DEEP STATE 2011 VIDEO: Comey Heaped Praise On His Friend Mueller, Whom He Spoke To ‘Nearly...

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
FULL TITLE: 2011 VIDEO: Comey Heaped Praise On His Friend Robert Mueller, Whom He Spoke To ‘Nearly Every Day’

Fired former FBI director James Comey offered effusive, over-the-top praise for his friend Robert Mueller on June 8, 2011 when Mueller came up for a two-year extension as FBI director. The Senate approved the extension despite a Rand Paul fight in opposition to Mueller.

“I know Bob Mueller very well, and believe that he is one of the finest public servants this nation has ever seen,” said Comey, who was then senior vice president and general counsel of the defense contractor Lockheed Martin.

“When I was deputy attorney general during those two years, I spoke to Bob Mueller nearly every day, and I watched as his remarkable combination of intellect and tenacity drove the FBI’s counterterrorism efforts. Because the director’s standards were so high, everybody’s work had to be better. His relentless probing, which was rooted in an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the enemy and our capabilities to respond to the enemy, rippled through the FBI and the rest of the national security community,” Comey said.

Fired former FBI director James Comey got cornered last week by House Republicans who clearly decided to up their game during his second closed-door testimony in front of the outgoing GOP majority on the Oversight and Judiciary Committees.

“I know on their way out they seem to be wanting to play defense now for the President and want to do everything in their power to bring doubt regarding the Mueller investigation,” said a shaken Democrat Elijah Cummings to a reporter, referring to the recently more-aggressive Republicans.

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Comey recent testimony:

He Likes Mueller, but They’re Not Best Friends

Representative Jerrold Nadler, Democrat of New York, asked, “Are you best friends with Robert Mueller?”

“I am not,” Mr. Comey replied. “I admire the heck out of the man, but I don’t know his phone number, I’ve never been to his house, I don’t know his children’s names. I think I had a meal once alone with him in a restaurant. I like him.
Comey is such a piece of shit.

Yea, Mueller was such a good public servant, he accused the wrong man of the anthrax attacks.
I really think he will be brought up on charges and prosecuted...and I think he knows it.....
I really think he will be brought up on charges and prosecuted...and I think he knows it.....
Sure, just like Hillary was.

Don't hold your breath.

The only way either side of this fight is going down is with violence or by elections.

Study the Spanish Civil War.

This is where we are at now. Both sides are litigating and jockeying for position in the public eye.

Both sides have too much invested in the economic and capital infrastructure of the political make-up of the nation to let it come to blows, thus, it won't. It will remain at detente, and will only be decided in the press, on TEE VEE, in social media and by elections.

If they can generate protests, they will do so.

And thus, only by elections.


Not that they wouldn't love to replicate a Ukraine, or Libya, or other such fiasco, but Americans are just too sophisticated to be suckered into that sort of psyop.
You may be on to something.

Oh wait; you're not.


It would be expected that the two would converse both in Comey's capacity in the DOJ as well as succeeding Mr. Mueller at the FBI.

But continue with the wild conspiracy theories. They're lotsa fun.
Both her and Trump have more chance of getting the Gaddafi treatment than winding up in jail.

Folks like that don't end up in jail. Only a civil conflict can touch them. And if it came to that, their life would more than likely be forfeit than being put in chains.

Both her and Trump have more chance of getting the Gaddafi treatment than winding up in jail.

Folks like that don't end up in jail. Only a civil conflict can touch them. And if it came to that, their life would more than likely be forfeit than being put in chains.

Precisely. Ain't going to happen. Not with out an utter collapse.
Rambunctious I just don't think you understand how our two tiered system of law works.


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