Deficits, Dollar, Food and Gas = Dems Lose BIG Again in 2012


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Thanks to the Progressive Jihad on American civilization, we are at a point where the economic failure of the USA is almost a guaranteed certainty.

S&P knows it, PIMCO knows it.

And the Middle class suspects it.

Gas >$4 a gallon BECAUSE the dollar has been abused by the Federal Reserve and Progressives (including Dubya)

People vote with their wallet and while to most its murky how the declining dollar and loss of our credit affect Main street it is apparent to people who produce and consume that something is amiss.

In 2012 we get to run against ObamaCare, Reid and Pelosi again (remember when she blamed Bush for gas being 2.3/gallon and promised to do better?) and the result will be the same...a total ass kicking, Dems lose another 75 seats, half their remaining statehouses school boards and dog catchers...

and there's not a fucking thing Obama can do about it.

Thankfully, the number of people who make a living and loves this country is slightly greater than Democrat Interest Groups.
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Yea the skyrocketing Food Prices especially are going to really hurt Americans. These spiking Food Prices are unprecedented. They really are beginning to affect Americans. Unfortunately things will likely get worse.
Also add in all those millions of lost jobs the Democrats caused us.
I agree. Add the unemployment to that list.

I'm not going to predict anything that happens next year, because a lot can change between now and then. But If we have huge deficits, a weak, inflating dollar, high food and gas costs, things are going to be ugly next year for the Democrats.

I don't care who you are running against, the current Democrat record is pretty ugly at the moment.
People can find ways to deal with high Gas Prices but it's virtually impossible to get around high Food Prices. People have to feed their families. These high Food Prices are gonna wreak havoc on average American families.
People can find ways to deal with high Gas Prices but it's virtually impossible to get around high Food Prices. People have to feed their families. These high Food Prices are gonna wreak havoc on average American families.

They've already wreaked havoc throughout the middle east...
Deficits, Dollar, Food and Gas = Dems Lose BIG Again in 2012

Yep pretty much why the repubs lost in 2006 and 2008.

Mericans are not too bright and good tools of the 2 party system.
Deficits, Dollar, Food and Gas = Dems Lose BIG Again in 2012

Yep pretty much why the repubs lost in 2006 and 2008.

Mericans are not too bright and good tools of the 2 party system.

Right because no one understand how cool it is to have a $1.4 Trillion annual deficit
It's still a LONG time until the election(s). But if I had to predict as a shot i the dark-I'd say GOP gains some ground in the senate and house, take control of congress-but Obama wins re-election.
Wanna know a good ticket? Herman Cain for President and Obama for VP. Have Obama run the WOT and be the "heartbeat away" just in case but lets fix this economy. Obama tried and failed in that area.

He's winning the war(s) though. And he gives some damn good teleprompter.
The Dems are scarred shitless. Its amazing how they all pounce on anyone they perceive as a threat to the Hussein. They go nuts just at the thought of someone challenging him. Look at how they reacted to Trump. This guy is a complete RINO and never had more than zero percent chance of getting the Republican nomination, yet they acted like he was "the one" to challenge the boy king.

These delusional partisan hacks can't stand that America rejected their policies in historic numbers in 2010. NOTHING has gone good for this President. He has been successful in changing America, and America doesn't like what they see. Exploding deficits, high taxes, a destroyed health care system, rampant illegal immigration, and another war. And they know he and the Dems have no intention on fixing any of these problems. Some are even starting to realize it is their intention to continue these problems that plague our country.

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