Dem Rep Pramila Jayapal: Today I'm proud to introduce my Climate Resilience Workforce Act!

i would vote for it in Congress

"This innovative bill combats the worsening climate crisis by investing in a skilled workforce — that can not only respond to but prepare for the most destructive effects of climate change."

That bitch is clueless, all she wants is more redistribution of wealth, more govt cheese as it were.

Does this creature actually know this stuff? She has been given an agenda from the elites. Which most Progs get every day.

Blaming the climate for hurricanes and other weather events proves she doesn't. The reason storms are more destructive is more people are living near the coasts. And the reason minorities suffer greater losses is they are less likely to have insurance, the ones that have insurance have about the same out come as any one else.

If she believes in Climate Change, the biggest hoax on the planet, then she's a gullible clueless idiot. Unless of course if she plans to cash in on the hoax.

Al Gore laughed his way to the bank with his CC gig. I'd bet she has one as well. If she really believes in climate change she's a fool.
If she believes in Climate Change, the biggest hoax on the planet, then she's a gullible clueless idiot. Unless of course if she plans to cash in on the hoax.

Al Gore laughed his way to the bank with his CC gig. I'd bet she has one as well. If she really believes in climate change she's a fool.
She and Jay Inslee figure they'll follow Gore's lead.

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