Defense Industry Whores Release Nuclear Iran Ad To Scare America


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
Most of us that aren't bias saw this scare tactic used last election and saw the weakest politician Biden win a debate about it while laughing.

This fear mongering seems to be what the Right is hoping to run on again. (change is bad lol.......)

Get the Christian Americans so scared to death they have no options..

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I'd be more afraid of China and Russia. China is quickly building up and could become a real threat. Of course, you believe there isn't any threat of a major...Learn some history and you'll see that sticking your head into the sand isn't wise.
Most of us that aren't bias saw this scare tactic used last election and saw the weakest politician Biden win a debate about it while laughing.

This fear mongering seems to be what the Right is hoping to run on again. (change is bad lol.......)

Get the Christian Americans so scared to death they have no options..

I stopped reading (and started laughing) after you wrote "most of us who aren't biased." I'm still laughing at that.
Nuclear bombs are useless if they are used. Use them and the whole world will team up to destroy you, just have them and no one will dare invade you. Iran knows this even if the scardy cats don't.
Well that settles it then..the path to peace is give everyone 100 nukes at Jobs. Jobs
Well that settles it then..the path to peace is give everyone 100 nukes at Jobs. Jobs

No one is giving anyone anything. For someone so concerned about the Bomb you seem to be remarkably ignorant of the politics of owning one.
Most of us that aren't bias saw this scare tactic used last election and saw the weakest politician Biden win a debate about it while laughing.

This fear mongering seems to be what the Right is hoping to run on again. (change is bad lol.......)

Get the Christian Americans so scared to death they have no options..

I stopped reading (and started laughing) after you wrote "most of us who aren't biased." I'm still laughing at that.

They freely and openly expose themselves as a HACK. You don't even have to waste any time pointing it out.
Just extrapolating your nonsense
It's not nonsense, no one fucks with the nuclear powers because having a Bomb is the most effective deterrent to invasion ever invented.
You're a little whacked out and confused here... because we dropped nukes on Japan and yet never INVADED them, and most likely that is what any other nation would do as well, because one, there's nothing left, and two, the remaining radio activity would kill the invaders. So having nukes is NOT that effective of a deterrent to INVASION.

Now, to point out the nine hundred pound gorilla in the room, the MOST EFFECTIVE DETERRENT TO INVASION is an ARMED NATION, such as America. THAT is why we've never been invaded, and why we never will be invaded, because practically our entire populace is ARMED.
So let's hand em out nobody will eeefff with anyone. Rrrrriiigghhttttt
We have repeatedly tried to make ourselves the arbiter of who gets a Bomb and who doesn't and failed, N Korea, Pakistan and India all developed a weapon over our objections. If Iran does not have the right to it's own defense then no one does. I do not buy this scare tactic that they are trying to build one to use it on Israel therefore inviting their utter destruction. It does not make a lick of sense even for Iran.
So let's hand em out nobody will eeefff with anyone. Rrrrriiigghhttttt
We have repeatedly tried to make ourselves the arbiter of who gets a Bomb and who doesn't and failed, N Korea, Pakistan and India all developed a weapon over our objections. If Iran does not have the right to it's own defense then no one does. I do not buy this scare tactic that they are trying to build one to use it on Israel therefore inviting their utter destruction. It does not make a lick of sense even for Iran.
Iran has shown to be a bit irrational,yep we should just sit back and wait,and hope they don't use one?
rather foolish
So libs will stop whining about ours then
I don't want to here one more peep. BTW it wasn't just us.It was an international effort .....Welcome to the new arms race....
Funny how libs think every repub President is just itching to nuke someone but have faith in true madmen.
Just extrapolating your nonsense
It's not nonsense, no one fucks with the nuclear powers because having a Bomb is the most effective deterrent to invasion ever invented.
You're a little whacked out and confused here... because we dropped nukes on Japan and yet never INVADED them, and most likely that is what any other nation would do as well, because one, there's nothing left, and two, the remaining radio activity would kill the invaders. So having nukes is NOT that effective of a deterrent to INVASION.

Now, to point out the nine hundred pound gorilla in the room, the MOST EFFECTIVE DETERRENT TO INVASION is an ARMED NATION, such as America. THAT is why we've never been invaded, and why we never will be invaded, because practically our entire populace is ARMED.
There were a lot personal weapons in Iraq and that didn't deter us.
Just extrapolating your nonsense
It's not nonsense, no one fucks with the nuclear powers because having a Bomb is the most effective deterrent to invasion ever invented.
You're a little whacked out and confused here... because we dropped nukes on Japan and yet never INVADED them, and most likely that is what any other nation would do as well, because one, there's nothing left, and two, the remaining radio activity would kill the invaders. So having nukes is NOT that effective of a deterrent to INVASION.

Now, to point out the nine hundred pound gorilla in the room, the MOST EFFECTIVE DETERRENT TO INVASION is an ARMED NATION, such as America. THAT is why we've never been invaded, and why we never will be invaded, because practically our entire populace is ARMED.
If Japan had had nukes we would have never dared nuke them.
Because the leftists KNOW that a nuclear Iran poses no threat to anybody.

I mean, certainly, those nice Iranian leaders would NEVER even DREAM of using a nuke?

Didn't their former President, Ahmanazinutjob (Ahmadinejad) once openly talk of wiping Israel off the map? Why yes. Yes he did.

So, maybe they WOULD dream of it?

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