrats opted against election-year battles with Republicans and former President George W. Bush.'

Obama signs massive, 'imperfect' spending bill - politics - White House -

'Feb 26, 2009

President calls for fiscal responsibility and hard choices, but not yet.

Washington, DC - President Obama’s $3.5 trillion 2009 budget will spend money today and burden taxpayers for generations. Under the Presidents proposal, spending will increase to nearly 35 percent of GDP, far from the historical norm of 20 percent, and the deficit will soar to 12.3 percent of GDP, levels not seen since the height of World War II.' -2009-budget-projects-deficit-of-175-trillion
Ryan knew this back in 2008....thus he knew the track that Bush and congress had put us on with their added 6 trillion to the national debt, and the continuation of these legislated programs that occurred under president bush, were going to bankrupt us.....


And the stock market crash, the housing bust, the bank crisis of 2008 and the biggest recession since the great depression hadn't even happened yet in August 2008 when Ryan predicted this.....

Again, interesting....

And you guys want to put ALL of the blame for this on to President Obama now....?
Triply interesting....:eusa_hand:

Ryan knew all of this was going to happen, BEFORE Obama was even elected...hmmmmm....that should tell ya something if you know how to think, and be objective imo.

Nope but the democrats have spent at a staggering pace Bush didn't even sign the last budget because Pelosi and the rest of the libs added so much more spending to it. Obama signed "Bush's" last budget
that's another dishonest answer...

President bush passed nearly 90% of the budget before he left office.

Please jroc, read this link on went in to great detail, in depth analysis, with supporting links on who signed off on what, for the 2009 fiscal budget. : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

Tarp was paid back Obama spent it:eusa_eh:
Ryan’s been on top of this for years, While Obama and the dems spend us into oblivion

Rep. Paul Ryan, whom Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has picked as his running mate, told four years ago, in August 2008, that the U.S. was heading toward bankruptcy on the fiscal path it was then following and that it would be “mindboggling” to make the problem worse by adding the sort of health-care plan that then-Sen. Barack Obama was advocating in his presidential campaign. asked Ryan: “If our country, if the federal government of the United States, stays on the fiscal path it is currently following, is the government going to go bankrupt down the road?"

“Yes. We know that for a fact,” said Ryan. “All the actuaries, all the objective score-keepers of the federal government are predicting this. So, this much we know. What we know is our government is growing at an unsustainable pace and it will overwhelm our economy’s ability to pay the bills

Since first published Ryan making this prediction on Aug. 4, 2008, the debt of the federal government has grown by $6.35 trillion--rising 66 percent, from $9,565,042,361,845.53 then to $15,915,814,457,919.46 now

Debt Up $6.35T Since Ryan Predicted--in 2008-U.S. Was Headed Toward Bankruptcy |

This is the right man at the right time. Romeny knows the right people to select.
Ryan's plan to fix it? A budget that would add 14T in additional debt to current baselines.

And Libtards will be screaming about the extreme belt-tightening measures needed to get us there.

Well yes - because the Ryan plan forces the government and the middle class to tighten their belts so the wealthiest Americans can have another serving of their alleged just desserts.

The rich pay their highest share of the Federal income tax burden in our history right now.

You are failing.
Nope but the democrats have spent at a staggering pace Bush didn't even sign the last budget because Pelosi and the rest of the libs added so much more spending to it. Obama signed "Bush's" last budget
that's another dishonest answer...

President bush passed nearly 90% of the budget before he left office.

Please jroc, read this link on went in to great detail, in depth analysis, with supporting links on who signed off on what, for the 2009 fiscal budget. : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

Tarp was paid back Obama spent it:eusa_eh:
READ the ARTICLE....and stop being silly....facts are better than silliness. Don't you want to know the truth and be informed on what you are talking about? You can do are capable of understanding the truth.

there is no need to lie with all the one liners...just make an effort to find out the truth....It's truly not hard, and not above your head in understanding.

It may hurt your political spin...but isn't the truth better for everyone in the long run?

The truth won't keep you from still supporting romney/ryan, but the truth will set you free....
Ryan predicted this in 2008 ... who was holding the purse strings in Congress then?
that's another dishonest answer...

President bush passed nearly 90% of the budget before he left office.

Please jroc, read this link on went in to great detail, in depth analysis, with supporting links on who signed off on what, for the 2009 fiscal budget. : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

Tarp was paid back Obama spent it:eusa_eh:
READ the ARTICLE....and stop being silly....facts are better than silliness. Don't you want to know the truth and be informed on what you are talking about? You can do are capable of understanding the truth.

there is no need to lie with all the one liners...just make an effort to find out the truth....It's truly not hard, and not above your head in understanding.

It may hurt your political spin...but isn't the truth better for everyone in the long run?

The truth won't keep you from still supporting romney/ryan, but the truth will set you free....

Pelosi, Reid and Obama designed and signed off on the 2009 budget, which thanks to Harry Reid's willingness to destroy the budgeting process, is that which we have been stuck with since then.

Those are the facts.
Tarp was paid back Obama spent it:eusa_eh:
READ the ARTICLE....and stop being silly....facts are better than silliness. Don't you want to know the truth and be informed on what you are talking about? You can do are capable of understanding the truth.

there is no need to lie with all the one liners...just make an effort to find out the truth....It's truly not hard, and not above your head in understanding.

It may hurt your political spin...but isn't the truth better for everyone in the long run?

The truth won't keep you from still supporting romney/ryan, but the truth will set you free....

Pelosi, Reid and Obama designed and signed off on the 2009 budget, which thanks to Harry Reid's willingness to destroy the budgeting process, is that which we have been stuck with since then.

Those are the facts.
Again, same for you....READ THE have no idea on what you are talking about, NONE, ZIP.....president bush approved one by one, nearly the entire budget for 2009.... : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?
And Libtards will be screaming about the extreme belt-tightening measures needed to get us there.

Well yes - because the Ryan plan forces the government and the middle class to tighten their belts so the wealthiest Americans can have another serving of their alleged just desserts.

The rich pay their highest share of the Federal income tax burden in our history right now.

You are failing.
Wrong, WAGE EARNERS pay the highest share and the highest tax RATES. Capital gains tycoons like Willard Mitt, rhymes with ...., pay very little and Willard wants to reduce HIS tax rate to ZERO!!!!

READ the ARTICLE....and stop being silly....facts are better than silliness. Don't you want to know the truth and be informed on what you are talking about? You can do are capable of understanding the truth.

there is no need to lie with all the one liners...just make an effort to find out the truth....It's truly not hard, and not above your head in understanding.

It may hurt your political spin...but isn't the truth better for everyone in the long run?

The truth won't keep you from still supporting romney/ryan, but the truth will set you free....

Pelosi, Reid and Obama designed and signed off on the 2009 budget, which thanks to Harry Reid's willingness to destroy the budgeting process, is that which we have been stuck with since then.

Those are the facts.
Again, same for you....READ THE have no idea on what you are talking about, NONE, ZIP.....president bush approved one by one, nearly the entire budget for 2009.... : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

You can set your watch to our massive deficits to almost the MOMENT Nancy Pelosi was given the checkbook.

I gave you the facts.

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