Democrat Party Elites Take Out Touchy-Feely Joe Biden – Before His Campaign Even Begins


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
No matter who.the Democrats nominate it's going to be a cakewalk for Trump to win a second term. As for Biden, he's being taken out because he's not radical enough like Omar and Ocascio-Cortez.

THIS IS WAR! Democrat Party Elites Take Out Touchy-Feely Joe Biden - Before His Campaign Even Begins

Biden has provable Ukraine connections... 9.8 million dollars worth of special considerations... Pay for play.... this will sink the whole party not just Biden, so he must go away.
Agreed. Also I think his son is on the board of some Ukrainian Oil company.
Biden has made himself unelectable by all his years of speeches spewing hatred at the American public and calling us names, which is precisely the reason why Zerobama picked him as VP. One of the several reasons why Democrats lost 1000+ seats (at both state & national levels) is because they picked up Obamasshole's habit of constant elitist scolding and insulting the American public. Thanks to Obama's cum-stains the DNC can never wash out, they actually think they can win votes by spewing arrogant animosity at their public.

Unlike JFK's speeches, in which he ambitiously INSPIRED Americans to aim for great things, today's Democrats are all about self-righteously guilt-tripping and putting down the American public with their snobby attitude of "You Americans have disappointed me yet again." Fuck these self-loathing race-baiters with every quantum of my white, male, hetero American soul. Fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em and just for variety fuck them even more! With a glowing red-hot adjustable ratchet wrench. Unlubed, as if I had to tell you.

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