Deep State is completely brainless!A doctor certificate is necessary for those who will run.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Russia can completely destroy USA hundred times within minutes, but morons push a war with Russia. How idiotic must be to desire a completely annihilation of the Word.Unfortunately Western 'democracy' allows too many insane lunatics ( like Merkel, Obama, Trump and Co ) run and ruin the countries. It would be honest if anybody wanted to run for a high office present to his voters a certificate of psychiatrist.No Certificate, no Votes.
It is a lot written about insanity of Trump and Obama. Look at Deep State lackey Merkel, who chew her fingernails.Is she like others sane enough to run the country and ruin the world in WWIII?Or to former Georgian President Sracashwili.



Or former Georgian president Sracashwili who love to eat his ties.

It's unlikely you would hear word of an occurring nuclear attack. Only afterwards would survivors realize what happened.

MAD makes such an attack most unlikely, save for suicidal rogue nations looking to enter history.

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