Dem Desperation: Vote Dem/Stop Ferguson Shootings


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
The Dems in Georgia are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Their new slogan?:

Want to prevent another Ferguson shooting? Vote Democratic, says mailer by Georgia Democrats

No joke!! The idiots are trying to say that if you vote for Democrats that criminal thugs will no longer be shot at by cops doing their jobs. How funny is THAT? Especially in light of the fact that when Michael (Bubba) Brown was shot in Ferguson it was at a time when there was a Democrat President; a Democrat Senate; the most Liberal Supreme Court in the history of the USA; and the majority of council members in Ferguson are Democrats. So exactly how is voting for Democrats going to make Georgia "safer?"

Georgia Democrats are desperate to get their voters out in the Nov. 4 elections.

So they have decided to invoke the Aug. 9 shooting of Michael Brown of Ferguson, Mo. The shooting brought outrage among black residents of Ferguson, and riots began.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and other sources, the Democratic Party of Georgia sent out mailers telling voters: "If you want to prevent another Ferguson in their future, vote!"
Want to prevent another Ferguson shooting Vote Democratic says mailer by Georgia Democrats

Ironically, the black citizens of Ferguson are going to do just the opposite. They no longer feel safe under Democrat leadership so they're going to cast their votes for Republicans. Yippie Kay-Yay!!! LOLOL

African-American Voters in Ferguson Rejecting Democratic Candidates
African-American voters in Ferguson, Mo. and St. Louis County say they're changing their elected leaders and will vote for Republicans on Nov. 4 in hopes of effecting change in the community.

"Just because they've got the D next to their name, that don't mean nothing," Darren Seals, a 27-year-old assembly-line worker and hip-hop musician told The Washington Post. "The world is watching us right now. It's time to send a message of our power."

The suburb of St. Louis where 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed by a white police officer is a traditionally Democratic community, but Seals says he'll vote for a white Republican.
African-American Voters in Ferguson Rejecting Democratic Candidates

Don't you just love when Dem idiocy backfires on their sorry asses?
Many African Americans in Ferguson and across St. Louis County, angered over their leaders’ response to the fatal shooting, say they will be taking their outrage to the ballot box and voting against a Democratic Party that has long been their automatic choice.

They are focusing on the St. Louis county executive’s race, which typically centers on matters such as the budget and sanitation but this year has become caught up in the unrest.
Black voters in St. Louis County direct their anger at the Democratic Party - The Washington Post

Glad some blacks are finally waking up. They've been drugged by false promises and platitudes for so long that they became complacent and programmed. Not so any longer. They're waking up to the fact that they've been fed a bunch of lies and they're on the verge of rebelling against their plantation masters -- The Democrat Party. Good for them for finally stepping up to the plate and swinging hard.
Democrats are going to legalize cop killing? How do black police officers feel about that?
I wonder how many of the black population in Georgia are falling for the Dem's faulty and flimsy reasoning.
Wow. What happened to this forum's lively and outspoken liberals? Cat got your collective tongue?

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