December 24, 2018. Porosenko attacks Donbass


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
According polls the approval rating of Porosenko is 3 - 5 %, almost definitively he will lose election and go either to prison or to Russian court for numerous crimes against own people.He has the only chance to stay president - by starting a war against Russia, sorry Donbass.
It is clear Putin will not let him to massacre hundred of thousands innocent Russians and Ukrainians in name of NATO and NWO.
After imposing of Martial law Porosenko and his supporters will postpone elections for independent time, EU and USA issue new tough sanctions against Russian 'aggressor', tens of thousands dead children, women, elders etc. will count nothing to devils like Merkel, Macron, Junker or Trump.

Putin shall be prepared to Porosenko's attack and at best immediately break all diplomatic relations with countries - supporters of Nazis in Kiew, at first with Germany, the Supporter Nr 1

Hihgly likely Poroshenko will attack Donbass before January 1st: his martial law was declared for a month and will be over Dec,31. Poroshenko is facing a huge defeat in March presidential elections with his 5-7% and may go to prison if loses. The only way to cancel elections is a war or prolonging martial law which also would be difficult without a war.

His ships have already violated Russian territorial waters in November and Poroshenko made Russia look guilty (as always).

Putin about Ukraine policy: In fact, I have already got used to many things but today’s Kiev authorities…They have succeeded in selling anti-Russia sentiments and they have nothing else to sell. It seems that no matter what they do, they always get away with it. If they ask to be given infants for breakfast they will probably have them served. Well, we will be told, they want to eat and that is it.

This is a very short-sighted policy. It will not lead to good things because it tends to unnerve today’s Ukrainian leadership in a way that it does not urge them to get down to normal political work within the country and start pursuing normal economic policy.

They have economic problems in addition to social and financial problems and they never stop to beg, asking the International Monetary Fund to give them money. But these are the future generations who will have to pay this money back. As for their work to promote cooperation with their neighbours, there is nothing good to speak about.

Russia Calling! Investment Forum
Hihgly likely Poroshenko will attack Donbass before January 1st: his martial law was declared for a month and will be over Dec,31. Poroshenko is facing a huge defeat in March presidential elections with his 5-7% and may go to prison if loses. The only way to cancel elections is a war or prolonging martial law which also would be difficult without a war.

His ships have already violated Russian territorial waters in November and Poroshenko made Russia look guilty (as always).

Putin about Ukraine policy: In fact, I have already got used to many things but today’s Kiev authorities…They have succeeded in selling anti-Russia sentiments and they have nothing else to sell. It seems that no matter what they do, they always get away with it. If they ask to be given infants for breakfast they will probably have them served. Well, we will be told, they want to eat and that is it.

This is a very short-sighted policy. It will not lead to good things because it tends to unnerve today’s Ukrainian leadership in a way that it does not urge them to get down to normal political work within the country and start pursuing normal economic policy.

They have economic problems in addition to social and financial problems and they never stop to beg, asking the International Monetary Fund to give them money. But these are the future generations who will have to pay this money back. As for their work to promote cooperation with their neighbours, there is nothing good to speak about.

Russia Calling! Investment Forum

The point is US and EU will blame Russia and impose the new sanctions.
Putin shall stop discussing about 'partners' in western countries.
Russia has only enemies, therefore it shall prepare itself to a war, not to discussions.
Hihgly likely Poroshenko will attack Donbass before January 1st: his martial law was declared for a month and will be over Dec,31. Poroshenko is facing a huge defeat in March presidential elections with his 5-7% and may go to prison if loses. The only way to cancel elections is a war or prolonging martial law which also would be difficult without a war.

His ships have already violated Russian territorial waters in November and Poroshenko made Russia look guilty (as always).

Putin about Ukraine policy: In fact, I have already got used to many things but today’s Kiev authorities…They have succeeded in selling anti-Russia sentiments and they have nothing else to sell. It seems that no matter what they do, they always get away with it. If they ask to be given infants for breakfast they will probably have them served. Well, we will be told, they want to eat and that is it.

This is a very short-sighted policy. It will not lead to good things because it tends to unnerve today’s Ukrainian leadership in a way that it does not urge them to get down to normal political work within the country and start pursuing normal economic policy.

They have economic problems in addition to social and financial problems and they never stop to beg, asking the International Monetary Fund to give them money. But these are the future generations who will have to pay this money back. As for their work to promote cooperation with their neighbours, there is nothing good to speak about.

Russia Calling! Investment Forum

The point is US and EU will blame Russia and impose the new sanctions.
Putin shall stop discussing about 'partners' in western countries.
Russia has only enemies, therefore it shall prepare itself to a war, not to discussions.
Hihgly likely Poroshenko will attack Donbass before January 1st: his martial law was declared for a month and will be over Dec,31. Poroshenko is facing a huge defeat in March presidential elections with his 5-7% and may go to prison if loses. The only way to cancel elections is a war or prolonging martial law which also would be difficult without a war.

His ships have already violated Russian territorial waters in November and Poroshenko made Russia look guilty (as always).

Putin about Ukraine policy: In fact, I have already got used to many things but today’s Kiev authorities…They have succeeded in selling anti-Russia sentiments and they have nothing else to sell. It seems that no matter what they do, they always get away with it. If they ask to be given infants for breakfast they will probably have them served. Well, we will be told, they want to eat and that is it.

This is a very short-sighted policy. It will not lead to good things because it tends to unnerve today’s Ukrainian leadership in a way that it does not urge them to get down to normal political work within the country and start pursuing normal economic policy.

They have economic problems in addition to social and financial problems and they never stop to beg, asking the International Monetary Fund to give them money. But these are the future generations who will have to pay this money back. As for their work to promote cooperation with their neighbours, there is nothing good to speak about.

Russia Calling! Investment Forum

The point is US and EU will blame Russia and impose the new sanctions.
Putin shall stop discussing about 'partners' in western countries.
Russia has only enemies, therefore it shall prepare itself to a war, not to discussions.
Russian czar Alexander III said: "Russia has only 2 allies: her army and her Navy." Still true.
Hihgly likely Poroshenko will attack Donbass before January 1st: his martial law was declared for a month and will be over Dec,31. Poroshenko is facing a huge defeat in March presidential elections with his 5-7% and may go to prison if loses. The only way to cancel elections is a war or prolonging martial law which also would be difficult without a war.

His ships have already violated Russian territorial waters in November and Poroshenko made Russia look guilty (as always).

Putin about Ukraine policy: In fact, I have already got used to many things but today’s Kiev authorities…They have succeeded in selling anti-Russia sentiments and they have nothing else to sell. It seems that no matter what they do, they always get away with it. If they ask to be given infants for breakfast they will probably have them served. Well, we will be told, they want to eat and that is it.

This is a very short-sighted policy. It will not lead to good things because it tends to unnerve today’s Ukrainian leadership in a way that it does not urge them to get down to normal political work within the country and start pursuing normal economic policy.

They have economic problems in addition to social and financial problems and they never stop to beg, asking the International Monetary Fund to give them money. But these are the future generations who will have to pay this money back. As for their work to promote cooperation with their neighbours, there is nothing good to speak about.

Russia Calling! Investment Forum

The point is US and EU will blame Russia and impose the new sanctions.
Putin shall stop discussing about 'partners' in western countries.
Russia has only enemies, therefore it shall prepare itself to a war, not to discussions.
Hihgly likely Poroshenko will attack Donbass before January 1st: his martial law was declared for a month and will be over Dec,31. Poroshenko is facing a huge defeat in March presidential elections with his 5-7% and may go to prison if loses. The only way to cancel elections is a war or prolonging martial law which also would be difficult without a war.

His ships have already violated Russian territorial waters in November and Poroshenko made Russia look guilty (as always).

Putin about Ukraine policy: In fact, I have already got used to many things but today’s Kiev authorities…They have succeeded in selling anti-Russia sentiments and they have nothing else to sell. It seems that no matter what they do, they always get away with it. If they ask to be given infants for breakfast they will probably have them served. Well, we will be told, they want to eat and that is it.

This is a very short-sighted policy. It will not lead to good things because it tends to unnerve today’s Ukrainian leadership in a way that it does not urge them to get down to normal political work within the country and start pursuing normal economic policy.

They have economic problems in addition to social and financial problems and they never stop to beg, asking the International Monetary Fund to give them money. But these are the future generations who will have to pay this money back. As for their work to promote cooperation with their neighbours, there is nothing good to speak about.

Russia Calling! Investment Forum

The point is US and EU will blame Russia and impose the new sanctions.
Putin shall stop discussing about 'partners' in western countries.
Russia has only enemies, therefore it shall prepare itself to a war, not to discussions.
Russian czar Alexander III said: "Russia has only 2 allies: her army and her Navy." Still true.

And nukes!
Dec 17

Sergey Lavrov: According to additional information that we tend to believe, in the last ten days of December, President Poroshenko is planning an armed provocation on the border with the Russian Federation – Crimea.

He will get a response. He won’t find it funny, I can assure you.

According to our data, which seem credible, he is advised to maintain low-intensity hostilities to support the ongoing outcry in the propaganda space about “Russians attacking Ukraine” and “Russians need to be further sanctioned,” but in no case should military operations be allowed to reach a phase to elicit a full-blown response. Nasty, petty provocation. Our respective services take all necessary measures to prevent such excesses from happening.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moscow, December 17, 2018
Dec 17

Sergey Lavrov: According to additional information that we tend to believe, in the last ten days of December, President Poroshenko is planning an armed provocation on the border with the Russian Federation – Crimea.

He will get a response. He won’t find it funny, I can assure you.

According to our data, which seem credible, he is advised to maintain low-intensity hostilities to support the ongoing outcry in the propaganda space about “Russians attacking Ukraine” and “Russians need to be further sanctioned,” but in no case should military operations be allowed to reach a phase to elicit a full-blown response. Nasty, petty provocation. Our respective services take all necessary measures to prevent such excesses from happening.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moscow, December 17, 2018
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moscow, December 17, 2018

In case of Donbass's attack Putin shall respond to Porosenko's chocolate fabric!


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