December 26, 1862


Platinum Member
Oct 13, 2016
Multi-Dimensional Warrior

"The trials of the Dakota were conducted unfairly in a variety of ways. The evidence was sparse, the tribunal was biased, the defendants were unrepresented in unfamiliar proceedings conducted in a foreign language, and authority for convening the tribunal was lacking. More fundamentally, neither the Military Commission nor the reviewing authorities recognized that they were dealing with the aftermath of a war fought with a sovereign nation and that the men who surrendered were entitled to treatment in accordance with that status."

The Dakota 38 was the largest mass execution in American history. It was ordered by President Lincoln. On this day in history.

The Dakota 38 was the largest mass execution in American history. It was ordered by President Lincoln. On this day in history.

History can rarely be made of "white hats" and "black hats". These Dakota kidnapped women and children and then forced them to "marry" Dakota men. Moreover, some of the Dakota leaders were not even in favor of the tactics they used, but were overridden.

My faith says we are all sinners and will all fall short. White, black, and every shade in between. I have never seen anything to contradict this.
The Fort Pillow massacre was worse although there was a similarity. It was southern white trash doing the murdering.

History can rarely be made of "white hats" and "black hats". These Dakota kidnapped women and children and then forced them to "marry" Dakota men. Moreover, some of the Dakota leaders were not even in favor of the tactics they used, but were overridden.

My faith says we are all sinners and will all fall short. White, black, and every shade in between. I have never seen anything to contradict this.
If the Dakota 38 deserved to die, then every single catholic priest, nun and anyone else who took part in the abduction of Native children put them in boarding schools and beat them, sexually assaulted them and killed thousands of them deserve the same fate.

The Dakota 38 was the largest mass execution in American history. It was ordered by President Lincoln. On this day in history.

Sounds just like the Jan 6th committee.....
The problem with this was when it happened, it happened at a time in history that the government conducting these trials was not only consumed with fighting a civil war, it was also losing that civil war.

That is about as trying a time as one can imagine, and a terrible environment in which to seek leniency.
If the Dakota 38 deserved to die, then every single catholic priest, nun and anyone else who took part in the abduction of Native children put them in boarding schools and beat them, sexually assaulted them and killed thousands of them deserve the same fate.
No shit, Sherlock. That was the point. We are all sinners, we all deserve death.
The Fort Pillow massacre was worse although there was a similarity. It was southern white trash doing the murdering.

^^^lol racist faggot makes usual silly post.
Lincoln had to keep an incompetent but politically influential general busy, so he sent him to handle a savage murder spree in the northwest. No real loss, as indians were always thieving and murdering, treaties or not, it's just their way of life, no different than Hamas savages. 1862 was a bad year for Lincoln politically; he was losing badly in the mid-terms and his war only survived because he had his private army controlling the ballot boxes in the border states and could easily rig the votes there.

One sample here:

/too many immigrant voters thought Lincoln was turning the war into a war against slavery, not just a war to keep blacks out of the new territories as peddled in the previous elections.

More here on the 1862 elections and the outrage over Lincoln's freeing slaves:

While the Northern press howled, angry letters piled up on Lincoln's desk and spilled onto the floor. William O. Stoddard, the secretary in charge of reading Lincoln's mail, wrote: "[Dictator] is what the Opposition press and orators of all sizes are calling him. Witness, also, the litter on the floor and the heaped-up wastebaskets. There is no telling how many editors and how many other penmen within these past few days have undertaken to assure him that this is a war for the Union only, and that they never gave him any authority to run it as an Abolition war. They never, never told him that he might set the negroes free, and, now that he has done so, or futilely pretended to do so, he is a more unconstitutional tyrant and a more odious dictator than ever he was before. They tell him, however, that his …. venomous blow at the sacred liberty of white men to own black men is mere brutum fulmen [empty threat], and a dead letter and a poison which will not work. They tell him many other things, and, among them, they tell him that the army will fight no more, and that the hosts of the Union will indignantly disband rather than be sacrificed upon the bloody altar of fanatical Abolitionism."

Indeed, there were enough angry letters home from soldiers to give color to the rumors of military revolt hinted at by Stoddard. A New York Herald correspondent attached to the Army of the Potomac felt its temper and feared for the Republic:

""The army is dissatisfied and the air is thick with revolution.... God knows what will be the consequence, but at present matters look dark indeed, and there is large promise of a fearful revolution which will sweep before it not only the administration but popular government.""

Less than two months later, in the midterm election of 1862, Northerners handed down their judgment on the Emancipator. It was a condemnation, a thumping Republican defeat — what the New York Times called "a vote of want of confidence" in Abraham Lincoln. The middle states that had swept the Railsplitter into the presidency in 1860 — Illinois, Indiana, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania — had now deserted him. All of them sent new Democratic majorities to Congress. To them was added New Jersey, which was a Republican donnybrook. In all, the number of Democrats in the House almost doubled, from 44 to 75, cutting the Republican majority from 70 percent to 55 percent. Heartsick at the Republicans' ruin, Alexander McClure of Pennsylvania wrote, "I could not conceive it possible for Lincoln to successfully administer the government and prosecute the war with the six most important loyal States declaring against him at the polls."

So much for the Lincoln Myth and the two halfwits here who can't stand real history and Lincoln's White Nationalist platforms. Yankees were more racist than southerners were.
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When, exactly, do Leftists stop talking about the "dark spots" in America's past and start celebrating the fact that "we" made ourselves into the most powerful, most prosperous, most technically advanced, freest nation on earth*? A nation where half the earth's population would prefer to live if they could get here.

Never, I suspect. Just as they never consider why so many people are willing to risk their lives to get to such a foul, racist, sexist country.

Basically ALL of which was accomplished by one or more "white" men.
Let the hangings commence?
Oh please do, give US a reason to start going after Commies.


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