Debt Up $6.35T Since Ryan Predicted--in 2008-U.S. Was Headed Toward Bankruptcy

READ the ARTICLE....and stop being silly....facts are better than silliness. Don't you want to know the truth and be informed on what you are talking about? You can do are capable of understanding the truth.

there is no need to lie with all the one liners...just make an effort to find out the truth....It's truly not hard, and not above your head in understanding.

It may hurt your political spin...but isn't the truth better for everyone in the long run?

The truth won't keep you from still supporting romney/ryan, but the truth will set you free....

Pelosi, Reid and Obama designed and signed off on the 2009 budget, which thanks to Harry Reid's willingness to destroy the budgeting process, is that which we have been stuck with since then.

Those are the facts.
Again, same for you....READ THE have no idea on what you are talking about, NONE, ZIP.....president bush approved one by one, nearly the entire budget for 2009.... : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

Bush should have vetoed those budgets, I'm not excusing Bush, But those budgets originated in the house. We have 1.3, 1.4 trillion dollar budget deficits under Obama. No budgets have been passed because the Senate doesn't want to be on the record for all this spending. There is no budget and the Democrats have no solutions only bullshit talking points "taxing the rich? is not a solution
And Libtards will be screaming about the extreme belt-tightening measures needed to get us there.

Well yes - because the Ryan plan forces the government and the middle class to tighten their belts so the wealthiest Americans can have another serving of their alleged just desserts.

The rich pay their highest share of the Federal income tax burden in our history right now.

Oh really? They pay a higher percent of federal income tax burden than they did when only the rich paid federal income taxes?

Interesting math.
Pelosi, Reid and Obama designed and signed off on the 2009 budget, which thanks to Harry Reid's willingness to destroy the budgeting process, is that which we have been stuck with since then.

Those are the facts.
Again, same for you....READ THE have no idea on what you are talking about, NONE, ZIP.....president bush approved one by one, nearly the entire budget for 2009.... : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

Bush should have vetoed those budgets, I'm not excusing Bush, But those budgets originated in the house. We have 1.3, 1.4 trillion dollar budget deficits under Obama.

Spending originates in the House.
Well yes - because the Ryan plan forces the government and the middle class to tighten their belts so the wealthiest Americans can have another serving of their alleged just desserts.

The rich pay their highest share of the Federal income tax burden in our history right now.

You are failing.
Wrong, WAGE EARNERS pay the highest share and the highest tax RATES. Capital gains tycoons like Willard Mitt, rhymes with ...., pay very little and Willard wants to reduce HIS tax rate to ZERO!!!!


Your best is idiot, and that does not fly with informed posters.

Not only do the rich pay their highest share - EVER:

'CHART OF THE DAY: Actually, Wealthy Americans Pay A Larger Share of Federal Taxes Than Ever Before'


But no nation on EARTH relies more on their rich to carry the load than does the USA:

MARCH 21, 2011

'No Country Leans on Upper-Income Households as Much as U.S.'

No Country Leans on Upper-Income Households as Much as U.S. | Tax Foundation
Again, same for you....READ THE have no idea on what you are talking about, NONE, ZIP.....president bush approved one by one, nearly the entire budget for 2009.... : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

Bush should have vetoed those budgets, I'm not excusing Bush, But those budgets originated in the house. We have 1.3, 1.4 trillion dollar budget deficits under Obama.

Spending originates in the House.

Democrats added to the budget which is why Bush didn't sign his last one, too many add-ons by Pelosi and her cronies
Pelosi, Reid and Obama designed and signed off on the 2009 budget, which thanks to Harry Reid's willingness to destroy the budgeting process, is that which we have been stuck with since then.

Those are the facts.
Again, same for you....READ THE have no idea on what you are talking about, NONE, ZIP.....president bush approved one by one, nearly the entire budget for 2009.... : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

Bush should have vetoed those budgets, I'm not excusing Bush, But those budgets originated in the house. We have 1.3, 1.4 trillion dollar budget deficits under Obama. No budgets have been passed because the Senate doesn't want to be on the record for all this spending. There is no budget and the Democrats have no solutions only bullshit talking points "taxing the rich? is not a solution
President bush increased spending year after year after year after year after year after year....a much much much larger spending increase than President Obama....what Obam should be faulted with, is not reducing the spending that he inherited in bush's last budget.

He has not increased the spending that much at all from bush's last budget....compared to how Pres bush increased the spending from Clinton's last budget....

What is making the deficit so high is that we are no longer bringing in the tax revenues due to so many people not working.

1.2 trillion deficit in 2009 fiscal year is attributed to president Bush....being very generous, (many economists have the estimate that Obama added only 150 billion to the already existing deficit and not the 200 billion) with all the bills that Obama signed in 2009, only 200 billion was added to that 1.2 trillion deficit of president bush's.

read the article, take the time and do it....why does it scare you to find out the truth? : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?
Bush should have vetoed those budgets, I'm not excusing Bush, But those budgets originated in the house. We have 1.3, 1.4 trillion dollar budget deficits under Obama.

Spending originates in the House.

Democrats added to the budget which is why Bush didn't sign his last one, too many add-ons by Pelosi and here cronies

We have 1.3, 1.4 trillion dollar budget deficits under the Republican-led house, where spending originates.
Bush should have vetoed those budgets, I'm not excusing Bush, But those budgets originated in the house. We have 1.3, 1.4 trillion dollar budget deficits under Obama.

Spending originates in the House.

Democrats added to the budget which is why Bush didn't sign his last one, too many add-ons by Pelosi and her cronies
that's simply ANOTHER lie....lie lie lie.... I realize you picked up that lie from some other non thinker and you didn't create the lie all on your own, but a lie none the less....

seriously jroc, is that all you got is one liner lies?

READ THE ARTICLE, inform yourself.... : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?
Again, same for you....READ THE have no idea on what you are talking about, NONE, ZIP.....president bush approved one by one, nearly the entire budget for 2009.... : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

Bush should have vetoed those budgets, I'm not excusing Bush, But those budgets originated in the house. We have 1.3, 1.4 trillion dollar budget deficits under Obama. No budgets have been passed because the Senate doesn't want to be on the record for all this spending. There is no budget and the Democrats have no solutions only bullshit talking points "taxing the rich? is not a solution
President bush increased spending year after year after year after year after year after year....a much much much larger spending increase than President Obama....what Obam should be faulted with, is not reducing the spending that he inherited in bush's last budget.

He has not increased the spending that much at all from bush's last budget....compared to how Pres bush increased the spending from Clinton's last budget....

What is making the deficit so high is that we are no longer bringing in the tax revenues due to so many people not working.

1.2 trillion deficit in 2009 fiscal year is attributed to president Bush....being very generous, (many economists have the estimate that Obama added only 150 billion to the already existing deficit and not the 200 billion) with all the bills that Obama signed in 2009, only 200 billion was added to that 1.2 trillion deficit of president bush's.

read the article, take the time and do it....why does it scare you to find out the truth? : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

Bullshit bush isn't president now and like I said TARP was paid back no Obama doesn't spend money he's fugal with his spending WE DON'T EVEN HAVE A FRIKEN BUDGET!! Anyone who thinks that Obama isn’t the most prolific spender in American history isn’t even worth talking to
Spending originates in the House.

Democrats added to the budget which is why Bush didn't sign his last one, too many add-ons by Pelosi and her cronies
that's simply ANOTHER lie....lie lie lie.... I realize you picked up that lie from some other non thinker and you didn't create the lie all on your own, but a lie none the less....

seriously jroc, is that all you got is one liner lies?

READ THE ARTICLE, inform yourself.... : Obama’s Spending: ‘Inferno’ or Not?

I gave you the link, moron. The Pelosi-Reid-Obama domestic spending 'priorities' were jacked a whopping 30% in just one year, a and thanks to Reid refusing to do budgets, we are stuck there.
on January 20, 2009.

Recall, however, that in 2008 Congress was controlled by Democrat majorities, with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, and the restless Senator Obama already running for President, just four years removed from his glorious career as a state Senator in the Illinois legislature. As Hans Bader reported on May 26 for the Washington Examiner, the budget approved and implemented by Pelosi, Obama and the rest of the Congressional Democrat majorities provided for a 17.9 percent increase in spending for fiscal 2009!

Actually, President Obama and the Democrats were even more deeply involved in the fiscal 2009 spending explosion than that. As Bader also reports, “The Democrat Congress [in 2008], confident Obama was going to win in 2008, passed only three of fiscal 2009’s 12 appropriations bills (Defense, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Homeland Security). The Democrat Congress passed the rest of them [in 2009], and [President] Obama signed them.” So Obama played a very direct role in the runaway fiscal 2009 spending explosion.

Note as well that President Reagan didn’t just go along with the wild spending binge of the previous Democratic Congress for fiscal year 1981 when he came into office on January 20 of that year. Almost no one remembers now the much vilified at the time 1981 Reagan budget cuts, his first major legislative initiative. Then Democrat Rep. Phil Gramm joined with Ohio Republican Del Latta to push through the Democratic House $31 billion in Reagan proposed budget cuts to the fiscal year 1981 budget, which totaled $681 billion, resulting in a cut of nearly 5% in that budget. Obama could have done the exact same thing when he entered office in January, 2009, even more so with the Congress totally controlled by his own party at the time.

President Obama: The Biggest Government Spender In World History - Forbes
Where is Obama Deficit reduction plan? increasing taxes on people making over $250,000 is not a plan
Sticking it to the middle class is no plan either.

The 'middle class' consumes more of the goodies than ever before.

The 'middle class' should pay a hell of a lot more, because they are the DIRECT beneficiaries of these monstrous looming spending increases:

Oh, so wealthy people dont collect SS correct? They dont use medicare or medicaid correct? I see now. You seem to have a disdain for hard working middle class people. The people who build this nation.
Oh, so wealthy people dont collect SS correct? They dont use medicare or medicaid correct? I see now. You seem to have a disdain for hard working middle class people. The people who build this nation.

So only people who make less than $250,000 a years are "hard working" Please... You're an idiot
Democrats added to the budget which is why Bush didn't sign his last one, too many add-ons by Pelosi and here cronies

We have 1.3, 1.4 trillion dollar budget deficits under the Republican-led house, where spending originates.

you idiot no budget has been passed in 3.5 years:eusa_eh:

You idiot it doesn't matter. Every federal dollar spent must originate in the House of Representatives. If the House doesn't pass a continuing resolution, the President can't spend money.

All spending originates in the House.
Yes, but compare his wisdom and grasp of America financial plight to that of the incomparable Slow Joe Biden:

‘We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt’

- Joe Biden

Which is exactly how GM and Chrysler were saved.

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