Democrat Panic! CNN Poll: Biden Lead Shrinks on Convention Eve with Double-Digit Shift Trump’s Way

Not ary a one of those pieces of shit manned up and said "Oh wow, were we wrong". No! They done quin-or-sextupled down on bullshit at this point. People have seen and know that, too.

I agree that this one looks bad. Personally, I think it makes more sense to look at an overall average rather than an individual poll.

Still, I wouldn't go so far as to say that polls are flat-out wrong. Something with a small probability is expected to happen sometimes. When that unlikely event comes up, it doesn't necessarily mean that the analysis was wrong - just that something unlikely actually happened.

I think it's true that Trump pulled an upset. Upsets happen. You're a sports guy I think - we see unlikely outcomes happen all the time in sports. They're expected to happen a certain amount of time. The underdog is expected to lose more than they win, but they're still expected to win sometimes. To me, 2016 was one of those upsets with his narrow victories in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

I expect the overdog to win more often than the underdog. I expect polls to be correct more often than incorrect. But that's just me. At least you're consistent though.
Not ary a one of those pieces of shit manned up and said "Oh wow, were we wrong". No! They done quin-or-sextupled down on bullshit at this point. People have seen and know that, too.

I agree that this one looks bad. Personally, I think it makes more sense to look at an overall average rather than an individual poll.

Still, I wouldn't go so far as to say that polls are flat-out wrong. Something with a small probability is expected to happen sometimes. When that unlikely event comes up, it doesn't necessarily mean that the analysis was wrong - just that something unlikely actually happened.

I think it's true that Trump pulled an upset. Upsets happen. You're a sports guy I think - we see unlikely outcomes happen all the time in sports. They're expected to happen a certain amount of time. The underdog is expected to lose more than they win, but they're still expected to win sometimes. To me, 2016 was one of those upsets with his narrow victories in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

I expect the overdog to win more often than the underdog. I expect polls to be correct more often than incorrect. But that's just me. At least you're consistent though.
Let me be clear: These media assholes were trying to manipulate the public with the polls.
The public saw that, too.
IMO, the FEC needs to investigate them.
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Let me be clear: These media assholes were trying to manipulate the public with the polls.
The public saw that, too.

That's clear. I just disagree.

If anything, I think it would manipulate the winning side to stay home and the losing side to vote.
I stand by my position on that. You know, I took that test..and I scored "liberal". I reckon that's how it is.
I disagree with you, but that's not the end of the world.
Let me be clear: These media assholes were trying to manipulate the public with the polls.
The public saw that, too.

That's clear. I just disagree.

If anything, I think it would manipulate the winning side to stay home and the losing side to vote.
I stand by my position on that. You know, I took that test..and I scored "liberal". I reckon that's how it is.
I disagree with you, but that's not the end of the world.

They classified you as a liberal from some test?
Uh oh! The Kamala factor is backfiring. Here's the truth. That’s the 3rd CNN poll today showing Trump gaining. If CNN is reporting Biden is only up 4 points, then Trump is up probably 12 to 15 points. Also, If CNN considers MN, NH, and NM to be battleground states, then Biden is really toast.

Oh gee CNN is a fake news....until it’s not!

You people are absolutely pathetic.

After what you said about Trump's brother after he died? "Fuck his family" I believe it was? You are absolutely the last person in the wide expanse of this universe to lecture anyone about being pathetic.

Also, as far as fake news goes, the logic you use "it's fake news until it's not" applies equally to you. If it's negative (but fake) news about Trump, you, like the lemming you are, believe it. Same with positive news about someone you favor politically.

You sir, are the one who is pathetic.
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Uh oh! The Kamala factor is backfiring. Here's the truth. That’s the 3rd CNN poll today showing Trump gaining. If CNN is reporting Biden is only up 4 points, then Trump is up probably 12 to 15 points. Also, If CNN considers MN, NH, and NM to be battleground states, then Biden is really toast.

More Russian lies from the GOP troll farm.

The CNN Poll of Polls tracks the national average in the race for president between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. The poll of polls includes the most recent national telephone polls which meet CNN’s standards for reporting and which measure the views of registered voters. The poll of polls does not have a margin of sampling error.

according to breitbart-----------


Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden’s lead has evaporated in the past two months, a new poll from CNN shows.

Biden leads President Donald Trump by just four points nationally — 50 percent to 46 percent — and by even less across 15 battleground states that will determine who wins the electoral college. In those 15 states — Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin — the new CNN poll has Biden leading by just one percent, with Biden at 49 and Trump at 48."

biden/harris are phlucked....
Uh oh! The Kamala factor is backfiring. Here's the truth. That’s the 3rd CNN poll today showing Trump gaining. If CNN is reporting Biden is only up 4 points, then Trump is up probably 12 to 15 points. Also, If CNN considers MN, NH, and NM to be battleground states, then Biden is really toast.

More Russian lies from the GOP troll farm.

The CNN Poll of Polls tracks the national average in the race for president between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. The poll of polls includes the most recent national telephone polls which meet CNN’s standards for reporting and which measure the views of registered voters. The poll of polls does not have a margin of sampling error.

Sorry, but no. Just because it is a right wing site doesn't make the polls it cites any less legitimate. In this case, a CNN/SSRS poll. (Screen taken from the pdf)

View attachment 375951

I'll remind you again, since you seem to be hopelessly thick headed: This is CNN's own poll stating the 10 point swing in Trump's direction. This isn't Rasmussen, this isn't Gallup, this is C N N.

It's a legit poll...

Lets see where this goes....

One poll on its own doesn't signify a major issue...
"margin of sampling error for total respondents is +/- 3.7 "

By the looks of it is an improvement for Trump (from CNN Poll view)

CNN commission this poll... Fox also commission polls to keep them independent...

By the way this is the most interesting poll done by Fox:


“By asking about their neighbors’ preferences, we get a sense of how voters think people like them view the race,” says Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts the Fox News Poll with Democrat Chris Anderson. “Some might think this is evidence of shy Trump voters. But the more straightforward interpretation is that Biden supporters are a bit more likely to think there are a good number of Trump voters living next door.”

Uh oh! The Kamala factor is backfiring. Here's the truth. That’s the 3rd CNN poll today showing Trump gaining. If CNN is reporting Biden is only up 4 points, then Trump is up probably 12 to 15 points. Also, If CNN considers MN, NH, and NM to be battleground states, then Biden is really toast.

More Russian lies from the GOP troll farm.

The CNN Poll of Polls tracks the national average in the race for president between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. The poll of polls includes the most recent national telephone polls which meet CNN’s standards for reporting and which measure the views of registered voters. The poll of polls does not have a margin of sampling error.

Sorry, but no. Just because it is a right wing site doesn't make the polls it cites any less legitimate. In this case, a CNN/SSRS poll. (Screen taken from the pdf)

View attachment 375951

I'll remind you again, since you seem to be hopelessly thick headed: This is CNN's own poll stating the 10 point swing in Trump's direction. This isn't Rasmussen, this isn't Gallup, this is C N N.

I put zero stock into CNN polls.

Right you do know that CNN doesn't do the poll (either does Fox)... CNN give the question.

Can you explain to us with evidence how the independent sampling was compromised?
Not ary a one of those pieces of shit manned up and said "Oh wow, were we wrong". No! They done quin-or-sextupled down on bullshit at this point. People have seen and know that, too.

I agree that this one looks bad. Personally, I think it makes more sense to look at an overall average rather than an individual poll.

Still, I wouldn't go so far as to say that polls are flat-out wrong. Something with a small probability is expected to happen sometimes. When that unlikely event comes up, it doesn't necessarily mean that the analysis was wrong - just that something unlikely actually happened.

I think it's true that Trump pulled an upset. Upsets happen. You're a sports guy I think - we see unlikely outcomes happen all the time in sports. They're expected to happen a certain amount of time. The underdog is expected to lose more than they win, but they're still expected to win sometimes. To me, 2016 was one of those upsets with his narrow victories in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

I expect the overdog to win more often than the underdog. I expect polls to be correct more often than incorrect. But that's just me. At least you're consistent though.

The national polls were correct and that is what people expected... Popular vote will win the election.

These were the polls that were off:

So here is the explanation:

It could definitely happen again. I think Biden Supporters will far more envolved this time
Not ary a one of those pieces of shit manned up and said "Oh wow, were we wrong". No! They done quin-or-sextupled down on bullshit at this point. People have seen and know that, too.

I agree that this one looks bad. Personally, I think it makes more sense to look at an overall average rather than an individual poll.

Still, I wouldn't go so far as to say that polls are flat-out wrong. Something with a small probability is expected to happen sometimes. When that unlikely event comes up, it doesn't necessarily mean that the analysis was wrong - just that something unlikely actually happened.

I think it's true that Trump pulled an upset. Upsets happen. You're a sports guy I think - we see unlikely outcomes happen all the time in sports. They're expected to happen a certain amount of time. The underdog is expected to lose more than they win, but they're still expected to win sometimes. To me, 2016 was one of those upsets with his narrow victories in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

I expect the overdog to win more often than the underdog. I expect polls to be correct more often than incorrect. But that's just me. At least you're consistent though.

The national polls were correct and that is what people expected... Popular vote will win the election.

These were the polls that were off:

So here is the explanation:

It could definitely happen again. I think Biden Supporters will far more envolved this time
Then they were awfully naive. This country doesn’t elect its presidents by popular vote. Something that should have been learned in 7th grade.
Uh oh! The Kamala factor is backfiring. Here's the truth. That’s the 3rd CNN poll today showing Trump gaining. If CNN is reporting Biden is only up 4 points, then Trump is up probably 12 to 15 points. Also, If CNN considers MN, NH, and NM to be battleground states, then Biden is really toast.

More Russian lies from the GOP troll farm.

The CNN Poll of Polls tracks the national average in the race for president between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. The poll of polls includes the most recent national telephone polls which meet CNN’s standards for reporting and which measure the views of registered voters. The poll of polls does not have a margin of sampling error.

Sorry, but no. Just because it is a right wing site doesn't make the polls it cites any less legitimate. In this case, a CNN/SSRS poll. (Screen taken from the pdf)

View attachment 375951

I'll remind you again, since you seem to be hopelessly thick headed: This is CNN's own poll stating the 10 point swing in Trump's direction. This isn't Rasmussen, this isn't Gallup, this is C N N.

I put zero stock into CNN polls.

Right you do know that CNN doesn't do the poll (either does Fox)... CNN give the question.

Can you explain to us with evidence how the independent sampling was compromised?
I can explain to you that you are a leftist asshat, and the CNN poll was mucked with to try and sway voters but it failed. How does that make you feel, Mr. Mc Feely?
Uh oh! The Kamala factor is backfiring. Here's the truth. That’s the 3rd CNN poll today showing Trump gaining. If CNN is reporting Biden is only up 4 points, then Trump is up probably 12 to 15 points. Also, If CNN considers MN, NH, and NM to be battleground states, then Biden is really toast.

More Russian lies from the GOP troll farm.

The CNN Poll of Polls tracks the national average in the race for president between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. The poll of polls includes the most recent national telephone polls which meet CNN’s standards for reporting and which measure the views of registered voters. The poll of polls does not have a margin of sampling error.

Sorry, but no. Just because it is a right wing site doesn't make the polls it cites any less legitimate. In this case, a CNN/SSRS poll. (Screen taken from the pdf)

View attachment 375951

I'll remind you again, since you seem to be hopelessly thick headed: This is CNN's own poll stating the 10 point swing in Trump's direction. This isn't Rasmussen, this isn't Gallup, this is C N N.

I put zero stock into CNN polls.

Right you do know that CNN doesn't do the poll (either does Fox)... CNN give the question.

Can you explain to us with evidence how the independent sampling was compromised?
They just put their name to it, amirite?
OMG! What Happened? All Of a sudden Biden drops about 10% and Trump shoots up? Gee? didnt we see this pattern in 2016? Hillary is 12/13/14 points ahead of Trump in the summer!, and then, heading into October, Hillary is down to a 2% lead.
No one is buying this. We have seen this show before.
Trump has always been about 15 points ahead of Biden, and we all know this!
You missed the other poll released today

Democrats kick off their convention on Monday in a mood of cautious optimism, with Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.), leading Trump and Vice President Pence by 53 percent to 41 percent among registered voters. The findings are identical among a larger sample of all voting-age adults.
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well now, what we do is add another 10 per cent to what ever CNN gives Trump, and thats the real number, we all know how biased CNN is when taking polls!
CNN is to the Democratic Party what Joseph Goebbels was to Hitler. Simply, the Propaganda Arm used to tell the Big Lie over and over.

These polls say EXACTLY what CNN and the Democratic Party want them to say---and they are meaningless.

This last poll was planning ahead. It pretends the race narrows---then Biden will get a big jump in this very same poll after his Convention...thus making it look like a success, no matter what form of disaster it may take.

This is how it works today with the obvious conspiracy---probably violations of the RICO act---between the Democratic Party and the New York Media.
well now, what we do is add another 10 per cent to what ever CNN gives Trump, and thats the real number, we all know how biased CNN is when taking polls!
and when CNN gives Biden 50%, I deduct 10 points! The ticket has lost so much support from blacks that I am hearing that Kamala needs to speak out about this, but black people dont like other people pretending to be black.

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