democrat brown shirts (fascists) block another speaker from speaking....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep.....just like their buddies from 1930s Germany, the democrats blocked another speaker on another college campus....

Protesters shout down Heather Mac Donald speech at Claremont McKenna College - Hot Air

Protesters at Claremont McKenna College partially shut down a talk by Heather Mac Donald, author of the book The War on Cops Thursday evening. Mac Donald was forced to speak to a nearly empty auditorium and then had her talk, which was being live-streamed, cut short by police who were concerned the crowd outside was getting rowdy. The College Fix reports:

“The protesters surrounded all the doors to the Atheneum where I was supposed to speak, so none of the students who had signed up to attend my lecture could get in,” Mac Donald (pictured) told The Fix. “I was hustled from my guest suite by several police officers from Claremont PD into the lecture hall. It was decided that I would give the speech for live streaming to a largely empty hall. The organizers moved the podium so that it would not be visible through the windows to the students surrounding the building once night fell. We jumpstarted the timing of my talk as the crowd seemed to be getting more unruly.”…

“During my speech, the protesters banged on the glass windows and shouted. It was extremely noisy inside the hall. I took two questions from students who were watching on livestream, but then the cops decided that things were getting too chaotic and I should stop speaking,” Mac Donald said. “An escape plan through the kitchen into an unmarked police van was devised; I was surrounded by about four cops. Protesters were sitting on the stoop outside the door through which I exited, but we had taken them by surprise and we got through them.”
Democrats believe in free speech only if it agrees with them.
No dissenting thoughts allowed
Those cops acquiescing to a mob sickens me. Should have maced, whipped and firehosed their commie asses into the gutters and allowed the people to freely assemble.

Government is supposed to protect the rights of innocent peaceful citizens right?

There protests are not about their right to speech, but about shutting down others right to speech.

Any college or town that doesn't have a plan in place before a conservative tries to speak, is, at best incompetent, and at worst compliant,
There protests are not about their right to speech, but about shutting down others right to speech.

Any college or town that doesn't have a plan in place before a conservative tries to speak, is, at best incompetent, and at worst compliant,

I would bet the faculty of the institution organized it. They're not just complicit, they're apparatchiks.

I really disagree with this. College is supposed to be a place where you lean about the worst as well as the best. The way to stop the creeping rot the right is pushing on our country is to know the enemy.
I really disagree with this. College is supposed to be a place where you lean about the worst as well as the best. The way to stop the creeping rot the right is pushing on our country is to know the enemy.

YOu seem to think that you can win the contest of ideas by the strength of your ideas.

So many on your side don't share that view. They are afraid.

Kudos to you for at least being sincere.
Liberals of today fear free speech.
If they could, they would replace the First Amendment with an amendment that guarantees them the right to never be offended.
YOu seem to think that you can win the contest of ideas by the strength of your ideas.

So many on your side don't share that view. They are afraid.

Kudos to you for at least being sincere.

Point of order...

Puddly lacks the capacity to "think".

Puddly believes in shit, and parrots it. That's it.

You're essentially arguing with a parrot.

YOu seem to think that you can win the contest of ideas by the strength of your ideas.

So many on your side don't share that view. They are afraid.

Kudos to you for at least being sincere.

Point of order...

Puddly lacks the capacity to "think".

Puddly believes in shit, and parrots it. That's it.

You're essentially arguing with a parrot.


.... said the parrot.

Notice that the RWNJs, like you, go straight to lies without ever looking at the reality of this, or of anything else.

You parrot each other because you can't think for yourself. You're one of the worst here for that. Read your own posts - they're always fact free and parrot what other RWNJs say.
YOu seem to think that you can win the contest of ideas by the strength of your ideas.

So many on your side don't share that view. They are afraid.

Kudos to you for at least being sincere.

Point of order...

Puddly lacks the capacity to "think".

Puddly believes in shit, and parrots it. That's it.

You're essentially arguing with a parrot.


.... said the parrot.

Notice that the RWNJs, like you, go straight to lies without ever looking at the reality of this, or of anything else.

You parrot each other because you can't think for yourself. You're one of the worst here for that. Read your own posts - they're always fact free and parrot what other RWNJs say.

.... said the parrot.

Notice that the RWNJs, like you, go straight to lies without ever looking at the reality of this, or of anything else.

You parrot each other because you can't think for yourself. You're one of the worst here for that. Read your own posts - they're always fact free and parrot what other RWNJs say.
You have no idea what MacDonald espouses.
She's a proponent of the empirical, largely the consequences of breakdown of the family unit, a dem-agenda manifestation. But that's too progressive, too cutting-edge for a trained dog like you.

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