Dem Hypocrites Promoting Ellison To #2 - His Victim Says 'Not So Fast!'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In the midst of the Feinstein-Ford 'Stop Trump/Derail Kavanaugh' campaign where Liberals are piling on demanding 'All Women Must Be Believed / Guilty Until Proven Innocent', The same Democrat hypocrites have completely rejected any and all accusations made by Keith Ellison's victim.

Unlike Ford in the Kavanaugh fiasco, Karen Monahan has produced evidence to back her claim:

'Karen Monahan, an ex-girlfriend of Ellison, published the document on social media just days after saying the Democratic Party “smeared” her and threatened to isolate her over her allegations against the deputy of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

A doctor wrote in the medical document that Monahan “states that she was in a very stressful environment for years, emotional and physical abuse by a partner with whom she is now separated.

“She identifies the individual she was involved with as Congressman Ellison, and she is worried about retribution if she identifies him publicly,” the document added.'

Just the announcement of a rumor by a 3rd party (Feinstein) was enough to elicit immediate condemnation and declarations of 'Guilty Until Proven Innocent' from rabid Trump-hating Liberals who, again, demand that 'all' women be heard and believed.....except, as usual, that does not apply when the accused is a Democrat.

'Earlier this week, Monahan said the Democratic Party doesn’t believe her allegations, even as it stood behind Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser of sexual misconduct.

“No, they don't,” Monahan tweeted in response to a question whether the party believes women’s stories about misconduct. “I've been smeared, threatened, isolated from my own party. I provided medical records from 2017, stating on two different Dr. Visits, I told them about the abuse and who did it. My therapist released records stating I have been dealing and healing from the abuse.”

The Democrats have the same disgusting, immoral, unethical, hypocritical playbook that, unfortunately, contains the 'Tactic of the Politics of Personal Destruction', which exposes their own hypocrisy and lack of moral conscience, how they are willing to do absolutely ANYTHING - even completely destroy someone's word / reputation / everything they have and still stands for / their career / their marriage / their family to not just 'beat' someone but to absolutely DESTROY someone personally. (Make no mistake, this is also a tactic of INTIMIDATION, a warning to anyone else that they could be next if they step up to oppose the Democratic Party.)

This kind of BS is EXACTLY why America rejected the Democrats, causing them to lose the House, the Senate, and the WH. This is, in part, why America rejected Hillary Clinton in 2016, because she personified EVERYTHING corrupt, criminal, self-serving, despicable, and deplorable about career elitist politicians, the Deep State, and Washington Establishment.

Instead of trying to get away from that, in the last several years the Liberals have doubled-down on it, 'stepped on the gas pedal', and are not only not afraid to show it - they are openly, in-your-face, embracing it while proudly saying, 'This is who we are - F* You, America!'

From the Hollywood Awards shows where they openly insult middle America / Americans about their faith, family, guns, morals, etc... to the complete and utter disrespect shown to Americans, exposed most effectively by the revealed audio / videos of Jonathon Gruber, explaining that Democrats don't just THINK voters are stupid but COUNT on them being stupid to get away with what they do without any accountability.

Their double-standard is once again on display, proudly, in regards to how they are promoting Ford while borrowing a page from sexual predator Enabler Hillary to shut Monahan out / down!

Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser posts 2017 medical document identifying Democrat as abuser


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