DEI is dead. The Establishment Media Just Doesn’t Want You to Know It

Well, to start with, they wouldn't have actually DEMANDED better terms.

Here's the ugly truth about WWI. The Allies were in just as bad of shape as the Central Powers. Russia was knocked out of the war, France had troops revolting on the front lines. Britian was facing revolts in her Empire.

But instead of having a strong government that would have negotiated peace with honor, the revolutionaries went along with every shitty thing that Versailles demanded.

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And the massive injection of American ground troops and materiel stretched the Germans to the breaking point.

Strong government or weak - monarchist or revolutionary - it would have made no difference had the war continued.
Never said they should all die. Never said they "fucked up the world". Did say that we shouldn't be subsidizing their religious fantasies with blood and treasure.
Oh, you've made it quite clear you hate Jews. And you sure don't mourn any of them murdered by your Islamic terrorist heroes.
If Israel got wiped off the map, would it really have any effect on your life? Not mine.
It wouldn't have any effect on your life, because you don't believe Jews are human beings. That's what Nazis told themselves to make it easier to put them in mass graves.

You're no different.
Maybe you two racists can get a room.
...says the Jew-hater.
If Jews are not a race, why are most of them as intelligent and prosperous as I have demonstrated on several times?

They aren't.

What is not acceptable are the taboos and sanctions against discussing black social pathology and the biological reasons for it.

Hey, I think you need to go down to the hood and educate the brothers... that would be amusing.
And the massive injection of American ground troops and materiel stretched the Germans to the breaking point.

Strong government or weak - monarchist or revolutionary - it would have made no difference had the war continued.

Except the US really hadn't entered the war in a meaningful way, and there was a lot of anti-war resistance in the US.

Point was, the revolutionaries were seen as the people who stabbed Germany in the back, and guess what, most of them were Jews.
Oh, you've made it quite clear you hate Jews. And you sure don't mourn any of them murdered by your Islamic terrorist heroes.

I can't get worked up when a bully gets punched in the mouth, no.

Hey, if the Jews don't want to be killed by Muslims, there's a simple solution.

Go back to Europe where you came from. You'd have to learn not to rip off your fellow Europeans and not wear out your welcome this time.

It wouldn't have any effect on your life, because you don't believe Jews are human beings.

People are dying all of the the world you don't care about, and most of them didn't instigate the situations they are in.
A lot of wishful thinking on your part.

The reason why DEI got a boost in 2020 is because a lot of companies wanted to show they were down with the struggle after Geo. Floyd carked it.

So, um, they'll roll back a bit until the next horrible incident causes riots?
every employer was threatened to follow along or lose their license to do business. I bet you didn't know that did you?
With their low IQs I do not think anyone can educate them.
right? how can one people continuously vote for people who keep them poor and uneducated. No school choice yet in any demofk city. Yet, they still vote the demofks into power. amazingly stupid. Just facts though.
right? how can one people continuously vote for people who keep them poor and uneducated. No school choice yet in any demofk city. Yet, they still vote the demofks into power. amazingly stupid. Just facts though.
The poorly educated people Trump pretends to love are stupid to vote Republican. They do not benefit from Republican tax cuts for the rich.
No, but the Curb-Stomping would be hilarious.
You are suggesting that by beating me up Negroes would demonstrate that I am mistaken in my assertion that they have a high crime rate.
Except the US really hadn't entered the war in a meaningful way, and there was a lot of anti-war resistance in the US.

By mid-summer 1918 there were over 1,000,000 US troops attached to the A(merican) E(xpeditionary) F(orce) in France.

With another 10,000 or more arriving every day.

And by the launch of the Meuse-Argonne offensive in late September 1918...

America's 1,200,000 participating troops outnumbered the participating British and French forces
combined !!!!!!

Our dominant and victorious contribution to that offensive pushed Germany over the edge into revolution and defeat.

Hadn't entered the war in any meaningful way?

You need a refresher course in American and World History.

Oh, and a refresher course on ethics (truth-telling in your case) might also prove worthwhile.

Point was, the revolutionaries were seen as the people who stabbed Germany in the back, and guess what, most of them were Jews.
The real traitors were the cowardly Prussian Elite Class - the Junkers et al - who abandoned the Monarchy to its demise.

If the defeated, cowardly Junkers and other Prussian nobles and German militarists were Jews, you're a Hasidic Rabbi. :laughing0301:

By mid-summer 1918 there were over 1,000,000 US troops attached to the A(merican) E(xpeditionary) F(orce) in France.

With another 10,000 or more arriving every day.

And by the launch of the Meuse-Argonne offensive in late September 1918...

America's 1,200,000 participating troops outnumbered the participating British and French forces
combined !!!!!!

Our dominant and victorious contribution to that offensive pushed Germany over the edge into revolution and defeat.

Hadn't entered the war in any meaningful way?

You need a refresher course in American and World History.

Oh, and a refresher course on ethics (truth-telling in your case) might also prove worthwhile.

hey, fuckwad, the point was Germany wasn't even driven out of France at that point in the war.

Do you think America had a long-term commitment to this thing? Hardly The war was very unpopular in the US by 1918 despite (or perhaps because of ) Wilson's attempts to squelch dissent.

In fact, the mid-term elections in 1918 was a resounding defeat for Wilson, losing 6 senate seats and 24 House Seats. And this was AFTER we "won" the war.

Now imagine if the war dragged on for another six months, with revolts in the trenches on the allied side.

But fortunately for the allies, the Socialist Jews stabbed the Kaiser in the back and agreed to a humiliating peace treaty.

Unfortunately, that created the cesspool of anger and resentment that brought us Hitler.

If Germany had been given an honorable peace (no Reparations, the Kaiser gets to stay, no disarmorment, return to the 1914 western front borders, WWII might have been avoided.

The real traitors were the cowardly Prussian Elite Class - the Junkers et al - who abandoned the Monarchy to its demise.

If the defeated, cowardly Junkers and other Prussian nobles and German militarists were Jews, you're a Hasidic Rabbi.

Except they weren't the ones who instigated the revolution.
hey, fuckwad,
What? How rude. OK... we'll play it your way... blow it out your backside, a$$wipe...

the point was Germany wasn't even driven out of France at that point in the war
Moving the goal-posts once you got smoked, eh, a$$hole? Up yours. This exchange is over.

What? How rude. OK... we'll play it your way... blow it out your backside, a$$wipe...
You were rude first, Stupid.

Moving the goal-posts once you got smoked, eh, a$$hole? Up yours. This exchange is over.
No goalpost to move. The US wasn't making enough of a difference by 1918 to justify Germany's abject surrender the Socialists encouraged.
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