Democrat Rep: Republicans defending Trump "are getting dangerously close to criminal culpability"

No. The Leftards like you are the bigots.

But thanks for asking.

Now, go play in traffic.

Isn't it liberating to have been provided the ultimate proof they are truly evil?

It means we now must defeat them at all costs.

I don't give a fuck.
Honest question: Are you genuinely this stupid, or are you just gaslighting?

A or B - those are your choices.

Pick your poison.

If you're honest, maybe in 2025 we won't visit righteous justice upon you. ;)
What about choice C? Your MAGA cult is circling the drain.
Pick one of my positions that you believe I have changed.

Would it be being pro choice years ago then switching to pro life when I'm in the Presidential Race? Oh wait......that wasn't me, that was POS45.

Oooohhhhh, Trump flipped positions on an issue when he ran for potus. It's not like Crime Bill Biden ever did that. Oh wait ... And in his case, it was the only thing he'd ever done in the Senate, LOL. So now he's done nothing in the Senate. Though wow, he can only wish he'd done nothing as President. Open borders, defunding the police, prosecuting crime victims rather than criminals, massive inflation, more than doubling gas prices. Nothing would be a dream. The only thing he did right as President was pick a running mate that was even worse to protect himself. It's the only thing he's ever done that worked, LOL
What about choice C? Your MAGA cult is circling the drain.

The truth?

We're breathing right down your electoral neck.

And you know it.

And clearly so does this stupid bitch Congresswoman.

Thus the fever-fear panic inducing proclamations of "JAIL THEM ALL!!"

It's such a mostly peaceful and equitable DEMOCRACY, donchaknow?

Fucktard loser.

We're gonna kick your ass next year.

Enjoy. ;)
No one except a Democrat Representative and the MSNBC corporate media fascist propaganda outlet that allows her to spew didactic bullshit completely unchecked.

And tools like you who only work backwards from the conclusion you've already drawn "MY SIDE ALWAYS RIGHT!"

No critical thought, no objectivity, not even the slightest chance for any sunlight to shine upon your neurons and rejuvenate any sense of humanity.

I was on your "team".

And during COVID I saw how readily you embrace the tyrannical oppression of your fellow Americans via lockdowns, mandates and the toleration of Leftist violent riots with Orwellian "mostly peaceful" group think.

More and more of us now got your number.

And you can fuck right off.

NY Times just supported genocide in South Africa.

Yep, one of the organs of Democrat/leftoid propaganda did that.
The truth?

We're breathing right down your electoral neck.

And you know it.

And clearly so does this stupid bitch Congresswoman.

Thus the fever-fear panic inducing proclamations of "JAIL THEM ALL!!"

It's such a mostly peaceful and equitable DEMOCRACY, donchaknow?

Fucktard loser.

We're gonna kick your ass next year.

Enjoy. ;)
So what was the time stamp for your "jail them all" quote? Was that from the video, or just more made up shit like usual?
Yep, Biden accountability is coming.

The Biden CULT is a threat to our freedoms.
Sure, it's possible in 18 months.

Do you have a picture of this biden cult?
Is this the CULT? V V V V V V

Wow, very dangerous.

So what was the time stamp for your "jail them all" quote? Was that from the video, or just more made up shit like usual?

So your last refuge of defense is "Well garsh, I'm just too damn stupid to understand what she meant".

You could just change and grow as a person.

But I guess not.

You may as well pack it in now.

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