VP Ben Carson vs Kamala and Michelle, to make it fair

Well you may have and then you may be the only one who has.

Clearly I hallucinated it.

Thanks for straightening it out when I imagined all those FOX News and Blaze shows talking about a possible Carson pick.

Again, never bought it as a viable option.

But it's unfair to attack a fellow MAGA for thinking otherwise.
It always seems the VP pick ends up being someone not getting much attention by the media or on all these lists. I thinking Zeldin. It's not going to be Rubio since he was part of the Russia Russia Russia stuff, Vance was a never-TRUMPer before he needed TRUMP to get elected, I don't think TRUMP would want to put Carson through the media attacks, Bergum gives off Pence vibes. My personal pick would be Donalds, but whatever I'm gonna fully support whoever it is.
It always seems the VP pick ends up being someone not getting much attention by the media or on all these lists. I thinking Zeldin.

That would be a solid choice, particularly given his competitive gubernatorial contention in 2022.

It's thanks to him that Republicans hold their narrow advantage in the House.
It always seems the VP pick ends up being someone not getting much attention by the media or on all these lists. I thinking Zeldin. It's not going to be Rubio since he was part of the Russia Russia Russia stuff, Vance was a never-TRUMPer before he needed TRUMP to get elected, I don't think TRUMP would want to put Carson through the media attacks, Bergum gives off Pence vibes. My personal pick would be Donalds, but whatever I'm gonna fully support whoever it is.
Donalds? LOL!

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