Dem Bronx Rally Was An F'Bomb Laced Hate-Fest


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
AOC and Jamal Bowman cut loose with angry and F'Bomb laced rhetoric yesterday in a rally in the Bronx meant to counter the Trump rally that was held there earlier.

If you like foul mouthed obscenities coming from your members of congress then you wouldn't have been disappointed.

She's ready to fight. This is angry stuff here, and so hypocritical. Classic communist tactics on display. Listen to the angry music being played. They might as well be calling for a lynch-mob.

I remember when Trump used the phrase "Peacefully protest and let your voice be heard" and now he's being charged with causing the Jan 6th riots.

I caught some clips of him and his Jew-hating, profanity-laced rant. He sounded like some lowlife piece of ghetto trash - NOT a U.S. Congressman.

All these antisemitic Squad members need to be sent packing.

And whatever happened to his interfering with a Congressional vote by pulling the fire alarm? He just got away with it?
I caught some clips of him and his Jew-hating, profanity-laced rant. He sounded like some lowlife piece of ghetto trash - NOT a U.S. Congressman.

All these antisemitic Squad members need to be sent packing.

And whatever happened to his interfering with a Congressional vote by pulling the fire alarm? He just got away with it?
They have Co opted the Pro Minority Zeitgeist and turned it in to a De Colonialization , and Target #1 & 2 are The Great Satan and the Little Satan
I caught some clips of him and his Jew-hating, profanity-laced rant. He sounded like some lowlife piece of ghetto trash - NOT a U.S. Congressman.

All these antisemitic Squad members need to be sent packing.

And whatever happened to his interfering with a Congressional vote by pulling the fire alarm? He just got away with it?
Listening to that voice and that background music would piss anyone off.

This is despicable.

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He dresses like a fucking bum. Congressmen should be wearing suits and ties to show they are serious people when meeting with the constituents.

Although Bowman's primary opponent, Latimer , is also a piece of doo doo. Latimer has accepted support from both Bill and Hillary. This is an intra-party conflict like that between Stalin and Trotsky.

Has Maxine said it will be the Biden supporters doing the violence and the killing? Trump will declare martial law in the cities that try to pull that shit. Biden will just let it happen. So two months of violence and murder then Trump takes office and it will be over.
He dresses like a fucking bum. Congressmen should be wearing suits and ties to show they are serious people when meeting with the constituents.

Although Bowman's primary opponent, Latimer , is also a piece of doo doo. Latimer has accepted support from both Bill and Hillary. This is an intra-party conflict like that between Stalin and Trotsky.
He looks like and sounds like a thug from the South Bronx.
I understand people like Bowman, AOC and the rest of the fucked up, useless squad, need the idiot vote desperately. That's exactly who this rally is catering to. There's enough mid-range stupid Republicans in government without making it worse by adding totally retarded, criminal Democrats like this MAGA

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