Senior Member
Itsthetruth said:"Democraps Are Not Giving George W. A Fair Chance To Fool People on Social Security!"
March 12, 2004
By Bob Boudelang, Angry American Patriot
Who is not outraged at the disgraceful way that the DemocRats have become the Party of Know and blocked Our Great Presidents plan to privateer Socialist Security? I know I have been so outraged that I could barely write a word, which means that anyone who tells you I have been off on a bender the last few weeks are just practicing the politics of personal description.
Jeez - what the hell was that? If you're going to post a compendium of unsupported, unproveable, schizophrenic, paranoid rantings why bother going to DU to import their bullshit here? Just make up your own and post it as you usually do. Hell, I know you can be at least as irrational as this clown. Go ahead - go for it.