Dem NC Gov Declares 'State Of Energency' To Try To Stop School Choice Legislation From Passing

American Federation for Children senior fellow Corey DeAngelis drew attention to Hoyt's message on Twitter and told Fox News Digital, "Representative Tommy Hoyt let the mask slip. These socialists think they know better than parents. They despise the very notion of parental rights because they really believe kids belong to the government"

bottom line....~S~
Only republicans believe they own children begining with conception.
Public schools should have choice as to what students to accept and/or keep.
Public schools attempt to accommodate all but their are limits, naturally.
Um yes. You take public money, you accept the public. Don't like it? Private schools.
Translation: you want good schools limited to the well-off and the well-connected. Some people cannot be taught and trying is a waste of time.
Why is it wrong to give folks a choice?
Translation: you want good schools limited to the well-off and the well-connected. Some people cannot be taught and trying is a waste of time.


I have never and would never say that. I'm saying if private schools accept PUBLIC money, they should also accept PUBLIC students--and that's all children with the voucher, from the intelligent and academically gifted to the special needs to the severe behavior disorders.

I have never and would never say that. I'm saying if private schools accept PUBLIC money, they should also accept PUBLIC students--and that's all children with the voucher, from the intelligent and academically gifted to the special needs to the severe behavior disorders.
Either you did not read my post or you did not understand it.
Translation: you want good schools limited to the well-off and the well-connected. Some people cannot be taught and trying is a waste of time.
You have a low opinion of public schools. That's unfortunate, most are great. A lot depends on the amount of funding they get. States that give youth and education the most funding generally do better in the long run. I know one thing public funding of private schools can only detract from public schools. I never had children but I'm proud to support public schools but not private ones. To many ifs in the proposition. And will private schools that recieve public funds quit preaching religion and practicing discrimination and will they have proper sex education classes. If the answer is no to any of the above then they don't deserve public support
You have a low opinion of public schools. That's unfortunate, most are great. A lot depends on the amount of funding they get. States that give youth and education the most funding generally do better in the long run. I know one thing public funding of private schools can only detract from public schools. I never had children but I'm proud to support public schools but not private ones. To many ifs in the proposition. And will private schools that recieve public funds quit preaching religion and practicing discrimination and will they have proper sex education classes. If the answer is no to any of the above then they don't deserve public support

Many public schools are sewers. The highest per-student cost districts usually have the worst results. (I recall Baltimore is generally in the top three for cost.) Couple that with the inability or lack of interest in actually having a safe learning environment, and the result is obvious: garbage. It's overpriced babysitting and warehousing.
Many public schools are sewers. The highest per-student cost districts usually have the worst results. (I recall Baltimore is generally in the top three for cost.) Couple that with the inability or lack of interest in actually having a safe learning environment, and the result is obvious: garbage. It's overpriced babysitting and warehousing.
Here in Nebraska we have great public schools and they cost big bucks, unfortunately out republican state governor and unicameral just voted in funding for private schools, I don't approve of it because the private schools didn't make any concessions.
To stop patents from having a choice regarding where to send their children to school, to prevent School Choice Legislation from passing, to deny American citizens 'FREEDOM OF CHOICE', Democratic North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper has declared a 'State of Emegency'.

'Democratic North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper declared a "state of emergency" on Monday in an attempt to stop a school choice bill from passing the state legislature.

Cooper released a video announcement where he declared a state of emergency, arguing that the state of public education is "no less important" than other emergencies.

"It’s time to declare a State of Emergency for public education in North Carolina. There’s no Executive Order like with a hurricane or the pandemic, but it’s no less important," Cooper stated.

He continued, "It’s clear that the Republican legislature is aiming to choke the life out of public education. I’m declaring this state of emergency because you need to know what’s happening. If you care about public schools in North Carolina, it’s time to take immediate action and tell them to stop the damage that will set back our schools for a generation."

If Democrat controlled / run public schools were worth saving, were worth attending, parents would be choosing to send their kids to school there.

Instead, Democrat public schools have become transgender confusing centers, CRT training facilities, LGBTQ Indoctrination camps, places for sick pedophile liberal extremists to groom, kids, have sex with kids, and mutilate their genitals.

Democrats have voted against Parents' rights, declared children belong to the govt now not the parents, and are even trying to legalize the govt kidnapping your children so they can mutilate their genitals.

Meanwhile in some schools it is being reported as high as 97% of children can't read or do simple math.

Democrats are attempting to strip Americans of their freedom of choice to protect their 'Nazi Youth Camps'.

You have a low opinion of public schools. That's unfortunate, most are great. A lot depends on the amount of funding they get. States that give youth and education the most funding generally do better in the long run. I know one thing public funding of private schools can only detract from public schools. I never had children but I'm proud to support public schools but not private ones. To many ifs in the proposition. And will private schools that recieve public funds quit preaching religion and practicing discrimination and will they have proper sex education classes. If the answer is no to any of the above then they don't deserve public support

Some public schools with great funding do horribly, and I would never say "most" are "great" even as a public school teacher.

Way too much politics in your post.
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