Decertifying delegates is the new target for Trump's people.

One big wrinkle: Mr. Trump’s two Louisiana state co-chairmen both attended the “secret meeting” – which was in fact a gathering at the Louisiana state GOP convention March 12, according to Jason DorĂ©, the state party’s executive director.
Donald Trump’s Louisiana Team Attended ‘Secret Meeting,’ State Party Official Says

So much for Donny's effort to "decertify" the LA delegates.

Dore didn't follow proper procedures for notifying the delegates. That remains true. Only one official was there and that was because "they got wind of it" instead of proper notification.

"Bennett later conceded to CBS News' Major Garrett that there was a campaign official in attendance at the meeting - but only because Bennett got wind of it and that the party did not go through the proper channels to notify prospective delegates, therefore giving the challenge merit. Bennett said the campaign would contest the delegate allocation process with the Republican National Committee."

Inside Donald Trump's bizarre Louisiana delegate fight

They "got wind of it."


And when they "got wind of it" his co-chairmen didn't bother to notify the other Trump LA delegates?

That doesn't improve Trumpy's position. It makes them seem even more inept and laughable.
Personally, I think it's much ado about nothing. Trump will have more than 1300 BOUND delegates heading into the convention. These BOUND delegates all MUST vote for Trump on the first ballot. There will not be a second ballot.

That is a possibility. But I have seen decent arguments saying that he will fall short of the majority by between one to two hundred delegates. THEN it all matters -- a lot.
One big wrinkle: Mr. Trump’s two Louisiana state co-chairmen both attended the “secret meeting” – which was in fact a gathering at the Louisiana state GOP convention March 12, according to Jason DorĂ©, the state party’s executive director.
Donald Trump’s Louisiana Team Attended ‘Secret Meeting,’ State Party Official Says

So much for Donny's effort to "decertify" the LA delegates.

Dore didn't follow proper procedures for notifying the delegates. That remains true. Only one official was there and that was because "they got wind of it" instead of proper notification.

"Bennett later conceded to CBS News' Major Garrett that there was a campaign official in attendance at the meeting - but only because Bennett got wind of it and that the party did not go through the proper channels to notify prospective delegates, therefore giving the challenge merit. Bennett said the campaign would contest the delegate allocation process with the Republican National Committee."

Inside Donald Trump's bizarre Louisiana delegate fight

They "got wind of it."


And when they "got wind of it" his co-chairmen didn't bother to notify the other Trump LA delegates?

That doesn't improve Trumpy's position. It makes them seem even more inept and laughable.

Apparently its hard to figure out when publically known events occur
One big wrinkle: Mr. Trump’s two Louisiana state co-chairmen both attended the “secret meeting” – which was in fact a gathering at the Louisiana state GOP convention March 12, according to Jason DorĂ©, the state party’s executive director.
Donald Trump’s Louisiana Team Attended ‘Secret Meeting,’ State Party Official Says

So much for Donny's effort to "decertify" the LA delegates.

Dore didn't follow proper procedures for notifying the delegates. That remains true. Only one official was there and that was because "they got wind of it" instead of proper notification.

"Bennett later conceded to CBS News' Major Garrett that there was a campaign official in attendance at the meeting - but only because Bennett got wind of it and that the party did not go through the proper channels to notify prospective delegates, therefore giving the challenge merit. Bennett said the campaign would contest the delegate allocation process with the Republican National Committee."

Inside Donald Trump's bizarre Louisiana delegate fight

They "got wind of it."


And when they "got wind of it" his co-chairmen didn't bother to notify the other Trump LA delegates?

That doesn't improve Trumpy's position. It makes them seem even more inept and laughable.

Apparently its hard to figure out when publically known events occur


It's like not QUITE being able to get the answer on an open-book and open-note final with the questions having been given in advance.
Personally, I think it's much ado about nothing. Trump will have more than 1300 BOUND delegates heading into the convention. These BOUND delegates all MUST vote for Trump on the first ballot. There will not be a second ballot.

That is a possibility. But I have seen decent arguments saying that he will fall short of the majority by between one to two hundred delegates. THEN it all matters -- a lot.

Those arguments are for the math challenged. Trump has a greater than 98% chance of getting more than 1300 BOUND AND PLEDGED delegates. In other words, it's a done deal. He is going to trounce untrusTED in Indiana, California, Oregon, New Jersey, and W Virginia.


Now if you want to pray and fast like the religious nutjob Glenn Beck, have at won't change the outcome.

If there is no way he is losing the first ballot why challenge the certification?
Personally, I think it's much ado about nothing. Trump will have more than 1300 BOUND delegates heading into the convention. These BOUND delegates all MUST vote for Trump on the first ballot. There will not be a second ballot.

That is a possibility. But I have seen decent arguments saying that he will fall short of the majority by between one to two hundred delegates. THEN it all matters -- a lot.

Those arguments are for the math challenged. Trump has a greater than 98% chance of getting more than 1300 BOUND AND PLEDGED delegates. In other words, it's a done deal. He is going to trounce untrusTED in Indiana, California, Oregon, New Jersey, and W Virginia.


Now if you want to pray and fast like the religious nutjob Glenn Beck, have at won't change the outcome.



The question is not whether Trumpy is presently pretty far ahead.

The only real question is whether he will win enough MORE delegates to capture the majority by the convention.

And an April 28 poll for Indiana is just one poll. At least one other I saw just recently would cast that Trump lead into significant doubt.

Will Cruz win Indiana? Damned if I know. But to believe it's a lock for Trump is kind of silly.

I do believe that if Cruz fails to grab Indiana, it's effectively all over, however. That would be depressing.
Personally, I think it's much ado about nothing. Trump will have more than 1300 BOUND delegates heading into the convention. These BOUND delegates all MUST vote for Trump on the first ballot. There will not be a second ballot.

That is a possibility. But I have seen decent arguments saying that he will fall short of the majority by between one to two hundred delegates. THEN it all matters -- a lot.

Those arguments are for the math challenged. Trump has a greater than 98% chance of getting more than 1300 BOUND AND PLEDGED delegates. In other words, it's a done deal. He is going to trounce untrusTED in Indiana, California, Oregon, New Jersey, and W Virginia.


Now if you want to pray and fast like the religious nutjob Glenn Beck, have at won't change the outcome.



The question is not whether Trumpy is presently pretty far ahead.

The only real question is whether he will win enough MORE delegates to capture the majority by the convention.

And an April 28 poll for Indiana is just one poll. At least one other I saw just recently would cast that Trump lead into significant doubt.

Will Cruz win Indiana? Damned if I know. But to believe it's a lock for Trump is kind of silly.

I do believe that if Cruz fails to grab Indiana, it's effectively all over, however. That would be depressing.

Good luck with that......

All of the latest polls for Indiana show Trump's lead increasing. RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Indiana Republican Presidential Primary

It's time to rally around the nominee and support Donald Trump. Or get used to "president hiLIARy".....

They've promised challenges and Trump brought on a lawyer called William McGinley to handle the delegate related issues.

“Well, the problem we’re having here is that there was a secret meeting in Louisiana of the convention delegation, and apparently all of the invitations for our delegates must have gotten lost in the mail," Trump adviser Barry Bennett told MSNBC's Ari Melber last month.

"There’s a process to deal with this. It’s in the certification process, and it’s been with our legal team for most of the morning now, and we are moving forward with the complaint to decertify these delegates."

Obscure Panel May Have Big Effect on GOP Convention | RealClearPolitics
I read this morning that some Cruz delegates are rethinking their support. If the delegates do not mirror the popular vote, that would ruin the party.
I think the decertifying thing is a no go (not to diss the thread in any way), but I think you are right in that if Trump runs this thing out, I think enough will flip to give it to him on the first ballot.

I disagree. I think this it will backfire. So go for it guys
I do not think Trump will have any luck with decertifying. In fact, I would think the natl party does not have the power to alter how state parties allocated delegates, so long as the state party followed it's own rules.

But, Trump's leads in still to vote states seem to be solid. If he runs it out, the unpledged delegates may go for him.
If there is no way he is losing the first ballot why challenge the certification?

A very astute question!
Because he's running against CROOKS who are trying to CHEAT him, and that makes a great story. HE'S THE CHAMPION OF ALL THOSE WHO LIFE SHAFTS

Like Bernie.

Some info about that poll.....

According to exactly one poll, based on 400 voters and with a 4.9% margin of error, Ted Cruz could win the Indiana GOP presidential primary on Tuesday.

A new poll from the Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics is the first one — and thus far the only — to give Cruz the advantage over Donald Trump in the Hoosier State. All other polls show Trump in the lead by as many as 15 percentage points, according to Real Clear Politics.

“We can understand why people would question the results,” Mike Downs Center director Andrew Downs told the Daily News.

“It’s not a statement about end-all-to-be-all — this is just some data.”

The poll was based on calls to 400 voters around Indiana through two weeks in April. Of those 400, 179 said they’d vote for Cruz. Meanwhile, 116 went for Trump. The others supported Ohio Gov. John Kasich or were undecided.

Downs said about one-third of calls came before Cruz and Kasich announced their anti-Trump pact, and nearly all of them occurred before Cruz chose Carly Fiorina as his running mate — all of which skews the Cruz-friendly conclusion even further.

“We can all be wrong one time out of 20,” he said about the polling process.

“This is much more likely to be that one time than not.”

Exactly one poll says Ted Cruz will beat Trump in Indiana primary

When the man who created the poll admits it is probably wrong...well, you can draw your own conclusions about it.


Some info about that poll.....

According to exactly one poll, based on 400 voters and with a 4.9% margin of error, Ted Cruz could win the Indiana GOP presidential primary on Tuesday.

A new poll from the Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics is the first one — and thus far the only — to give Cruz the advantage over Donald Trump in the Hoosier State. All other polls show Trump in the lead by as many as 15 percentage points, according to Real Clear Politics.

“We can understand why people would question the results,” Mike Downs Center director Andrew Downs told the Daily News.

“It’s not a statement about end-all-to-be-all — this is just some data.”

The poll was based on calls to 400 voters around Indiana through two weeks in April. Of those 400, 179 said they’d vote for Cruz. Meanwhile, 116 went for Trump. The others supported Ohio Gov. John Kasich or were undecided.

Downs said about one-third of calls came before Cruz and Kasich announced their anti-Trump pact, and nearly all of them occurred before Cruz chose Carly Fiorina as his running mate — all of which skews the Cruz-friendly conclusion even further.

“We can all be wrong one time out of 20,” he said about the polling process.

“This is much more likely to be that one time than not.”

Exactly one poll says Ted Cruz will beat Trump in Indiana primary

When the man who created the poll admits it is probably wrong...well, you can draw your own conclusions about it.

They may very well be wrong.

But lots of polls are based on startlingly small voter sampling.

It might be like that time that Dewey defeated Truman for the Presidency.
With the polls all over the place in both directions there is no way to know how this race will turn our until tomorrow night.

So the primary is not a done deal. If it was we wouldn't have this thread

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