Dem Rep. Al Green says Va. blackface scandals 'a symptom' of Trump's bigotry, vows impeachment


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Get this: It's Trump's fault the Democrats are racists!

Rep. Al Green on Thursday pledged to force a House vote to impeach the president, citing the blackface scandals plaguing Virginia Democrats as “a symptom” of the president’s bigotry.

“When we allow bigotry to infect the body politic with impunity at the highest level, other levels will expect impunity for their bigotry,” the Texas Democrat tweeted Thursday morning. “Gov. Northam’s refusal to resign for his bigotry is a symptom. Failure to act on Pres. Trump’s bigotry is the problem. #ImpeachmentIsNotDead.”

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam and state Attorney General Mark Herring, both Democrats, are facing calls to resign after they both admitted to wearing blackface decades ago. A photo also surfaced from Mr. Northam’s personal page out of his medical school yearbook that showed two men, one in blackface and the other in a Ku Klux Klan robe and hood.

Mr. Green, who has already forced two failed impeachment votes, said on the House floor Thursday that he planned on forcing a third vote against the president, asking fellow congress members to go “on record” and reject bigotry by starting “at the top.”

“You have in Virginia, a Klansman and blackface next to each other in a yearbook. It has been acknowledged as that of the governor,” Mr. Green said. “There is enough evidence not only to ask that the governor resign but to demand that he do so.

“But I understand why this level of bigotry is going to be tolerated to a certain extent because we don’t want to take on the president,” Green said. “If we allow the president to exist with his bigotry, how can we demand with any degree of credibility that the governor resign? We have to start at the top. This level of bigotry is trickling down.

Get this: It's Trump's fault the Democrats are racists!

Rep. Al Green on Thursday pledged to force a House vote to impeach the president, citing the blackface scandals plaguing Virginia Democrats as “a symptom” of the president’s bigotry.

“When we allow bigotry to infect the body politic with impunity at the highest level, other levels will expect impunity for their bigotry,” the Texas Democrat tweeted Thursday morning. “Gov. Northam’s refusal to resign for his bigotry is a symptom. Failure to act on Pres. Trump’s bigotry is the problem. #ImpeachmentIsNotDead.”

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam and state Attorney General Mark Herring, both Democrats, are facing calls to resign after they both admitted to wearing blackface decades ago. A photo also surfaced from Mr. Northam’s personal page out of his medical school yearbook that showed two men, one in blackface and the other in a Ku Klux Klan robe and hood.

Mr. Green, who has already forced two failed impeachment votes, said on the House floor Thursday that he planned on forcing a third vote against the president, asking fellow congress members to go “on record” and reject bigotry by starting “at the top.”

“You have in Virginia, a Klansman and blackface next to each other in a yearbook. It has been acknowledged as that of the governor,” Mr. Green said. “There is enough evidence not only to ask that the governor resign but to demand that he do so.

“But I understand why this level of bigotry is going to be tolerated to a certain extent because we don’t want to take on the president,” Green said. “If we allow the president to exist with his bigotry, how can we demand with any degree of credibility that the governor resign? We have to start at the top. This level of bigotry is trickling down.

Typical dumb fuck Democrat. Everything is Trumps fault. Whatever.:auiqs.jpg:
Oh, I get it: according to liberal intestinal walking, somehow-gamma-ray-emitting polyps, any bad thing, any bad decision any individual person on this planet makes, is somehow MAGICALLY Donald Trump's fault, right? I have seen toddlers with a greater sense of right/wrong reasoning & logic than these "adult" liberal biological debris.

These seething liberal things-from-the-shadows have gone SOOOOOO far beyond an exorcism, I'll bet if you threw a bunch of holy water on these Freudian nightmares, they would vaporize into steam like the Wicked Witch of the West. "I'm melting! Melting!"
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Is there any truth to the rumor that Trump was responsible for the Johnstown, PA flood of 1889?
blackface is white supremacy as fashion, so is the KKK hood

Democraps have the corner to themselves on blackface these days...and have for a long while.
Just ask Jimmy Kimmel, Joy Behar, Ted Danson, Robt. Downey Jr., etc., etc..
The more these Democrats open their mouths, the more voters will run away from them.
Is there any truth to the rumor that Trump was responsible for the Johnstown, PA flood of 1889?

Yes! President Trump was also directly responsible for Europe's bubonic plague about 600 years before he was born.
Is there any truth to the rumor that Trump was responsible for the Johnstown, PA flood of 1889?

Yes! President Trump was also directly responsible for Europe's bubonic plague about 600 years before he was born.

They can't blame a Typhus outbreak in L.A. on him. That'll be Jerry Browns and Gavin Newsomes fault; both Democraps!
How is trump responsible for democrat scandals?
Especially ones that occurred 35 years before The Creature took office...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again...

The Left is every bit as full of $hit as the Right... just in different ways...
Is there any truth to the rumor that Trump was responsible for the Johnstown, PA flood of 1889?

Yes! President Trump was also directly responsible for Europe's bubonic plague about 600 years before he was born.

They can't blame a Typhus outbreak in L.A. on him. That'll be Jerry Browns and Gavin Newsomes fault; both Democraps!

As I keep saying, GOOD for the typhus disease. Liberal traitors want to flood America with the lowest dregs of the third world? Fine, let them get the third world diseases they bring. Did you know that I've actually, occasionally seen Europeans with less sadistic hatred of Americans than today's American liberal animals?
In 3 or 4 billion years, when the sun starts dying and swells up into its "red giant" stage (as yellow stars do when they start burning out), turning Earth into a molten-lava mess, I'm sure that will also somehow be Trump's fault. Don't worry, liberalfilth will come up with mental gymnastics to prove that the universe's astronomical entropy is caused by Donald Trump.
Al Green looks like a wino who found a suit in a dumpster. Talks like one too. And he has enough pomade in his hair to grease the treads of an Abrams tank.


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