Democrat FEAR MONGERING about covid keeps many Americans from getting vaccine

The OP is very confused.

No, the OP is dead on. Do you believe people should still be wearing masks after being vaccinated?

Yes I do.

A vaccine makes you immune (to a certain percentage) to a virus.
You can still carry the virus.
You can still transmit the virus.

What in the holy fuck is wrong with you people?
what's the vaccine's purpose then? I truly don't believe you believe that nonsense. either it works or it doesn't. herd immunity is the only strategy that will end this stupidity. masks don't work, if they did fauci wouldn't have said wear two masks. My point on masks is made solid by that one press conference. masks don't work, and sir, you could never produce one link to say otherwise. you are a roaming fking cow.
None of the above makes sense.
CDC says many Americans can now go outside without a mask (
U.S. health officials say fully vaccinated Americans don't need to wear masks outdoors anymore unless they are in a big crowd of strangers, and those who are unvaccinated can go without a face covering outside in some cases, too.
This is like one big fucking joke
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something."
No, the dumbfucks are the ones wearing no mask, just because they can.
you hate air? not me I need it. you, afraid of air.
Not really, lamb chop. I love air and I love living too. What I don't like is the possibility of catching the Covid or worse and not having any air to enjoy.
you will always be vulnerable to viruses. did you wear a mask when flu outbreak was occurring? you know you can die from the flu. shit you can get pneumonia from a cold. That you can cause yourself by bad behavior in winter. Naw, you ain't afraid of a pointless virus otherwise you'd have always worn one. Nope you hate air and you will believe any demofk that says anything. Masks offend me.
It is not about you. It is about passing your spittle to others and it is about getting this virus under control.
if my spittles aren't infected why do you care? you still haven't answered that.
How do you know that your spittle isn't infected?
Can asymptomatic people transmit COVID-19?
"Yes, infected people can transmit the virus both when they have symptoms and when they don't have symptoms. This is why it is important that all people who are infected are identified by testing, isolated, and, depending on the severity of their disease, receive medical care.Jul 14, 2020"
Q&A: How is COVID-19 transmitted? 14 July 2020 › vietnam › news › detail › 14-07-20.

It is true that people may be able to spread infection before they have symptoms, that is NOT what "asymptomatic" means. That is "presymptomatic". If people get symptoms later, they were never asymptomatic.

However, the reality also is that covid-19 is not very infectious so likely the presymptomatic also are not likely to spread it. They are determining that almost all the spread is from a few "super spreaders", and they likely are very symptomatic. It takes coughing and sneezing to spread it usually. Spittle from talking is unlikely to spread it.
Are you a member of the medical community? "Not likely" is not good enough
if you are exposed to a person who is not healthy. Why take chances?
what if he's discussed with a doctor? and why is that your business? who the fk gave you authority to ask such a hippa question?
The OP is very confused.

No, the OP is dead on. Do you believe people should still be wearing masks after being vaccinated?

Yes I do.

A vaccine makes you immune (to a certain percentage) to a virus.
You can still carry the virus.
You can still transmit the virus.

What in the holy fuck is wrong with you people?
what's the vaccine's purpose then? I truly don't believe you believe that nonsense. either it works or it doesn't. herd immunity is the only strategy that will end this stupidity. masks don't work, if they did fauci wouldn't have said wear two masks. My point on masks is made solid by that one press conference. masks don't work, and sir, you could never produce one link to say otherwise. you are a roaming fking cow.
None of the above makes sense.
ohhhhhhh the irony of that statement. and it came from your fingers. too fking funny. thanks poindexter.
"among healthy" people is the issue. By wearing a mask, the infection is less apt to infect people who are not healthy. By not wearing a mask, you are infecting people
whether healthy or not. My view is to pay attention to the medical community.
not one study was ever done for you to make that statement. so you are literally incorrect. and factually wrong. not one ioda of evidence to support such language.
Why take chances
because I can, I choose to, I'm not afraid of the boogeyman, my life is mine and it's my choice. I thought you all were about choice. now you aren't? A
The only thing better than science is better science, and that is what you should choose, not your ego.
you have no idea what science is. no studies were ever done for you to make such silly statements. incorrect ones at that. the best study that was ever done was the unintended one with the initial cruise ship. 20% of people on the boat supposedly got it, don't know how they knew since there was no tests yet, but let's go with that as a study, out of those 20% no one died. they were in an incubator environment.

First American dies of coronavirus in Wuhan | CTV News\\

The Associated PressStaff
Published Saturday, February 8, 2020 8:06AM EST

Cruise ship passengers faced more woe as Japan reported three more cases for a total of 64 on one quarantined vessel and turned away another. The three are among 3,700 passengers and crew on the quarantined Diamond Princess. They must remain on board for 14 days.

What's funny about that is that it proves that over 80% would have antibodies to fight the virus. that alone showed herd immunity would have resolved this in April of 2020 had the stupid's taken over the country and fauci's investments profited.

Ahhh you little sheeple. grazing in your yard. I'm fking laughing at you. booo!!!!
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They literally say despite being vaccinated it's still not safe. So what's the point of the vaccine if you're gonna continue to hide in your homes or mask up despite being vaccinated? Do they not believe in "the science"?

Why get an experimental substance injected in you when you still are required to follow all of the same stupid mandates?

Because it’s gonna keep me alive.

Fuck you bastards. Ya can’t kill me now

They literally say despite being vaccinated it's still not safe. So what's the point of the vaccine if you're gonna continue to hide in your homes or mask up despite being vaccinated? Do they not believe in "the science"?

Why get an experimental substance injected in you when you still are required to follow all of the same stupid mandates?

Because it’s gonna keep me alive.

Fuck you bastards. Ya can’t kill me now

Why would we want to kill you when you provide endless entertainment with your dumbass posts?

They literally say despite being vaccinated it's still not safe. So what's the point of the vaccine if you're gonna continue to hide in your homes or mask up despite being vaccinated? Do they not believe in "the science"?

Why get an experimental substance injected in you when you still are required to follow all of the same stupid mandates?

Because it’s gonna keep me alive.

Fuck you bastards. Ya can’t kill me now

That’s what’s so pathetic about your generation. You swallow everything your masters feed you without question.

They literally say despite being vaccinated it's still not safe. So what's the point of the vaccine if you're gonna continue to hide in your homes or mask up despite being vaccinated? Do they not believe in "the science"?

Why get an experimental substance injected in you when you still are required to follow all of the same stupid mandates?

Because it’s gonna keep me alive.

Fuck you bastards. Ya can’t kill me now

you think that, you have no evidence to support that statement. shit dude, they're telling you it doesn't work. too fking funny. you should pull that wool up from over your eyes.

They literally say despite being vaccinated it's still not safe. So what's the point of the vaccine if you're gonna continue to hide in your homes or mask up despite being vaccinated? Do they not believe in "the science"?

Why get an experimental substance injected in you when you still are required to follow all of the same stupid mandates?

Because it’s gonna keep me alive.

Fuck you bastards. Ya can’t kill me now

BTW, post a link that says what you just said. tik tok.

They literally say despite being vaccinated it's still not safe. So what's the point of the vaccine if you're gonna continue to hide in your homes or mask up despite being vaccinated? Do they not believe in "the science"?

Why get an experimental substance injected in you when you still are required to follow all of the same stupid mandates?

Because it’s gonna keep me alive.

Fuck you bastards. Ya can’t kill me now

hey, do you know what an antibody is? check with your doctor. I also bet no doctor administered your shot, you have no idea what you had injected in you. too fking funny.

"among healthy" people is the issue. By wearing a mask, the infection is less apt to infect people who are not healthy. By not wearing a mask, you are infecting people
whether healthy or not. My view is to pay attention to the medical community.
not one study was ever done for you to make that statement. so you are literally incorrect. and factually wrong. not one ioda of evidence to support such language.
I support statements made by the medical community every day on tv. Try some common sense for a change.
CDC says many Americans can now go outside without a mask (
U.S. health officials say fully vaccinated Americans don't need to wear masks outdoors anymore unless they are in a big crowd of strangers, and those who are unvaccinated can go without a face covering outside in some cases, too.
This is like one big fucking joke
I still want to know if masks work why fauci said you now need two? Can't make up the demofks stupid. fk them and all of their fear mongering shit. now the vaccines don't work, I could have told you that. I know of none that do. destroying ones immune system by choice is very suicidal.
He was probably thinking, "If I tell them to wear two, the dumbf*cks will wear one and think they're getting away with something."
No, the dumbfucks are the ones wearing no mask, just because they can.
you hate air? not me I need it. you, afraid of air.
Not really, lamb chop. I love air and I love living too. What I don't like is the possibility of catching the Covid or worse and not having any air to enjoy.
you will always be vulnerable to viruses. did you wear a mask when flu outbreak was occurring? you know you can die from the flu. shit you can get pneumonia from a cold. That you can cause yourself by bad behavior in winter. Naw, you ain't afraid of a pointless virus otherwise you'd have always worn one. Nope you hate air and you will believe any demofk that says anything. Masks offend me.
It is not about you. It is about passing your spittle to others and it is about getting this virus under control.
if my spittles aren't infected why do you care? you still haven't answered that.
How do you know that your spittle isn't infected?
Can asymptomatic people transmit COVID-19?
"Yes, infected people can transmit the virus both when they have symptoms and when they don't have symptoms. This is why it is important that all people who are infected are identified by testing, isolated, and, depending on the severity of their disease, receive medical care.Jul 14, 2020"
Q&A: How is COVID-19 transmitted? 14 July 2020 › vietnam › news › detail › 14-07-20.

It is true that people may be able to spread infection before they have symptoms, that is NOT what "asymptomatic" means. That is "presymptomatic". If people get symptoms later, they were never asymptomatic.

However, the reality also is that covid-19 is not very infectious so likely the presymptomatic also are not likely to spread it. They are determining that almost all the spread is from a few "super spreaders", and they likely are very symptomatic. It takes coughing and sneezing to spread it usually. Spittle from talking is unlikely to spread it.
Are you a member of the medical community? "Not likely" is not good enough
if you are exposed to a person who is not healthy. Why take chances?
what if he's discussed with a doctor? and why is that your business? who the fk gave you authority to ask such a hippa question?
You are one of the dopiest trump-a-dumps that I have ever heard.
You are one of the dopiest trump-a-dumps that I have ever heard.
I am who I am. you are like every demofk I discuss with. so blahzeee to not be unique. you just claimed I am. that's america.

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