'Defrauded' Investor Wants Hunter Biden's Bank Records From China

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
A 'defrauded' investor has claimed Hunter Biden's bank records could help solve the mystery of billions of dollars that have gone missing in China, as he filed papers on Monday seeking to get involved in Biden's Arkansas paternity case.

Joel Caplan requested Judge Don McSpadden to make him a third party in Lunden Roberts' suit against Biden, asking the official to 'follow the money', according to court papers obtained by DailyMail.com.

(Excerpt) Read more at dailymail.co.uk ...

He’d better watch his back. He’s becoming a liability and an embarrassment to the demonRATS. He’ll be having an unfortunate accident or decide to commit “suicide” before you know it.


I think it unlikely, a Chinese Bank will want to get involved and voluntarily release Hunter Biden's records any time soon.
Joe Biden's son Hunter is given a job he is not qualified for, being paid, at a minimum, $600k annually by a foreign corporation. Why? What do they want from him in exchange?

Then Joe uses his office to shake down the Ukrainian government to get a prosecuter fired that was, just incidentally, investigating the firm that had hired his son, and it is on tape.

His son Hunter also gets a $1.5 BILLION donation to his equity firm from the Chicoms that has no strings attached. Why? What do they want from him in exchange?

Hunter is a known drug addict who has blown millions up his nose in Coke and whores.

Hunter, it now turns out, owes the IRS over $100k in taxes he did not pay during this time, and I suspect it would be a lot more than that were he not Joe Biden's son.

Hunter has abandoned the child he fathered with one of his strippers he was screwing on the side, and has provided no money to support the child at all.

And yet Democrats are acting as if *Hunter* is the victim in all this crap?


This is the kind of shyte that will get DJ Trump re-elected and Democrats still dont have the slightest clue about it at all.
When is Deutsche Bank releasing Trump's banking records -- I heard there are official investigations open and everything.....

Maybe that guy can get the DOJ and FBI to open an investigation into that Chinese bank....
Eventually our political crime families that have extorted Ukraine, the Bidens, the Clintons, the Pelosis, the Romneys and the Kerrys, will all be in jail where they belong. If they were poor, they would be there already.
Joe Biden's son Hunter is given a job he is not qualified for, being paid, at a minimum, $600k annually by a foreign corporation. Why? What do they want from him in exchange?

Simple. Burisma uses the Biden name on their board to show their investors they have a direct pipeline to the Vice President/President of the United States and can expect favorable treatment. This is as clear of a case of influence peddling by the Vice President as we have ever seen. And it seems to have been a good investment for Burisma on one front, at least. Obama/Biden were clearly doing Burisma's bidding by getting that prosecutor off their case. What other favors Burisma got from the Obama/Biden administration we do not yet know. That's why Trump was asking Zelensky to cooperate with Mr Barr on an investigation. I don't know about you but I'm not wild about our President and Vice President using their offices to personally profit by selling their influence overseas. And this is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows what sort of a scam their were running in China.
Tell him to do his own lawsuit.

Mr. Caplan and Ms. Roberts are seeking the same information from Mr. Biden. I don't see what your problem with the two parties joining forces against the same corrupt individual. Hunter Biden isn't an untouchable, even though the Dems want to make going after him into a "high crime", that's bullshit.
Since Hunter Biden is not a public official, why should I care?

If Hunter Biden is involved in high level shenanigans, and his father , Joseph Bite Me , becomes President, it could subject the President to blackmail. Sleepy Joe could put his son's interests in remaining free above the nation's interests in foreign affairs.

Further, Federal Law requires Secret Service protection for the children of Presidents. Do we really want these civil servants involved in shaky activities like Mr. Biden's involvement in the cocaine and prostitution rackets?
Since Hunter Biden is not a public official, why should I care?

If Hunter Biden is involved in high level shenanigans, and his father , Joseph Bite Me , becomes President, it could subject the President to blackmail. Sleepy Joe could put his son's interests in remaining free above the nation's interests in foreign affairs.

Further, Federal Law requires Secret Service protection for the children of Presidents. Do we really want these civil servants involved in shaky activities like Mr. Biden's involvement in the cocaine and prostitution rackets?

IF a frog had a glass ass it would break every time he jumps. It has been determined that the Bidens have done nothing wrong, it is just a right wing conspiracy cooked up by Trump Humpers to take the heat off of Trump.
Since Hunter Biden is not a public official, why should I care?

If Hunter Biden is involved in high level shenanigans, and his father , Joseph Bite Me , becomes President, it could subject the President to blackmail. Sleepy Joe could put his son's interests in remaining free above the nation's interests in foreign affairs.

Further, Federal Law requires Secret Service protection for the children of Presidents. Do we really want these civil servants involved in shaky activities like Mr. Biden's involvement in the cocaine and prostitution rackets?

IF a frog had a glass ass it would break every time he jumps. It has been determined that the Bidens have done nothing wrong, it is just a right wing conspiracy cooked up by Trump Humpers to take the heat off of Trump.

Who determined that Hunter Biden was as pure as driven snow?

Come on , man.

He is cheating the tax man, cheating his investors, cheating his baby's mama. He claims to be broke, yet bought a $2.5 Million mansion in LA. He's deeply involved in the prostitution and cocaine rackets, he was chucked out of the Navy for coke.

He's a real shaky character by any stretch of the imagination.
Since Hunter Biden is not a public official, why should I care?

If Hunter Biden is involved in high level shenanigans, and his father , Joseph Bite Me , becomes President, it could subject the President to blackmail. Sleepy Joe could put his son's interests in remaining free above the nation's interests in foreign affairs.

Further, Federal Law requires Secret Service protection for the children of Presidents. Do we really want these civil servants involved in shaky activities like Mr. Biden's involvement in the cocaine and prostitution rackets?

IF a frog had a glass ass it would break every time he jumps. It has been determined that the Bidens have done nothing wrong, it is just a right wing conspiracy cooked up by Trump Humpers to take the heat off of Trump.

Who determined that Hunter Biden was as pure as driven snow?

Come on , man.

There isn't any man who is pure as driven snow.

He is cheating the tax man, cheating his investors, cheating his baby's mama. He claims to be broke, yet bought a $2.5 Million mansion in LA. He's deeply involved in the prostitution and cocaine rackets, he was chucked out of the Navy for coke.

He's a real shaky character by any stretch of the imagination.

Ok, but he is not a public official, he is not setting public policy. He is a PRIVATE citizen, so what he does has no affect on me.

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