Democracy not only thing that will disappear if you vote Republican, now the Planet will.

I need a liberal to explain this to me: So how does using constitutional right to vote democratically in a fair election (when you disagree with democrats) a "threat to democracy'? HOW?
I think we saw a good indication of that in the summer of 2020.
That's pretty much it.

After two years of accepted and indulged lawlessness asserting the law will be exceedingly difficult. The police will be hamstrung with lawsuits, rules and race.
The problem is that millions of them actually do believe this crap. they have no ability to think critically at ANY level. They are media-programmed zombies that repeat the lines they're given. Thankfully, most of them will draw the line at that level of commitment. I think if Orange Man Bad announces his run this month, the Soros, Obama collective, et. al. will mobilize their thug army (Antifa/BLM) and put them in the streets. If so, as long as they burn down their own neighborhoods, I won't be bothered by it, at all. Hell, the looting alone would be enough to draw the crowds. Time to steal Christmas gifts ;)
and we see examples of them every day in this forum.
Clean air, clean water, social security, medicare, affordable housing,food, the economy - all wiped out.

Safety and security...gone.

Instead of rimming on sny picy, any achievement, any success - all of ehich they have NONE, the Democrats are 'All-In' on world class FEAR-MONGERING, telling you the evil, heionous, scary horrific reasons why you should not vote for Republicans... if 2 - 3 weeks of scare tactics will make everyone suddenly forget

- The violations of Constitution & Law

- The violations of the Patriot Act

- Defrauding the FISA Court

- Illegally spying on Americans

- Failed Coup Attempts

- Criminal Impeachments

- The largest criminal political scandal in US history

- A weaponized Partisan DOJ / FBI that are targeting,silencing, punishing, 'disappearing' politcal opponents / threats while protecting criminals, domestic terrorist Antifa and BLM

- Threatening USSC Justices, calling for violence against them, undermining them, inciting 2 political assassination attempts

- Out of control crime and liberal partisan violence

- 7 YEARS of non-stop 'Get Trump'

- Mask / Clossure Mandates / Oppression based on zero science

- Using Americans as lab rats for mandated experimental drugs

- Destroying the economy based on a liberal agenda, destroying energy production by eliminating use of the 1 irreplaceable energy source on which our entire economy is based whe having no replacement for it / no alternative

- now wants to shut down all coal mines just as winter is hitting

- Destroyed economy, food shortages, supply crisis, higher gas prices, draining the emergency supply

- Hunter Laptop, compromised, criminal Biden Family

- A dementia-ravaged insane old pathelocically / mentally insane liar as President....a guy raised in a Puerto Rican community, got his start in a Blacks-Only college, talked to the inventor of Insulin - who died 2 years begore he was born, was arrested in South Africa with Manedla, was tops in his law class, rode the train to work every day as a Senatordid NOT shake hands with rhe Butcher if Khashoggi, did not go to Saudi to talk about oil, once lassoed and rode a tornado, taught Elvis how to sing, taught Sammy Davis Jr how to dance, and helped Bettsy f*in Ross sew the flag...

...but things will be WAY worse if Republicans take over.

That’s right, Nancy Pelosi claims the planet is on the ballot next Tuesday. Vote Republican and the planet will die.

They have lost their last marble.

What I can tell you is the democrat candidates are BURYING us under a mountain of voter begathon vote for us mass mailings.

6 to 7 texts and phone calls per day...and this is common to ALL the registered democrats.

The DNC is finally waking up.
If the earth is going to cease existing, those Democrats had better get their shit together. Their only hope is to assemble so they can all go meet the mother ship on the other side of the moon, like those Heaven's Gate folks did back in the 90's.

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Looks like Brandon when asked a tough question like, “what’s your name, Mr. President?”
That’s right, Nancy Pelosi claims the planet is on the ballot next Tuesday. Vote Republican and the planet will die.
I remember when Dems ran on jobs, the economy, fire and police. Oh wait they shit on all that now, I guess killing the planet BS is all those blithering idiots have left.
Let's just call 'em "Marxists" and be done with it.
Yeah, it's like when yous guys twas callin' everyone Muslims trying to slur them. Means nothing because you use it where it doesn't belong.
Yeah, it's like when yous guys twas callin' everyone Muslims trying to slur them. Means nothing because you use it where it doesn't belong.

You must have a fever. I don't remember anyone calling everyone "Muslims."

In fact, there are two conservative Muslims on this board whose opinions I respect far more than yours.
You must have a fever. I don't remember anyone calling everyone "Muslims."

In fact, there are two conservative Muslims on this board whose opinions I respect far more than yours.
This was during Oblama's term. I don't identify people as religions I identify them as humans.

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