DEI is dead. The Establishment Media Just Doesn’t Want You to Know It
3 Dec 2024 ~~ By Joel Kotkin
Even before November, the once trendy concepts of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) were already sinking. Now the election of Donald Trump all but guarantees their accelerated decline.
The DEI push gained momentum during the 2020 George Floyd riots, after being nurtured for years on most college campuses. Many companies, including Walmart, adopted its associated practices. But new research from The Conference Board indicates that over half of executives anticipate continuing the pushback of DEI initiatives. Among the firms stepping back from DEI include Boeing, John Deere, Harley-Davidson, and Black & Decker, and the biggest of all, Walmart itself.
The demise of DEI and ESG marks a landmark shift away from a decade of incessant virtue-signalling. The debate should now focus not on some abstract notion of “justice” but on how to make life better for working people of all ages. We can expect hysteria from eco and social justice warriors about the imminent climate catastrophes or the return to Jim Crow, slavery and anti-miscegenation laws. Yet at least for the next four years, the promoters of both ESG and DEI will be on the defensive, as Americans continue to build – on their own – the world’s most prosperous, and dynamic, multi-racial society.
This piece first appeared at
DEI has become a detriment to America and was forced upon us by Neo-Marxist Democrats as part of their "Fundamental Transformation of America".
Let’s not break out the champagne yet. These ticks, termites and roaches never give up. They might hide for a bit but they’ll be back. They require constant systematic fumigation.
No one watches or follows the legacy media except those few seniors who grew up glued to their TV. How many outside of liberal late-stage Boomers watch PBS? Yeah, pretty much nobody. Sure, you can go to a senior center and they’ll have the legacy media blaring at deafening levels in the common area, but other than that, it’s dead.
Biden used a wide brush inserting DEI appointees wherever he could. Obviously it hasn't worked out to well as we have seen.
It's certainly not dead in the federal government, which remains the largest employer in the country. And that's including the military, where DEI has had a real, negative impact on our ability to wage war and defend ourselves against attack.