Deficit Donald's Nation Busting Budget: $4.7 Trillion!!!

Yep, he told NK that their country would cease to exist if they ever fired a missile at the US or one of our allies. what domestic violence has he ever threatened or done? Once you fail to answer that tell us about the many instances of left wing violence against conservatives and Trump supporters.
"""Punch the SOB out I'll pay for the lawyers"""

and you think that was a serious comment? How about this one "we landed under sniper fire" or this one " if you like your plan you can keep it" or this one "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" ? did those speakers mean those comments?

Trump talks like a typical New Yorker, lots of bluster. Its just talk. Have you ever been to New York, New Jersey, or Boston? They all talk like he does.
Born raised in the meanest part of NY Bed Sty and still live in NY We were taught at an early age ,getting to know one who is FOS and who means well Trump imo doesn't mean well for anyone but himself

that's not what his employees say. That's not what the members of his whitehouse staff say. He has put women and minorities in high positions in his companies. they have been successful. He has always chosen the best person for the job regardless of race or sex. If you were really raised in NY then you know that its cultural to hurl insults at your friends and enemies and then all have beer together.

Its fine if you don't like Trump, but to continue to lie about him makes you nothing but a partisan hack. Do you really think that crooked Hillary would have been better? try to think and then answer truthfully.
He has put people in cabinet jobs that have no business being there and I'm not talking 1 or 2 The latest the AH who wants to make abortions illegal for even those minors who were raped
And the doctor in charge of housing?? He's put friends and those who kiss his butt in positions that show party way before country
Yep, he told NK that their country would cease to exist if they ever fired a missile at the US or one of our allies. what domestic violence has he ever threatened or done? Once you fail to answer that tell us about the many instances of left wing violence against conservatives and Trump supporters.
"""Punch the SOB out I'll pay for the lawyers"""

and you think that was a serious comment? How about this one "we landed under sniper fire" or this one " if you like your plan you can keep it" or this one "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" ? did those speakers mean those comments?

Trump talks like a typical New Yorker, lots of bluster. Its just talk. Have you ever been to New York, New Jersey, or Boston? They all talk like he does.
Born raised in the meanest part of NY Bed Sty and still live in NY We were taught at an early age ,getting to know one who is FOS and who means well Trump imo doesn't mean well for anyone but himself

that's not what his employees say. That's not what the members of his whitehouse staff say. He has put women and minorities in high positions in his companies. they have been successful. He has always chosen the best person for the job regardless of race or sex. If you were really raised in NY then you know that its cultural to hurl insults at your friends and enemies and then all have beer together.

Its fine if you don't like Trump, but to continue to lie about him makes you nothing but a partisan hack. Do you really think that crooked Hillary would have been better? try to think and then answer truthfully.
He has put people in cabinet jobs that have no business being there and I'm not talking 1 or 2 The latest the AH who wants to make abortions illegal for even those minors who were raped

lets see now, incompetent people in the cabinet---------------------Holder, Lynch, Clinton, just to name 3. oh wait those were obozo's cabinet.
"""Punch the SOB out I'll pay for the lawyers"""

and you think that was a serious comment? How about this one "we landed under sniper fire" or this one " if you like your plan you can keep it" or this one "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" ? did those speakers mean those comments?

Trump talks like a typical New Yorker, lots of bluster. Its just talk. Have you ever been to New York, New Jersey, or Boston? They all talk like he does.
Born raised in the meanest part of NY Bed Sty and still live in NY We were taught at an early age ,getting to know one who is FOS and who means well Trump imo doesn't mean well for anyone but himself

that's not what his employees say. That's not what the members of his whitehouse staff say. He has put women and minorities in high positions in his companies. they have been successful. He has always chosen the best person for the job regardless of race or sex. If you were really raised in NY then you know that its cultural to hurl insults at your friends and enemies and then all have beer together.

Its fine if you don't like Trump, but to continue to lie about him makes you nothing but a partisan hack. Do you really think that crooked Hillary would have been better? try to think and then answer truthfully.
He has put people in cabinet jobs that have no business being there and I'm not talking 1 or 2 The latest the AH who wants to make abortions illegal for even those minors who were raped
And the doctor in charge of housing?? He's put friends and those who kiss his butt in positions that show party way before country

bullshit. Ben Carson is a great surgeon and a quality man. your partisan idiocy cant stay very far under wraps can it?
"""Punch the SOB out I'll pay for the lawyers"""

and you think that was a serious comment? How about this one "we landed under sniper fire" or this one " if you like your plan you can keep it" or this one "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" ? did those speakers mean those comments?

Trump talks like a typical New Yorker, lots of bluster. Its just talk. Have you ever been to New York, New Jersey, or Boston? They all talk like he does.
Born raised in the meanest part of NY Bed Sty and still live in NY We were taught at an early age ,getting to know one who is FOS and who means well Trump imo doesn't mean well for anyone but himself

that's not what his employees say. That's not what the members of his whitehouse staff say. He has put women and minorities in high positions in his companies. they have been successful. He has always chosen the best person for the job regardless of race or sex. If you were really raised in NY then you know that its cultural to hurl insults at your friends and enemies and then all have beer together.

Its fine if you don't like Trump, but to continue to lie about him makes you nothing but a partisan hack. Do you really think that crooked Hillary would have been better? try to think and then answer truthfully.
He has put people in cabinet jobs that have no business being there and I'm not talking 1 or 2 The latest the AH who wants to make abortions illegal for even those minors who were raped

lets see now, incompetent people in the cabinet---------------------Holder, Lynch, Clinton, just to name 3. oh wait those were obozo's cabinet.
Oh please I'm not educated to respond about the other 2 you mention but Hillary was and is a brilliant lady Knows more about gov't and governing than trump will know if he lives to 100 ,,,,God forbid
Observe how the willfully blind monkeys now slap their paws over their simian faces.
Obama almost 19 trillion in debt at the end of his term what was the number about 10 or 11 trillion in new debt.great job

Bush proposed 1.3T Deficit Budget for 2009 in the middle of Great Recession that caused revenues to plummet.....did Obama do that too?

there was no "great recession" in 2008. that's bullshit. There was a market correction driven by bad mortgage policy put forth by democrats. Will you libs ever stop that lie? probably not.

I am sorry that you do not have the basic IQ to know the meanings of words, but yes there was a recession in 2008. And it affected far more than the markets.

perhaps before you show your ignorance you would do well to learn the detention of the word recession.
and you think that was a serious comment? How about this one "we landed under sniper fire" or this one " if you like your plan you can keep it" or this one "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" ? did those speakers mean those comments?

Trump talks like a typical New Yorker, lots of bluster. Its just talk. Have you ever been to New York, New Jersey, or Boston? They all talk like he does.
Born raised in the meanest part of NY Bed Sty and still live in NY We were taught at an early age ,getting to know one who is FOS and who means well Trump imo doesn't mean well for anyone but himself

that's not what his employees say. That's not what the members of his whitehouse staff say. He has put women and minorities in high positions in his companies. they have been successful. He has always chosen the best person for the job regardless of race or sex. If you were really raised in NY then you know that its cultural to hurl insults at your friends and enemies and then all have beer together.

Its fine if you don't like Trump, but to continue to lie about him makes you nothing but a partisan hack. Do you really think that crooked Hillary would have been better? try to think and then answer truthfully.
He has put people in cabinet jobs that have no business being there and I'm not talking 1 or 2 The latest the AH who wants to make abortions illegal for even those minors who were raped
And the doctor in charge of housing?? He's put friends and those who kiss his butt in positions that show party way before country

bullshit. Ben Carson is a great surgeon and a quality man. your partisan idiocy cant stay very far under wraps can it?

that does not make him qualified to do his current job
and you think that was a serious comment? How about this one "we landed under sniper fire" or this one " if you like your plan you can keep it" or this one "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" ? did those speakers mean those comments?

Trump talks like a typical New Yorker, lots of bluster. Its just talk. Have you ever been to New York, New Jersey, or Boston? They all talk like he does.
Born raised in the meanest part of NY Bed Sty and still live in NY We were taught at an early age ,getting to know one who is FOS and who means well Trump imo doesn't mean well for anyone but himself

that's not what his employees say. That's not what the members of his whitehouse staff say. He has put women and minorities in high positions in his companies. they have been successful. He has always chosen the best person for the job regardless of race or sex. If you were really raised in NY then you know that its cultural to hurl insults at your friends and enemies and then all have beer together.

Its fine if you don't like Trump, but to continue to lie about him makes you nothing but a partisan hack. Do you really think that crooked Hillary would have been better? try to think and then answer truthfully.
He has put people in cabinet jobs that have no business being there and I'm not talking 1 or 2 The latest the AH who wants to make abortions illegal for even those minors who were raped
And the doctor in charge of housing?? He's put friends and those who kiss his butt in positions that show party way before country

bullshit. Ben Carson is a great surgeon and a quality man. your partisan idiocy cant stay very far under wraps can it?
There you go again red tailoring my statements to fit your bullshit Nowhere did I say Carson wasn't a well thought of doctor BUT WTF does that have to do with housing?
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget

President Trump is releasing a $4.7 trillion budget plan Monday that stands as a sharp challenge to Congress and the Democrats trying to unseat him, the first act in a multi-front struggle that could consume Washington for the next 18 months.

$4.7 TRILLION!!! :eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

The Party Of Small Government and Fiscal Responsibility. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!






Did you know that we had record levels of spending for social security and medicare in the budget moron. Also the military thats to obamas cutting and sequester. You see morons like you fail to see why they just see a number .

US DOD budget using inflation adjusted dollars...
View attachment 250682

nice chart, so what? We live in a dangerous world full of radicals and tyrants that want us destroyed. Should we just let it happen? Also, new technology that is effective and limits human loss is very expensive, much more expensive that WW2 technology even when adjusted for inflation.

So what? So the lie that Obama devastated the DOD budget that you partisans parrot 100 times a just that a lie.

not that it will stop you from parroting it again tomorrow.

Obama changed spending priorities to fit his ideology, as is a president's prerogative. The end result was a weakened military and a very divided nation. Americans have always disagreed about public policy, but its only since Obama that we are at each others throats 100% of the time. Its really a sad state of affairs, much of it driven by the crooks in congress that are only there to fill their own pockets and don't give a shit about what happens to the country. Can we at least agree on that on a Sunday morning?

The military was weakened by endless wars, not a lack of funding. Our military is not underfunded, has not been so for multiple decades. But our lust for power drives us to endless wars and being the "world's police force".

And yes, I do agree that much of it driven by the crooks in congress that are only there to fill their own pockets and don't give a shit about what happens to the country.

We differ on the fact that you keep voting for them, while i do not
Did you know that we had record levels of spending for social security and medicare in the budget moron. Also the military thats to obamas cutting and sequester. You see morons like you fail to see why they just see a number .

US DOD budget using inflation adjusted dollars...
View attachment 250682

nice chart, so what? We live in a dangerous world full of radicals and tyrants that want us destroyed. Should we just let it happen? Also, new technology that is effective and limits human loss is very expensive, much more expensive that WW2 technology even when adjusted for inflation.

So what? So the lie that Obama devastated the DOD budget that you partisans parrot 100 times a just that a lie.

not that it will stop you from parroting it again tomorrow.

Obama changed spending priorities to fit his ideology, as is a president's prerogative. The end result was a weakened military and a very divided nation. Americans have always disagreed about public policy, but its only since Obama that we are at each others throats 100% of the time. Its really a sad state of affairs, much of it driven by the crooks in congress that are only there to fill their own pockets and don't give a shit about what happens to the country. Can we at least agree on that on a Sunday morning?

The military was weakened by endless wars, not a lack of funding. Our military is not underfunded, has not been so for multiple decades. But our lust for power drives us to endless wars and being the "world's police force".

And yes, I do agree that much of it driven by the crooks in congress that are only there to fill their own pockets and don't give a shit about what happens to the country.

We differ on the fact that you keep voting for them, while i do not

If you look at history, most of our wars and "police actions" were started under democrats. We agree that we should not be wasting so many lives and dollars trying to police the world. The Iraq, Viet Nam, and Korea "wars" are perfect examples of wasted lives and money. I don't think its lust for power, I think its thinking that we are superior and must make everyone live the way we do. Our military is named the department of DEFENSE, and that is the only thing that it should be used for---------defending this nation from invasion, and that is exactly why our military should be on our southern border today.
Born raised in the meanest part of NY Bed Sty and still live in NY We were taught at an early age ,getting to know one who is FOS and who means well Trump imo doesn't mean well for anyone but himself

that's not what his employees say. That's not what the members of his whitehouse staff say. He has put women and minorities in high positions in his companies. they have been successful. He has always chosen the best person for the job regardless of race or sex. If you were really raised in NY then you know that its cultural to hurl insults at your friends and enemies and then all have beer together.

Its fine if you don't like Trump, but to continue to lie about him makes you nothing but a partisan hack. Do you really think that crooked Hillary would have been better? try to think and then answer truthfully.
He has put people in cabinet jobs that have no business being there and I'm not talking 1 or 2 The latest the AH who wants to make abortions illegal for even those minors who were raped
And the doctor in charge of housing?? He's put friends and those who kiss his butt in positions that show party way before country

bullshit. Ben Carson is a great surgeon and a quality man. your partisan idiocy cant stay very far under wraps can it?
There you go again red tailoring my statements to fit your bullshit Nowhere did I say Carson wasn't a well thought of doctor BUT WTF does that have to do with housing?

you inferred that he is corrupt. are you taking that back now? He is the secretary of HUD (housing and urban development) that's what it has to do with housing. Were you talking about someone else? if so who?
Born raised in the meanest part of NY Bed Sty and still live in NY We were taught at an early age ,getting to know one who is FOS and who means well Trump imo doesn't mean well for anyone but himself

that's not what his employees say. That's not what the members of his whitehouse staff say. He has put women and minorities in high positions in his companies. they have been successful. He has always chosen the best person for the job regardless of race or sex. If you were really raised in NY then you know that its cultural to hurl insults at your friends and enemies and then all have beer together.

Its fine if you don't like Trump, but to continue to lie about him makes you nothing but a partisan hack. Do you really think that crooked Hillary would have been better? try to think and then answer truthfully.
He has put people in cabinet jobs that have no business being there and I'm not talking 1 or 2 The latest the AH who wants to make abortions illegal for even those minors who were raped
And the doctor in charge of housing?? He's put friends and those who kiss his butt in positions that show party way before country

bullshit. Ben Carson is a great surgeon and a quality man. your partisan idiocy cant stay very far under wraps can it?

that does not make him qualified to do his current job

nor does AOC's bartending make her qualified for her job, whats your point?
that's not what his employees say. That's not what the members of his whitehouse staff say. He has put women and minorities in high positions in his companies. they have been successful. He has always chosen the best person for the job regardless of race or sex. If you were really raised in NY then you know that its cultural to hurl insults at your friends and enemies and then all have beer together.

Its fine if you don't like Trump, but to continue to lie about him makes you nothing but a partisan hack. Do you really think that crooked Hillary would have been better? try to think and then answer truthfully.
He has put people in cabinet jobs that have no business being there and I'm not talking 1 or 2 The latest the AH who wants to make abortions illegal for even those minors who were raped
And the doctor in charge of housing?? He's put friends and those who kiss his butt in positions that show party way before country

bullshit. Ben Carson is a great surgeon and a quality man. your partisan idiocy cant stay very far under wraps can it?
There you go again red tailoring my statements to fit your bullshit Nowhere did I say Carson wasn't a well thought of doctor BUT WTF does that have to do with housing?

you inferred that he is corrupt. are you taking that back now? He is the secretary of HUD (housing and urban development) that's what it has to do with housing. Were you talking about someone else? if so who?
I didn't say corrupt ,,although he might be ,,,,,I said he has no business being in that job ,,,,and there are more like him that trump installed
that's not what his employees say. That's not what the members of his whitehouse staff say. He has put women and minorities in high positions in his companies. they have been successful. He has always chosen the best person for the job regardless of race or sex. If you were really raised in NY then you know that its cultural to hurl insults at your friends and enemies and then all have beer together.

Its fine if you don't like Trump, but to continue to lie about him makes you nothing but a partisan hack. Do you really think that crooked Hillary would have been better? try to think and then answer truthfully.
He has put people in cabinet jobs that have no business being there and I'm not talking 1 or 2 The latest the AH who wants to make abortions illegal for even those minors who were raped
And the doctor in charge of housing?? He's put friends and those who kiss his butt in positions that show party way before country

bullshit. Ben Carson is a great surgeon and a quality man. your partisan idiocy cant stay very far under wraps can it?

that does not make him qualified to do his current job

nor does AOC's bartending make her qualified for her job, whats your point?

Not accurate. The job of a Representative it to represent the people that elected her. She is qualified to do that.
that's not what his employees say. That's not what the members of his whitehouse staff say. He has put women and minorities in high positions in his companies. they have been successful. He has always chosen the best person for the job regardless of race or sex. If you were really raised in NY then you know that its cultural to hurl insults at your friends and enemies and then all have beer together.

Its fine if you don't like Trump, but to continue to lie about him makes you nothing but a partisan hack. Do you really think that crooked Hillary would have been better? try to think and then answer truthfully.
He has put people in cabinet jobs that have no business being there and I'm not talking 1 or 2 The latest the AH who wants to make abortions illegal for even those minors who were raped
And the doctor in charge of housing?? He's put friends and those who kiss his butt in positions that show party way before country

bullshit. Ben Carson is a great surgeon and a quality man. your partisan idiocy cant stay very far under wraps can it?
There you go again red tailoring my statements to fit your bullshit Nowhere did I say Carson wasn't a well thought of doctor BUT WTF does that have to do with housing?

you inferred that he is corrupt. are you taking that back now? He is the secretary of HUD (housing and urban development) that's what it has to do with housing. Were you talking about someone else? if so who?

What does he know about large scale housing?

What does he know about urban development?
Yeah Red Trump is so beyond threatening violence,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,My Jewish ass he is

Yep, he told NK that their country would cease to exist if they ever fired a missile at the US or one of our allies. what domestic violence has he ever threatened or done? Once you fail to answer that tell us about the many instances of left wing violence against conservatives and Trump supporters.
"""Punch the SOB out I'll pay for the lawyers"""

and you think that was a serious comment? How about this one "we landed under sniper fire" or this one " if you like your plan you can keep it" or this one "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" ? did those speakers mean those comments?

Trump talks like a typical New Yorker, lots of bluster. Its just talk. Have you ever been to New York, New Jersey, or Boston? They all talk like he does.
Born raised in the meanest part of NY Bed Sty and still live in NY We were taught at an early age ,getting to know one who is FOS and who means well Trump imo doesn't mean well for anyone but himself

that's not what his employees say. That's not what the members of his whitehouse staff say. He has put women and minorities in high positions in his companies. they have been successful. He has always chosen the best person for the job regardless of race or sex. If you were really raised in NY then you know that its cultural to hurl insults at your friends and enemies and then all have beer together.

Its fine if you don't like Trump, but to continue to lie about him makes you nothing but a partisan hack. Do you really think that crooked Hillary would have been better? try to think and then answer truthfully.
Well besides the fact she knows more about governing she also wouldn't have made enemies of most of our allies and trump is far more a bigger crook than Hill most of which is repub bs
Observe how the willfully blind monkeys now slap their paws over their simian faces.
Obama almost 19 trillion in debt at the end of his term what was the number about 10 or 11 trillion in new debt.great job

Bush proposed 1.3T Deficit Budget for 2009 in the middle of Great Recession that caused revenues to plummet.....did Obama do that too?

there was no "great recession" in 2008. that's bullshit. There was a market correction driven by bad mortgage policy put forth by democrats. Will you libs ever stop that lie? probably not.


The Great Recession was a global economic downturn that devastated world financial markets as well as the banking and real estate industries. The crisis led to increases in home mortgage foreclosures worldwide and caused millions of people to lose their life savings, their jobs and their homes. It’s generally considered to be the longest period of economic decline since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Although its effects were definitely global in nature, the Great Recession was most pronounced in the United States—where it originated as a result of the subprime mortgage crisis—and in Western Europe.

...Great Recession started in December 2007
Observe how the willfully blind monkeys now slap their paws over their simian faces.
Obama almost 19 trillion in debt at the end of his term what was the number about 10 or 11 trillion in new debt.great job

Bush proposed 1.3T Deficit Budget for 2009 in the middle of Great Recession that caused revenues to plummet.....did Obama do that too?

Pretty much on average over a trillion a year are you stupid or what

I asked you question. Do you have an answer or do you just want to keep bullshiting?

Obama spent 870B on Stimulus in the middle of Great Recession, cut spending with the sequesteration deal and raised tax-rates at the highest income braket. Obamacare was paid for with cuts and new taxes. So overall Obama added LITTLE TO NOTHING to our long term debt.

Trump on the other hand already blew 1.5T hole in the budget to stimulate economy in the middle of a very healthy economy he was handed off. Also increased millitary spending.

horseshit. Obama added 10 trillion to the national debt in 8 years. WTF is wrong with you?

Well then you should be able to list for us HOW he did that.

There is nothing wrong with me, it's just that you are just totally clueless about underlying causes of the deficits.
that's not what his employees say. That's not what the members of his whitehouse staff say. He has put women and minorities in high positions in his companies. they have been successful. He has always chosen the best person for the job regardless of race or sex. If you were really raised in NY then you know that its cultural to hurl insults at your friends and enemies and then all have beer together.

Its fine if you don't like Trump, but to continue to lie about him makes you nothing but a partisan hack. Do you really think that crooked Hillary would have been better? try to think and then answer truthfully.
He has put people in cabinet jobs that have no business being there and I'm not talking 1 or 2 The latest the AH who wants to make abortions illegal for even those minors who were raped
And the doctor in charge of housing?? He's put friends and those who kiss his butt in positions that show party way before country

bullshit. Ben Carson is a great surgeon and a quality man. your partisan idiocy cant stay very far under wraps can it?

that does not make him qualified to do his current job

nor does AOC's bartending make her qualified for her job, whats your point?
insist on the fully functional, Pareto Optimal demo. It is modern times.
Observe how the willfully blind monkeys now slap their paws over their simian faces.
Obama almost 19 trillion in debt at the end of his term what was the number about 10 or 11 trillion in new debt.great job

Bush proposed 1.3T Deficit Budget for 2009 in the middle of Great Recession that caused revenues to plummet.....did Obama do that too?

there was no "great recession" in 2008. that's bullshit. There was a market correction driven by bad mortgage policy put forth by democrats. Will you libs ever stop that lie? probably not.


The Great Recession was a global economic downturn that devastated world financial markets as well as the banking and real estate industries. The crisis led to increases in home mortgage foreclosures worldwide and caused millions of people to lose their life savings, their jobs and their homes. It’s generally considered to be the longest period of economic decline since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Although its effects were definitely global in nature, the Great Recession was most pronounced in the United States—where it originated as a result of the subprime mortgage crisis—and in Western Europe.

...Great Recession started in December 2007

sorry, but that's simply not true. There was a market sell off driven by bad mortgage policy. Hint: historians lie.
Obama almost 19 trillion in debt at the end of his term what was the number about 10 or 11 trillion in new debt.great job

Bush proposed 1.3T Deficit Budget for 2009 in the middle of Great Recession that caused revenues to plummet.....did Obama do that too?

Pretty much on average over a trillion a year are you stupid or what

I asked you question. Do you have an answer or do you just want to keep bullshiting?

Obama spent 870B on Stimulus in the middle of Great Recession, cut spending with the sequesteration deal and raised tax-rates at the highest income braket. Obamacare was paid for with cuts and new taxes. So overall Obama added LITTLE TO NOTHING to our long term debt.

Trump on the other hand already blew 1.5T hole in the budget to stimulate economy in the middle of a very healthy economy he was handed off. Also increased millitary spending.

horseshit. Obama added 10 trillion to the national debt in 8 years. WTF is wrong with you?

Well then you should be able to list for us HOW he did that.

There is nothing wrong with me, it's just that you are just totally clueless about underlying causes of the deficits.

by approving budgets that contained large annual deficits. That's the way all recent presidents have increased the debt---------by spending more than the government takes in, its not complicated.

What causes the deficits? is that your question? collect 10 dollars and spend 15 dollars, you will have a 5 dollar deficit and have to borrow the 5 from someone in order to pay the 15.

its pretty basic economics, about 8th grade level.

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