Defund Planned Parenthood.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There are some things to be considered for voters who plan to support candidates promising not to defund Planned Parenthood. First they should research the life and times of Margaret Sanger, an early proponent of eugenics who is generally regarded as the founding principle of the organization. Another important consideration is that geneticists have succeeded in mapping the entire human genome which raises the specter of government-funded prenatal culling based on factors such as intelligence, height, health, sexual preference, race numbers and personality/criminal tendencies -designer babies.

Most people have no idea what’s coming down the pike but the science of genetics is advancing at the rate of a eugenic freight train that won’t be easily stopped or even slowed down by people who don’t recognize its significance. Genetics is science and science is a tool that does not distinguish between good and bad, victims or perpetrators.

Margaret Sanger’s eugenics had a noble purpose: a more perfect human race which is fine if you qualify for the selected group that meets that qualification. But what if you don’t and who or what decides who is or is not in the selected group?

Black females comprise 36% of all the abortions in the US yet they make up only 7 ½% of the population. Did the architects of the Great Society make a mistake by not listening to Daniel Patrick Moynihan in 1965 when he warned that government-encouraged out-of-wedlock births would destroy black family structure and create a culture of dependence?

Are black females being pressured into terminating their pregnancies to cover for unwise decisions made by intellectuals and politicians decades ago to achieve a means to an end that has ended badly? There is already a thriving black market in third world countries for human organs and tissue as the science of genetic engineering marches to the tune of the almighty dollar.

No one wants to take away a woman’s right to be the master of her fate, the captain of her soul or the steward of her own body but has that already happened? Planned Parenthood is a private organization just the National Rifle Association and it should not be funded by the same government that’s probably responsible for the problems it’s ostensibly there to correct.

Fewer blacks, gays, short people? No more stupid humans? Will they be headed off by dystopian machines like Planned Parenthood?

Would you be here?
Just reading about Margret Sanger makes me cringe.

How she became a household name for many years and the "poster child" for the National Women's Rights is beyond me.

Just a quick question: Was her name ever brought up in the movie/tv version of "Roe vs Wade"? (Sorry, I did not see that landmark tv movie.)
Eugenics was jettisoned decades ago. What remains is the enormous amount of good that PP has done and continues to do for women.

What the "conservatives" always avoid talking about is the right of women to make their own decisions about sex and reproduction without interference, and PP provides the opportunity for them to do so. PP doesn't stand outside and haul women in off the streets. Women come to PP clinics under their own steam. What "conservatives" are actually complaining about is that the domineering misogynist types and rapists who think that they somehow have the right to control women are losing it.
Eugenics was jettisoned decades ago. What remains is the enormous amount of good that PP has done and continues to do for women.

What the "conservatives" always avoid talking about is the right of women to make their own decisions about sex and reproduction without interference, and PP provides the opportunity for them to do so. PP doesn't stand outside and haul women in off the streets. Women come to PP clinics under their own steam. What "conservatives" are actually complaining about is that the domineering misogynist types and rapists who think that they somehow have the right to control women are losing it.
Do tell???

Did you see this???

And then there is this.....

Eugenics was jettisoned decades ago. What remains is the enormous amount of good that PP has done and continues to do for women.

What the "conservatives" always avoid talking about is the right of women to make their own decisions about sex and reproduction without interference, and PP provides the opportunity for them to do so. PP doesn't stand outside and haul women in off the streets. Women come to PP clinics under their own steam. What "conservatives" are actually complaining about is that the domineering misogynist types and rapists who think that they somehow have the right to control women are losing it.
Do tell???

Did you see this???

And then there is this.....

Not impressed. You did not address the issue of free choice that I wrote about.

Moreover, not only have these horror-story things been researched already and come out false, there have been so many hoaxes and attempts at spreading false medical information that have come out of the anti-woman/anti-choice movement that they are a waste of time.

Birth control reduces the need for abortion and should be available to all. People have been saying since at least the 1800's that they want to limit pregnancies. Have you not heard of this?

What a woman does with her body is none of your business. We know that many of you guys are control freaks.

We don't all practice the same religion. Stop trying to interfere with other people's rights to choose their religion.

Get the guns off the streets if you want to "save lives."

You fundie men need to get your own shit together.
Eugenics was jettisoned decades ago. What remains is the enormous amount of good that PP has done and continues to do for women.

What the "conservatives" always avoid talking about is the right of women to make their own decisions about sex and reproduction without interference, and PP provides the opportunity for them to do so. PP doesn't stand outside and haul women in off the streets. Women come to PP clinics under their own steam. What "conservatives" are actually complaining about is that the domineering misogynist types and rapists who think that they somehow have the right to control women are losing it.
Do tell???

Did you see this???

And then there is this.....

Not impressed. You did not address the issue of free choice that I wrote about.

Moreover, not only have these horror-story things been researched already and come out false, there have been so many hoaxes and attempts at spreading false medical information that have come out of the anti-woman/anti-choice movement that they are a waste of time.

Birth control reduces the need for abortion and should be available to all. People have been saying since at least the 1800's that they want to limit pregnancies. Have you not heard of this?

What a woman does with her body is none of your business. We know that many of you guys are control freaks.

We don't all practice the same religion. Stop trying to interfere with other people's rights to choose their religion.

Get the guns off the streets if you want to "save lives."

You fundie men need to get your own shit together.


The thread premise illustrates the idiocy of the social right and conservatives in general.

Planed Parenthood affords women vital birth control services rendering abortion unnecessary.
Eugenics was jettisoned decades ago. What remains is the enormous amount of good that PP has done and continues to do for women.

What the "conservatives" always avoid talking about is the right of women to make their own decisions about sex and reproduction without interference, and PP provides the opportunity for them to do so. PP doesn't stand outside and haul women in off the streets. Women come to PP clinics under their own steam. What "conservatives" are actually complaining about is that the domineering misogynist types and rapists who think that they somehow have the right to control women are losing it.
Do tell???

Did you see this???

And then there is this.....

Not impressed. You did not address the issue of free choice that I wrote about.

Moreover, not only have these horror-story things been researched already and come out false, there have been so many hoaxes and attempts at spreading false medical information that have come out of the anti-woman/anti-choice movement that they are a waste of time.

Birth control reduces the need for abortion and should be available to all. People have been saying since at least the 1800's that they want to limit pregnancies. Have you not heard of this?

What a woman does with her body is none of your business. We know that many of you guys are control freaks.

We don't all practice the same religion. Stop trying to interfere with other people's rights to choose their religion.

Get the guns off the streets if you want to "save lives."

You fundie men need to get your own shit together.

Look, if you are fine with abortion being used as a last ditch "birth control" device? That is on YOU. Birth control is cheap....if a guy can't afford a condom, why in the hell would any woman with any common sense lay down with one? A woman only has six days out of twenty eight in which she is fertile and can become, she has twenty two days where she can allow herself to be mounted with no worries. Men don't have a say? A man can be taken to court if he impregnates a woman whether he wants to be a "father" or not...on the other hand, a woman can abort that fetus with no input from the sperm donor AT all. The bottom line is that you have the right to be so cavalier about those like you that want to use abortion as a last ditch birth control measure just like I have the right to say that it's morally wrong to have a fetus crushed and then sucked out of the womb because their life matters not because he/she had the audacity to be conceived at a time that wasn't "convenient".....what if YOUR mom had decided that carrying you to term wasn't "convenient"??? Then we wouldn't be having this civil
Eugenics was jettisoned decades ago. What remains is the enormous amount of good that PP has done and continues to do for women.

What the "conservatives" always avoid talking about is the right of women to make their own decisions about sex and reproduction without interference, and PP provides the opportunity for them to do so. PP doesn't stand outside and haul women in off the streets. Women come to PP clinics under their own steam. What "conservatives" are actually complaining about is that the domineering misogynist types and rapists who think that they somehow have the right to control women are losing it.
Do tell???

Did you see this???

And then there is this.....

Not impressed. You did not address the issue of free choice that I wrote about.

Moreover, not only have these horror-story things been researched already and come out false, there have been so many hoaxes and attempts at spreading false medical information that have come out of the anti-woman/anti-choice movement that they are a waste of time.

Birth control reduces the need for abortion and should be available to all. People have been saying since at least the 1800's that they want to limit pregnancies. Have you not heard of this?

What a woman does with her body is none of your business. We know that many of you guys are control freaks.

We don't all practice the same religion. Stop trying to interfere with other people's rights to choose their religion.

Get the guns off the streets if you want to "save lives."

You fundie men need to get your own shit together.


The thread premise illustrates the idiocy of the social right and conservatives in general.

Planed Parenthood affords women vital birth control services rendering abortion unnecessary.

Right you are.

The federal government does not fund Planned Parenthood.
Eugenics was jettisoned decades ago. What remains is the enormous amount of good that PP has done and continues to do for women.

What the "conservatives" always avoid talking about is the right of women to make their own decisions about sex and reproduction without interference, and PP provides the opportunity for them to do so. PP doesn't stand outside and haul women in off the streets. Women come to PP clinics under their own steam. What "conservatives" are actually complaining about is that the domineering misogynist types and rapists who think that they somehow have the right to control women are losing it.
Do tell???

Did you see this???

And then there is this.....

Not impressed. You did not address the issue of free choice that I wrote about.

Moreover, not only have these horror-story things been researched already and come out false, there have been so many hoaxes and attempts at spreading false medical information that have come out of the anti-woman/anti-choice movement that they are a waste of time.

Birth control reduces the need for abortion and should be available to all. People have been saying since at least the 1800's that they want to limit pregnancies. Have you not heard of this?

What a woman does with her body is none of your business. We know that many of you guys are control freaks.

We don't all practice the same religion. Stop trying to interfere with other people's rights to choose their religion.

Get the guns off the streets if you want to "save lives."

You fundie men need to get your own shit together.

Look, if you are fine with abortion being used as a last ditch "birth control" device? That is on YOU. Birth control is cheap....if a guy can't afford a condom, why in the hell would any woman with any common sense lay down with one? A woman only has six days out of twenty eight in which she is fertile and can become, she has twenty two days where she can allow herself to be mounted with no worries. Men don't have a say? A man can be taken to court if he impregnates a woman whether he wants to be a "father" or not...on the other hand, a woman can abort that fetus with no input from the sperm donor AT all. The bottom line is that you have the right to be so cavalier about those like you that want to use abortion as a last ditch birth control measure just like I have the right to say that it's morally wrong to have a fetus crushed and then sucked out of the womb because their life matters not because he/she had the audacity to be conceived at a time that wasn't "convenient".....what if YOUR mom had decided that carrying you to term wasn't "convenient"??? Then we wouldn't be having this civil

"[A]llow herself to be mounted"??? You are one sick individual. People are not farm animals.
What are you doing to make sure that any person who needs birth control gets it? What if the birth-control method being used doesn't work? Sorry, sweetie, don't "mount" a woman unless you want to be a father. If not, figure out some way to take the fertilized egg from her and take it home. Just make sure that she is not the one who has to go through pregnancy, labor, and childbirth, and then raise the resulting infant. That's your job.

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