Bank records now show Lyin' Biden did receive $1M in payments, despite Biden's denial

So why is he lying about it? What is he trying to hide? Like the classified documents found scattered all over Biden's locations, was this just the tip of the iceberg?

"President Biden denied that his family received more than $1 million in payments from accounts related to Hunter Biden’s business associate Rob Walker and their Chinese business ventures in 2017, even though financial records indicate otherwise.

On Thursday, GOP lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee revealed that they had obtained bank documents showing that Hunter Biden, the president's brother Jim, and Hallie Biden, the widow of his son Beau, received payments from Hunter's business associate Rob Walker and their joint venture with Chinese energy firm CEFC. A spokesperson for Hunter Biden's legal team confirmed the payments Thursday but emphasized that the recipients' accounts "belonged to Hunter, his uncle and Hallie – nobody else."

Biden denies $1M in payments to family from Hunter associate, despite bank records: 'Not true'


"We’ve got the bank records."

View attachment 767562 really got him this time! :rolleyes:
Investigate, investigate, investigate.

If a law has been broken, nail whomever broke it.

This ain't that complicated.
Have some state laws been violated. We need some GOP AGs to indict the Bidens.
If you ever wonder why your post count vs reaction score is what it is, well that's why right there.

Obviously IF it turned out to be true then it was on the up and up. If it wasn't then democrats would have found it when they tried to impeach him twice unsuccessfully, or any of the other dozen times they spent a ton of money and time and effort trying to nail him on absolutely anything they could in order to keep him from office or paint him as a evil person.

But despite an entire administration, tons of money, and the use of the fbi they couldn't nail him on anything after 6 years of desperately trying.

Since few, if any of Trump's business dealings are on the "up and up", what makes you think these are the exceptions to the rule???

You never heard about this??? I'll bet you never heard that Trump took $11 million out of his own "super secret Chinese bank account" not long after the election. 0r the $500 million Chinese government loan to Junior for his Trump Indonesia project - 3 days before Sr. removed sanctions on a Chinese tech company.

Why is it wrong for Hallie Biden to get $25,000 from China but 0K for Ivanka to get personal trade marks worth millions as a gift from Chairman Xi, and Junior to get half a billion dollars?
Since few, if any of Trump's business dealings are on the "up and up", what makes you think these are the exceptions to the rule???

You never heard about this??? I'll bet you never heard that Trump took $11 million out of his own "super secret Chinese bank account" not long after the election. 0r the $500 million Chinese government loan to Junior for his Trump Indonesia project - 3 days before Sr. removed sanctions on a Chinese tech company.

Why is it wrong for Hallie Biden to get $25,000 from China but 0K for Ivanka to get personal trade marks worth millions as a gift from Chairman Xi, and Junior to get half a billion dollars?
Never heard about any of that.

Got some links to the batshit crazy loon websites who told you all that?
So why is he lying about it? What is he trying to hide? Like the classified documents found scattered all over Biden's locations, was this just the tip of the iceberg?

"President Biden denied that his family received more than $1 million in payments from accounts related to Hunter Biden’s business associate Rob Walker and their Chinese business ventures in 2017, even though financial records indicate otherwise.

On Thursday, GOP lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee revealed that they had obtained bank documents showing that Hunter Biden, the president's brother Jim, and Hallie Biden, the widow of his son Beau, received payments from Hunter's business associate Rob Walker and their joint venture with Chinese energy firm CEFC. A spokesperson for Hunter Biden's legal team confirmed the payments Thursday but emphasized that the recipients' accounts "belonged to Hunter, his uncle and Hallie – nobody else."

Biden denies $1M in payments to family from Hunter associate, despite bank records: 'Not true'

"We’ve got the bank records."

What you have presented to this forum is not evidence. I see a jpg image which could have easily been drawn up in any program, such as Microsoft Word, whatever. Let's see the photocopy of the record. Do you have it? But, regarding what you have provided, Joe Biden is not named. "Biden family' the noun often referred to by Republicans, which could be a correct descriptor if it only refers to Hunter and James, as is the entry 'Biden', could apply solely to the brothers.

Republicans and those on the right have been tossing around 'Biden family' a lot lately, being clever to avoid using Joe Biden's name, because they know that would be defamatory. Why? Because they know that, in point of fact, they do not have any evidence against Joe. You see, they know that many who will do a quick read of 'Biden family' or hear the term used, they will presume that includes the President. But that is the intent, right? Deception is the intent. Now, let's be clear, Fox News, of late, has lost all credibility and this appears to be the source.

And the 'oversight committee', they haven't found squat. There's another word for it, it's called 'insinuate' or 'innuendo'. That's deceptive and Fox news hosts, and Republicans in Congress and the Senate know it, or should know better.

Some are tossing around the Senate Report by Sen. Grassley, which has also been debunked. The subcommittee on the 'weaponization of government', headed by Jim Jordan, hasn't turned up much. So, I wonder, can Republicans govern? Not looking too good, thus far.

Given that the records (from what I've seen thus far, feel free to prove me wrong) they do not name Joe Biden, specifically, means that it will not survive cross examination in a court of law. No doubt, this is THE reason the DOJ, et al., will not pursue it. So, what, remains, then? What remains are records by Us Private Citizens conducting legal business. At worst, there might be a charge against Hunter if he is acting as a foreign agent and hasn't registered, if, indeed, he is required to do so, but it is doubtful the DOJ will pursue such a less-than-weighty charge on a sibling of a US President.

A fine, perhaps, but an indictment? I doubt it. When Dems had the house, they launched an investigation into Jared's Saudi dealings, but since the Repub takeover in 2023, looks like they have stalled that investigation, so, while they didn't pursue Jared Kushner, who was a senior staff member and walked way from his White House Job with $2 billion big ones from Mohammed Bin Salman, not to mention Treas Sec Mnuchin, who walked away with $1 billion, all ostensibly in exchange for the White House soft treatment of MBS's brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi, but, of course, Republicans don't appear to be concerned about Jared or Mnuchin's corruption all with Trump's approval. It seems that in order to be a target of corruption, there really doesn't have to be corruption if it's a democrat, and if there is real corruption by a Republican, well, we'll just look the other way, right?

Any allegations that Garland is only pursuing Republicans is nonsense. The DOJ is investigating both Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, in addition to Donald Trump.

I look forward to thoughtful, and substantiated (the operative word) rebuttals. If I make a claim, and it's not substantiated, I will gladly substantiate it on request, or I will call it an opinion.

How Did Jared Kushner Get $2 Billion From the Saudis?

Hint: It’s not because of his track record as an investor.

The [House] committee’s investigation has stalled as a result of the Republican takeover of the House
So why is he lying about it? What is he trying to hide? Like the classified documents found scattered all over Biden's locations, was this just the tip of the iceberg?

"President Biden denied that his family received more than $1 million in payments from accounts related to Hunter Biden’s business associate Rob Walker and their Chinese business ventures in 2017, even though financial records indicate otherwise.

On Thursday, GOP lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee revealed that they had obtained bank documents showing that Hunter Biden, the president's brother Jim, and Hallie Biden, the widow of his son Beau, received payments from Hunter's business associate Rob Walker and their joint venture with Chinese energy firm CEFC. A spokesperson for Hunter Biden's legal team confirmed the payments Thursday but emphasized that the recipients' accounts "belonged to Hunter, his uncle and Hallie – nobody else."

Biden denies $1M in payments to family from Hunter associate, despite bank records: 'Not true'


"We’ve got the bank records."

View attachment 767562

Um...retard? The records show Hunter Biden received money, not Joe Biden.

So what's your point?
I never wonder about reactions from the Rabid Right, ever (or any of those figures. Do you?). I mean those dumbfucks that truly believe in Faux Not News, their opinion is worth less than a pile of dog poop, even if it was shat out in the shape of Donnie dipshits head (including the orange hair).
Cnn reported it, now cnn is fake news?
That his family receive money from a joint venture? So what? Show me President Biden's crime in that.
Yeah and hunter rented Biden's house that had classified documents. That I'm sure China would love to see. You mean like that joint venture?
So why is he lying about it? What is he trying to hide? Like the classified documents found scattered all over Biden's locations, was this just the tip of the iceberg?

"President Biden denied that his family received more than $1 million in payments from accounts related to Hunter Biden’s business associate Rob Walker and their Chinese business ventures in 2017, even though financial records indicate otherwise.

On Thursday, GOP lawmakers on the House Oversight Committee revealed that they had obtained bank documents showing that Hunter Biden, the president's brother Jim, and Hallie Biden, the widow of his son Beau, received payments from Hunter's business associate Rob Walker and their joint venture with Chinese energy firm CEFC. A spokesperson for Hunter Biden's legal team confirmed the payments Thursday but emphasized that the recipients' accounts "belonged to Hunter, his uncle and Hallie – nobody else."

Biden denies $1M in payments to family from Hunter associate, despite bank records: 'Not true'


"We’ve got the bank records."

View attachment 767562

These are payments from the LAW FIRM bank account of Robinson, Walker, LLC. to people named Biden. There is no evidence of what these payments are for, or where the funds came from to make the payments.

The FOX article you linked to said:

"The records revealed that on March 1, 2017, less than two months after then-Vice President Joe Biden left office, State Energy HK Limited, a separate Chinese company, wired $3 million to Robinson Walker, LLC.

"The next day, Robinson Walker, LLC wired $1,065,000 to European Energy and Infrastructure Group in Abu Dhabi, a company associated with James Gilliar," a memo from the committee states.

Gilliar was a business partner of Hunter Biden involved in his foreign business ventures."

That's about as tenuous a connection as you can find.

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