DEI is dead. The Establishment Media Just Doesn’t Want You to Know It

You were rude first, Stupid.

No goalpost to move. The US wasn't making enough of a difference by 1918 to justify Germany's abject surrender the Socialists encouraged.
You got your a$$ kicked and you are too faux-arrogant and too much of an intellectual coward to admit it.

Suxx to be you.

The Slow, Painful, and Imminent Demise of DEI

It has become deeply embedded in American culture, requiring a herculean effort by Donald Trump to reverse.
26 Dec 2024 ~~ By Tim Donner

It is the most malignant foundation of progressive ideology. Elon Musk, among others, calls it a “mind virus.” And it appears the American people who were bullied into accepting it have finally had enough. It is the gospel of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), which was given birth by Barack Obama and then overwhelmed the country with remarkable ease and haste following the George Floyd affair in 2020 when liberals and conservatives alike were riven with anger.
The rise of DEI was, in many senses, a mirror image of the aftermath of 9/11, when leftists not given to performative patriotism joined conservatives in rallying around the flag. In both cases, the grieving and healing in the immediate aftermath of these nation-altering events eventually gave way to greater division than we have witnessed since the 1960s. Both sides ultimately returned to their respective corners, more militant than ever in their newfound overarching philosophies.
Like the broad disapproval of foreign entanglements that heightened over the second term of President George W. Bush and led to the rise of Barack Obama in 2008, a reckoning for DEI was undoubtedly delivered by voters in the 2024 election. But just as conservatives who supported wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the formation of the behemoth Department of Homeland Security following 9/11, progressives who have succeeded in welding DEI to major institutions and the culture at large will not just roll over and go quietly into the night, no matter how toxic, divisive, and unpopular their identity politics has proven to be. As any craftsman will tell you, prying apart items welded together is possible but extremely difficult.
If there is any one man who could possibly achieve genuine radical reform in a federal government largely distrusted or despised by the bulk of Americans, it is most decidedly Donald Trump. The upside for conservatives in the new administration is that Trump has put all the elements in place to disrupt the existing order. The downside is that if the 47th president is unable to effect radical reforms that outlast his four years in office, the Swamp will have survived the most monumental threat it is ever likely to face.

DEI is just a Mao version of Affirmative action. More than likely taken directly from Anita Dunn's Little Red Book.
Affirmative Action needs to be killed, and in a broad sense too. Federal contracts preferentially go to “black owned businesses” or “women owned businesses” and most corporations try to kowtow to homosexuals and trans activists, and universities are afraid to stand up to groups which claim to promote the interests of blacks or Palestinians. It all needs to end. Preferably with a sweeping court decision. People are people. US citizens have rights. Full stop. End of story. No one is special.
Before November, the once trendy concepts of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) were already sinking. Now the election of Donald Trump all but guarantees their accelerated decline.
We saw the bad effects DEI had in D.C with the likes of Sam Briton and the two LGBTQ having sex in the Chambers of Congress...
Promotion and achievement should be based on merit only. Various groups such as Asians and Indians prove that DEI is not necessary.
The poorly educated people Trump pretends to love are stupid to vote Republican. They do not benefit from Republican tax cuts for the rich.
You’re far too stupid to know anything about tax cuts. Amazing how you can’t even use the internet
Only if one believes demofks!
When Gerald Ford was president an average of 745,000 jobs were created every year. Under Jimmy Carter this rose to 2,600,000 jobs created per year. Under Ronald Reagan this declined to 2,000,000 jobs created per year. Under George H.W. Bush this declined further to 625,000 jobs per year. Under Bill Clinton it rose to 2,900,000 jobs per year, only to decline to 375,000 under George W. Bush.

These statistics came from an article on The Wall Street Journal blog that was dated Jan 9, 2009.

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Democratic Underground

According to a Wall Street Journal article that appeared Jan 9, 2009 from the presidency of Harry Truman to that of George W. Bush there have nearly always been more jobs created under Democratic presidents as under Republican presidents.
When Gerald Ford was president an average of 745,000 jobs were created every year. Under Jimmy Carter this rose to 2,600,000 jobs created per year. Under Ronald Reagan this declined to 2,000,000 jobs created per year. Under George H.W. Bush this declined further to 625,000 jobs per year. Under Bill Clinton it rose to 2,900,000 jobs per year, only to decline to 375,000 under George W. Bush.

These statistics came from an article on The Wall Street Journal blog that was dated Jan 9, 2009.

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Democratic Underground

According to a Wall Street Journal article that appeared Jan 9, 2009 from the presidency of Harry Truman to that of George W. Bush there have nearly always been more jobs created under Democratic presidents as under Republican presidents.
Only if one believes demofks! Hilarious, never receipts
You got your a$$ kicked and you are too faux-arrogant and too much of an intellectual coward to admit it.

Suxx to be you.

Naw, guy, you are a twat who really thinks that America's contributions to WWI were really that great.

They weren't.

Germany gave up because revolutionaries toppled the Kaiser. It was a huge mistake for them to do so. A bigger mistake was Wilson going along with every stupid, vindictive thing France wanted to do to Germany.

Thus, another war, 20 years later.
Why didn’t you post it?
WSJ Staff
January 9, 2009
President George W. Bush entered office in 2001 just as a recession was starting, and is preparing to leave in the middle of a long one. That's almost 22 months of recession during his 96 months in office.

His job-creation record won't look much better. The Bush administration created about three million jobs (net) over its eight years, a fraction of the 23 million jobs created under President Bill Clinton's administration and only slightly better than President George H.W. Bush did in his four years in office.

Here's a look at job creation under each president since the Labor Department started keeping payroll records in 1939. The counts are based on total payrolls between the start of the month the president took office (using the final payroll count for the end of the prior December) and his final December in office.
Because the size of the economy and labor force varies, we also calculate in percentage terms how much the total payroll count expanded under each president. The current President Bush, once taking account how long he's been in office, shows the worst track record for job creation since the government began keeping records. --Sudeep Reddy


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DEI is dead. The Establishment Media Just Doesn’t Want You to Know It

3 Dec 2024 ~~ By Joel Kotkin

Even before November, the once trendy concepts of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) were already sinking. Now the election of Donald Trump all but guarantees their accelerated decline.
The DEI push gained momentum during the 2020 George Floyd riots, after being nurtured for years on most college campuses. Many companies, including Walmart, adopted its associated practices. But new research from The Conference Board indicates that over half of executives anticipate continuing the pushback of DEI initiatives. Among the firms stepping back from DEI include Boeing, John Deere, Harley-Davidson, and Black & Decker, and the biggest of all, Walmart itself.
The demise of DEI and ESG marks a landmark shift away from a decade of incessant virtue-signalling. The debate should now focus not on some abstract notion of “justice” but on how to make life better for working people of all ages. We can expect hysteria from eco and social justice warriors about the imminent climate catastrophes or the return to Jim Crow, slavery and anti-miscegenation laws. Yet at least for the next four years, the promoters of both ESG and DEI will be on the defensive, as Americans continue to build – on their own – the world’s most prosperous, and dynamic, multi-racial society.
This piece first appeared at Telegraph.

DEI has become a detriment to America and was forced upon us by Neo-Marxist Democrats as part of their "Fundamental Transformation of America".
Let’s not break out the champagne yet. These ticks, termites and roaches never give up. They might hide for a bit but they’ll be back. They require constant systematic fumigation.
No one watches or follows the legacy media except those few seniors who grew up glued to their TV. How many outside of liberal late-stage Boomers watch PBS? Yeah, pretty much nobody. Sure, you can go to a senior center and they’ll have the legacy media blaring at deafening levels in the common area, but other than that, it’s dead.
Biden used a wide brush inserting DEI appointees wherever he could. Obviously it hasn't worked out to well as we have seen.
It's certainly not dead in the federal government, which remains the largest employer in the country. And that's including the military, where DEI has had a real, negative impact on our ability to wage war and defend ourselves against attack.
As Trump is preparing his Executive Orders to sign on day one, DEI is definitely on the chopping board.

Biden had 17 EO's ready to sign on day one when he took office, I guess Trump will out do that.
Naw, guy, you are a twat who really thinks that America's contributions to WWI were really that great.

They weren't.

Germany gave up because revolutionaries toppled the Kaiser. It was a huge mistake for them to do so. A bigger mistake was Wilson going along with every stupid, vindictive thing France wanted to do to Germany.

Thus, another war, 20 years later.
World War I ended with the signing of the Armistice of 11 November 1918, which was signed in the private train car of French Marshal Ferdinand Jean Marie Foch in the Forest of Compiègne. The armistice was signed by German and Allied commanders and politicians.

The German surrender was the result of a number of factors, including:
  • Allied counter-offensive: In August 1918, the Allies launched a successful counter-offensive that caused the German front line to collapse.

  • German exhaustion: The German Army was exhausted and demoralized after a failed offensive in the west.

  • War weariness: The German army was weary of war.

  • Economic distress: The German economy was in distress.

  • Revolution at home: Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated on November 9, 1918, facing a revolution at home.
  • "world war 1" + "German surrender" - Google Search
Naw, guy, you are a twat who really thinks that America's contributions to WWI were really that great.

They weren't.

Germany gave up because revolutionaries toppled the Kaiser. It was a huge mistake for them to do so. A bigger mistake was Wilson going along with every stupid, vindictive thing France wanted to do to Germany.

Thus, another war, 20 years later.
You seem to believe that victorious Germany was stabbed in the back by Jews.
World War I ended with the signing of the Armistice of 11 November 1918, which was signed in the private train car of French Marshal Ferdinand Jean Marie Foch in the Forest of Compiègne. The armistice was signed by German and Allied commanders and politicians.

Why do you think cutting and pasting is an argument?

Point was the Jewish Socialists overthrew the Kaiser and signed a humiliating peace treaty. Probably because they thought that a world wide revolution was coming, and we'd all be singing Kumbaya over the corpses of dead Monarchs. Instead, they went along with every vindictive thing the French wanted to do to them.

and not surprisingly, when Right Wing Parties (not just the Nazis) started rising, they took most of the blame.
Why do you think cutting and pasting is an argument?

Point was the Jewish Socialists overthrew the Kaiser and signed a humiliating peace treaty. Probably because they thought that a world wide revolution was coming, and we'd all be singing Kumbaya over the corpses of dead Monarchs. Instead, they went along with every vindictive thing the French wanted to do to them.

and not surprisingly, when Right Wing Parties (not just the Nazis) started rising, they took most of the blame.
It was not only "the Jews" who wanted the Kaiser to abdicate. He was unpopular among many Germans for starting a war he could not win.
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