Dem Rep Brendan Boyle says Liz Cheney potentially running as an independent for president in 2024 could 'inadvertently help Trump more than hurt him'

Russia's aim is to compromise any and all presidents but I see no evidence of that being the case with any others.
At best it might be claimed that Kennedy was compromised, but nobody has ever made a convincing case on that.

Kennedy's bluff failed with Kruschev but there are logical and known reasons why, that didn't require compromising.
You see no evidence because the FBI sat on it. Worse, lied about it.
So this Boyle guy sez Cheney running as an Independent would help, not hurt, Trump??

And then doesn't explain why he thinks that? Zero explanation in the linkie.

Well, this is just spouting off time: the silly season, August.

Anything that takes votes away from Trump COULD hurt his election chances, that's the usual thinking right now.
I don't see it taking votes from Trump. By far the majority of votes for Cheney would be never trumpers who would never vote for Trump in the first place. And all likelihood, as in the 2020 election, they would end up voting for the Democrat instead of Trump. So Cheney taking their votes would pull those votes from the Democrat. No self-respecting conservative is going to vote for Cheney over Trump. She may even pull some Dem votes if Biden or Harris is their nominee in 24.
The law won't allow Trump to get that close to being elected president. America's war with Russia is far too important to allow a compromised candidate.
The Progs have made deals to allow China even more access to the United States with products. Somehow, he is spouting another lie where we will regain production. Biden and others are compromised.
You see no evidence because the FBI sat on it. Worse, lied about it.
I could maybe be convinced if someone was to attempt a story that could be believed.

Convinced that some other president was compromised, I assume you mean.

Be careful how you answer, I'm not giving second chances today.
The Progs have made deals to allow China even more access to the United States with products. Somehow, he is spouting another lie where we will regain production. Biden and others are compromised.
That might be.
America should have at least 10 prominent parties, like France, instead of just the two. hopefully Andrew Yang has started a revolution with his Forward Party

While I'm all for having multiple parties and decreasing the power of both Republicans and Democrats, I don't like the Forward Party. It starts off with basic income for everyone so I can't even get past that regarding any other policies they have. I'm against basic income. It just encourages people to not work and basic income for the rich is just plain stupid.
I don't see it taking votes from Trump. By far the majority of votes for Cheney would be never trumpers who would never vote for Trump in the first place. And all likelihood, as in the 2020 election, they would end up voting for the Democrat instead of Trump. So Cheney taking their votes would pull those votes from the Democrat. No self-respecting conservative is going to vote for Cheney over Trump. She may even pull some Dem votes if Biden or Harris is their nominee in 24.
I have heard that analysis (WSJ, some op-ed) but that writer thought the never-Trumpers would NOT vote for Biden. Just --- votes in the vacuum going to Cheney. I would agree more with that, but who knows?

I'm mainly alarmed that we are leap-frogging over the Midterms straight to the main action in 2024! People, let's spread our thrills out a little, they'll go farther.
America should have at least 10 prominent parties, like France, instead of just the two. hopefully Andrew Yang has started a revolution with his Forward Party

Like so many other Democrats, Rep. Brendan Boyle (D) Pennsylvania has been complimentary of Liz Cheney. Democrats admire her for willingly sacrificing her career in the House of Representatives to stand up to trump for his many crimes. First by voting to impeach him for his incitement of the January 6 insurrection and continuing to criticize him during the Select Committee’s investigation.

However, Boyle also believes a 2024 Cheney bid could "help Trump more than hurt him" if she runs as an independent.

Democrats considering voting for Cheney in 2024 should be reminded that Liz voted with trump about 93 percent of the time during his years in the White House. Cheney, like her father and other Republicans, is no friend of the working class and consumers, and especially the working poor, minorities, and every other group the GOP scapegoats to pander to their ignorant voting base.

Liz Cheney was a textbook trump Nazi and would be campaigning for trump in 2024 had he not committed treason with his planning of, and attempted coup.


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