Democracy not only thing that will disappear if you vote Republican, now the Planet will.

Ever see that movie, The Thing? Creatures that absorb a humans, look like that whatever organism but are just trying to destroy and replace you? Sadly that's what democrats have become. Democrats are run by elitist whites. And they absorb the political DNA of whatever to gain power. And you accept them. I know that's a poor metaphor...but apropos. Democrats ARE the threat to democracy.
And the GOP is run by pauper minorities.
LOL. Are you shitting me? That entire movie remake is an early 80's homage to Reagan "conservatism". TRICKLE DOWN!! :auiqs.jpg:
Actually, it a good metaphor for the current standing democratic party. They will represent ANYTHING, pretend to be ANYTHING. They aren't really that thing they just pretend to be. They are run by amorphous undefiable "they" that glommed onto a cause for power. That is what Democrats are. Used to call them carpetbaggers. But it's the 21st century. Call them Liberal democrats.
Apparently, you never saw Trump's act at a campaign rally.
Apparently you don't apprehend inflation was caused by Biden, Or racial divisiveness caused by Biden/Democrats. I can not think of anything worse that Trump ever did that was worse.
Actually, it a good metaphor for the current standing democratic party. They will represent ANYTHING, pretend to be ANYTHING. They aren't really that thing they just pretend to be. They are run by amorphous undefiable "they" that glommed onto a cause for power. That is what Democrats are. Used to call them carpetbaggers. But it's the 21st century. Call them Liberal democrats.

Let's just call 'em "Marxists" and be done with it.
They haven't really lost their marbles.

Anybody who falls for the ridiculously desperate fear mongering has.
The problem is that millions of them actually do believe this crap. they have no ability to think critically at ANY level. They are media-programmed zombies that repeat the lines they're given. Thankfully, most of them will draw the line at that level of commitment. I think if Orange Man Bad announces his run this month, the Soros, Obama collective, et. al. will mobilize their thug army (Antifa/BLM) and put them in the streets. If so, as long as they burn down their own neighborhoods, I won't be bothered by it, at all. Hell, the looting alone would be enough to draw the crowds. Time to steal Christmas gifts ;)
Is the Pig Lousy really claiming that the whole planet is on the ballot next Tuesday? all of it LOL?

What a fuckward ....I mean can you imagine saying a thing like that?:cuckoo:
They may actually believe their supporters are that stupid. It's insulting, really. The one thing they seem to be willing to do is to foment violent unrest. The media should be held accountable if their propaganda broadcasts actually trigger such insanity.
It's a hail Mary. Happens all the time, no matter the party.
Yeah? When was the last time you heard a Conservative or Libertarian candidate selling this level of fear? I'm 62 and I've never seen anything like it. It would be one thing if the Left had no history of taking the rhetoric seriously but 2020 proved they are more than willing to run riot, looting,, burning, and killing over some half-assed political grudge.
All it's going to take for it to spiral out of control will be if Soros' Sturmtruppen bring their arson and killing to Red cities and states. I think that trying to ignore this level of fear mongering and hate is a mistake. The Left are doubling and tripling down on this message.

When they get humiliated all over the nation on November 8th, they may decide to go on a rampage, screaming about "voter suppression" "racisms" and the like. Remember, the ONLY story that will follow this chaos will be from legacy media and they will blame - the radical far right - for everything.

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