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Democrat Senator Wants an Investigation Into the FBI Investigation of Brett Kavanaugh

PJ Media is BS media. Everybody with a clue knows that.

Saw the an article on Yahoo about it an hour o so ago.
Yes, have reviewed story also on Yahoo. Not saying Senator Sheldon Whitehouse isn't asking for an investigation, just saying (to me at least) it is a non- story of no interest to me. I watched and listened to the morning and afternoon session where she and he testified at his confirmation and made my own decision that the college incidents, even if they existed (and not convinced they did) did not rise to a level that I would blow off the qualifications, work and history since his college days. That is why I am not impressed with this submission from PJ Media, a company sometimes known for sensational reporting and point of view, breaking this story. The yahoo story does not give me a hard on either, as it is pretty much same story. I am saying this story and/or investigation will not go far. I do not like a lot of what went on during trump administration, but have little emotional need to investigate everything thing and every department where something might have not been according to Hoyle. I am satisfied, we got rid of the directing influence at it's source. I have no problem with the decisions (on average) of Justice Kavanaugh and I am more interested in both parties in the legislative branch making sure the departments under control or influence of President Biden's administration operate with more or better integrity and efficiency going forward. Not interested in the time, money and entertainment or political value of a new investigation at this time, at the behest of the Democratic Senator from Rhode Island. Just my viewpoint as an Independent.

I can understand your position, it is a reasonable one. However you did unfairly blow off the internal links that makes clear on how unreliable Dr. Ford was, as made clear here:

4. All of her own witnesses refute her claim
It’s devastating to your case when your OWN WITNESSES that you cite to prove your case refute your claim. How does anyone take this seriously under those circumstances?

Dr. Ford’s account of the alleged assault has not been corroborated by anyone she identified as having attended—including her lifelong friend.

Dr. Ford has named three people other than Judge Kavanaugh who attended the party — Mark Judge, Patrick “PJ” Smyth, and her lifelong friend Leland Keyser (née Ingham).



3. Is she honest and is she mentally reliable enough to be trusted?
Many people falsely believe that they can judge someone’s credibility just by hearing a person speak, without knowing anything else about her. This is not even remotely true. Ford’s false claims about her fear of flying (which were blamed on Brett Kavanaugh) and her potential therapeutic issues make it impossible to take anything she says at face value.

She maintains that she suffers from anxiety, claustrophobia, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The date of the hearing was delayed because the Committee was informed that her symptoms prevent her from flying, but she agreed during her testimony that she flies “fairly frequently for [her] hobbies and … work.” She flies to the mid-Atlantic at least once a year to visit her family. She has flown to Hawaii, French Polynesia, and Costa Rica. She also flew to Washington, D.C. for the hearing.

Note, too, that her attorneys refused a private hearing or interview. Dr. Ford testified that she was not “clear” on whether investigators were willing to travel to California to interview her. It therefore is not clear that her attorneys ever communicated Chairman Grassley’s offer to send investigators to meet her in California or wherever she wanted to meet to conduct the interview.


and this big one you completely forgot,

Senate Committee: We've Been Investigating Kavanaugh Allegations. It'd Be Nice for Dems to Join Us


“Within hours of learning Dr. Ford’s identity from press reports on Sunday Chairman Grassley took swift action making contact w the alleged witnesses,” the committee’s Twitter account — speaking for the Republican majority — tweeted. “Dems haven’t joined background investigation of Dr. Ford’s allegations. It’s our constitutional duty to do investigations. Join us.”

Democrats have done worse than refusing to join in this investigation, however. “Democrats sat on Dr. Ford’s allegations for MONTHS & did nothing. They STILL haven’t turned over the original letter they received from Dr. Ford. Why would Dems sit on allegations for months and then not even participate in the Committee’s investigation?” the committee tweeted.

Then the committee outlined the steps they have taken to investigate the allegations. “On Monday, staff interviewed Judge Kavanaugh under penalty of felony. Democratic staff was invited and could have asked any question of Judge Kavanaugh. They declined to participate.”

Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of groping her and attempting to remove her clothes at a party, after Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge allegedly tricked her into a bedroom. She also claimed that there were two other witnesses. The committee has contacted and interviewed as many of these alleged witnesses as they could find.

Chuck Grassley Shoots Down Kavanaugh Accuser’s FBI Stall Tactic, Sets Deadline For Testimony
“Staff contacted Mark Judge and obtained a statement under penalty of felony. Staff contacted third person allegedly at party described by Dr. Ford and obtained a statement under penalty of felony. Staff contacted fourth person allegedly at party,” the committee reported.

Kavanaugh’s former classmate P.J. Smyth came forward after reportedly being identified by Ford as one of the witnesses. He denied any knowledge of the party or the alleged assault. The identity of the last witness remains unknown, although the committee claims to have reached out to this person.

Republican staff at the committee have even “contacted a schoolmate who claimed on social media this week to have info related to Dr. Ford’s allegations. Committee has not yet heard back,” the Twitter account reported.

“The committee invited Dr. Ford for bipartisan interview by Republican and Democratic staff to obtain her testimony and any evidence she considers relevant. First reached out on Monday, but her lawyers haven’t agreed to an interview,” the committee added.


Whiteass tweets are in the link here, the hypocritical asshole refused to investigate the allegations THEN. They repeatedly DECLINED to be part of the investigation even declines to ask Kavanaugh questions under oath in the interview.

Then they go into the public kangaroo court bullshit mode and lost big when nothing develops in Favor of Dr. Ford.
Unfairly blew off the information in the links? You got to be shittin' me. Come on, man. A reasonable enough position for me to stand behind (and even you said it was a reasonable opinion) is all I shoot for, having been in command a number of times. I'm ready for new business. This ain't it. I care not, for further investigation of the matter as is pointless and of no value to me. If it is to you, feel free to send Senator Whitehouse a political donation. I am sure he would love to hear from you.
I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
Pj Media

Democrat Senator Wants an Investigation Into the FBI Investigation of Brett Kavanaugh


It’s been over two years since Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed, yet some Democrats still can’t get over it.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), is suggesting that the FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh may have been “fake” and is calling on Merrick Garland, the recently confirmed attorney general, to facilitate “proper oversight” by the U.S. Senate into questions about the FBI’s investigation of Kavanaugh, who faced multiple uncorroborated allegations of sexual misconduct during his confirmation hearings.



He doesn't realize that Ford refused to give the FBI her "evidence".

Now we have Whiteass wants Garland to investigate the FBI.

What a dumbass!
Trump investigated the FBI investigation into Russia and Trump.
I do not personally know anybody that has a problem with Kavanaugh. Doubt you will see an investigation any time soon.
There is no investigation redone on Kavanaugh planned. The investigation is to find out if the FBI did an investigation, as Sen Grassley claimed..... remember when we were told FBI investigated and found nothing..... I knew they did not investigate, because they never even interviewed the two involved, nor all the known witnesses...

What Sen Whitehouse wants to know, is....was the FBI directed by Sen Grassley or the Whitehouse or anyone, to not do a thorough investigation? was this gesture of investigating simply a "the fix was in" situation? If so, by whom?

Kavanaugh is not being investigated, his seat is secure...imo.
And what would be your recommended action if it is proved in some way the the original investigation under the trump administration, justice department and FBI was flawed or non existent? DJT is out of here. He is the one I hold responsible and he is outta here. The investigation is pointless except to validate people's feelings as there is no returning to that dock, that ship already sailed and is not coming back to that port, ever, and who cares about validating people feelings?
I think Grassley did it. He should be rebuked by ethics committee. When it happened, it was such a disappointment, to see the govt agency, being abused for the right wingers personal, political gain.

But yeah, I see what you are saying....it might stir up a hornets nest, pitting us again, with one another. We need that like a hole in the head.
Did what, exactly?
PJ Media is BS media. Everybody with a clue knows that.

Saw the an article on Yahoo about it an hour o so ago.
Yes, have reviewed story also on Yahoo. Not saying Senator Sheldon Whitehouse isn't asking for an investigation, just saying (to me at least) it is a non- story of no interest to me. I watched and listened to the morning and afternoon session where she and he testified at his confirmation and made my own decision that the college incidents, even if they existed (and not convinced they did) did not rise to a level that I would blow off the qualifications, work and history since his college days. That is why I am not impressed with this submission from PJ Media, a company sometimes known for sensational reporting and point of view, breaking this story. The yahoo story does not give me a hard on either, as it is pretty much same story. I am saying this story and/or investigation will not go far. I do not like a lot of what went on during trump administration, but have little emotional need to investigate everything thing and every department where something might have not been according to Hoyle. I am satisfied, we got rid of the directing influence at it's source. I have no problem with the decisions (on average) of Justice Kavanaugh and I am more interested in both parties in the legislative branch making sure the departments under control or influence of President Biden's administration operate with more or better integrity and efficiency going forward. Not interested in the time, money and entertainment or political value of a new investigation at this time, at the behest of the Democratic Senator from Rhode Island. Just my viewpoint as an Independent.

I can understand your position, it is a reasonable one. However you did unfairly blow off the internal links that makes clear on how unreliable Dr. Ford was, as made clear here:

4. All of her own witnesses refute her claim
It’s devastating to your case when your OWN WITNESSES that you cite to prove your case refute your claim. How does anyone take this seriously under those circumstances?

Dr. Ford’s account of the alleged assault has not been corroborated by anyone she identified as having attended—including her lifelong friend.

Dr. Ford has named three people other than Judge Kavanaugh who attended the party — Mark Judge, Patrick “PJ” Smyth, and her lifelong friend Leland Keyser (née Ingham).



3. Is she honest and is she mentally reliable enough to be trusted?
Many people falsely believe that they can judge someone’s credibility just by hearing a person speak, without knowing anything else about her. This is not even remotely true. Ford’s false claims about her fear of flying (which were blamed on Brett Kavanaugh) and her potential therapeutic issues make it impossible to take anything she says at face value.

She maintains that she suffers from anxiety, claustrophobia, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The date of the hearing was delayed because the Committee was informed that her symptoms prevent her from flying, but she agreed during her testimony that she flies “fairly frequently for [her] hobbies and … work.” She flies to the mid-Atlantic at least once a year to visit her family. She has flown to Hawaii, French Polynesia, and Costa Rica. She also flew to Washington, D.C. for the hearing.

Note, too, that her attorneys refused a private hearing or interview. Dr. Ford testified that she was not “clear” on whether investigators were willing to travel to California to interview her. It therefore is not clear that her attorneys ever communicated Chairman Grassley’s offer to send investigators to meet her in California or wherever she wanted to meet to conduct the interview.


and this big one you completely forgot,

Senate Committee: We've Been Investigating Kavanaugh Allegations. It'd Be Nice for Dems to Join Us


“Within hours of learning Dr. Ford’s identity from press reports on Sunday Chairman Grassley took swift action making contact w the alleged witnesses,” the committee’s Twitter account — speaking for the Republican majority — tweeted. “Dems haven’t joined background investigation of Dr. Ford’s allegations. It’s our constitutional duty to do investigations. Join us.”

Democrats have done worse than refusing to join in this investigation, however. “Democrats sat on Dr. Ford’s allegations for MONTHS & did nothing. They STILL haven’t turned over the original letter they received from Dr. Ford. Why would Dems sit on allegations for months and then not even participate in the Committee’s investigation?” the committee tweeted.

Then the committee outlined the steps they have taken to investigate the allegations. “On Monday, staff interviewed Judge Kavanaugh under penalty of felony. Democratic staff was invited and could have asked any question of Judge Kavanaugh. They declined to participate.”

Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of groping her and attempting to remove her clothes at a party, after Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge allegedly tricked her into a bedroom. She also claimed that there were two other witnesses. The committee has contacted and interviewed as many of these alleged witnesses as they could find.

Chuck Grassley Shoots Down Kavanaugh Accuser’s FBI Stall Tactic, Sets Deadline For Testimony
“Staff contacted Mark Judge and obtained a statement under penalty of felony. Staff contacted third person allegedly at party described by Dr. Ford and obtained a statement under penalty of felony. Staff contacted fourth person allegedly at party,” the committee reported.

Kavanaugh’s former classmate P.J. Smyth came forward after reportedly being identified by Ford as one of the witnesses. He denied any knowledge of the party or the alleged assault. The identity of the last witness remains unknown, although the committee claims to have reached out to this person.

Republican staff at the committee have even “contacted a schoolmate who claimed on social media this week to have info related to Dr. Ford’s allegations. Committee has not yet heard back,” the Twitter account reported.

“The committee invited Dr. Ford for bipartisan interview by Republican and Democratic staff to obtain her testimony and any evidence she considers relevant. First reached out on Monday, but her lawyers haven’t agreed to an interview,” the committee added.


Whiteass tweets are in the link here, the hypocritical asshole refused to investigate the allegations THEN. They repeatedly DECLINED to be part of the investigation even declines to ask Kavanaugh questions under oath in the interview.

Then they go into the public kangaroo court bullshit mode and lost big when nothing develops in Favor of Dr. Ford.
Unfairly blew off the information in the links? You got to be shittin' me. Come on, man. A reasonable enough position for me to stand behind (and even you said it was a reasonable opinion) is all I shoot for, having been in command a number of times. I'm ready for new business. This ain't it. I care not, for further investigation of the matter as is pointless and of no value to me. If it is to you, feel free to send Senator Whitehouse a political donation. I am sure he would love to hear from you.

Just as I expected you get mad, then you idiotically think I support Sheldon Whiteass, gee no wonder you spend so much time in a thread you keep saying I am not interested...... :itsok:
I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
But the FBI doesn't investigate "allegations" for a nominee or any background check. It's supposed to go out and interview people. There were not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women. That was what really spurred on Ford and other women. It all should have been fully disclosed to the judiciary committee, but even Kegs was blindsided. And it took a democrat who at best has dementia to make the committee aware.

The system was broken. The question is why. The FBI's excuse was "we don't look that far back." But that's not correct. They've looked back into college years in the past. And that trail would have uncovered Kegger's behavior. He cleaned up his own act at some point. The whole circus was avoidable and should have been avoided.
I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
But the FBI doesn't investigate "allegations" for a nominee or any background check. It's supposed to go out and interview people. There were not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women. That was what really spurred on Ford and other women. It all should have been fully disclosed to the judiciary committee, but even Kegs was blindsided. And it took a democrat who at best has dementia to make the committee aware.

The system was broken. The question is why. The FBI's excuse was "we don't look that far back." But that's not correct. They've looked back into college years in the past. And that trail would have uncovered Kegger's behavior. He cleaned up his own act at some point. The whole circus was avoidable and should have been avoided.

Yet you keep ignoring Dr. Fords lies and the testimony of various people who were under oath in the interviews, in which NONE of them support Dr. Ford

Yet you complain about the FBI who had little material to build on....., Ford REFUSED to give the documents to them.....

I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
But the FBI doesn't investigate "allegations" for a nominee or any background check. It's supposed to go out and interview people. There were not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women. That was what really spurred on Ford and other women. It all should have been fully disclosed to the judiciary committee, but even Kegs was blindsided. And it took a democrat who at best has dementia to make the committee aware.

The system was broken. The question is why. The FBI's excuse was "we don't look that far back." But that's not correct. They've looked back into college years in the past. And that trail would have uncovered Kegger's behavior. He cleaned up his own act at some point. The whole circus was avoidable and should have been avoided.
And how do you expect them to catch something that no one anywhere was saying. Interview people? Virtually everyone he had contact with said he was an upstanding guy. You really think the FBI goes out and interviews people you have had no contact with in 30 years and they have no idea of any connection other than they happen to go to the same school? Seriously?

There were 'not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women.' Yes there was a 'few.' A very minute few. If you go back through all the people you have had encounters with or may have some connection to you through some group over the last 30 years that will yield thousands of people. That there are 5 that say you were a wild drunk and liked the ladies is a tiny number. Even that leads you nowhere at all. There were zero indications that led to any illegal behavior.

Are we looking for priests to nominate to the court or professionals? That you have a wild sex life and drunk way to often 30 years ago is not even worth mentioning at all. Not one single bit. Nor is it worthy of FBI scrutiny without allegations of assault no matter how many 'devils triangles' he liked to participate in.

Or do you think that the government belongs in our bedrooms making sure we are only acting in a Christian manner?
I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
But the FBI doesn't investigate "allegations" for a nominee or any background check. It's supposed to go out and interview people. There were not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women. That was what really spurred on Ford and other women. It all should have been fully disclosed to the judiciary committee, but even Kegs was blindsided. And it took a democrat who at best has dementia to make the committee aware.

The system was broken. The question is why. The FBI's excuse was "we don't look that far back." But that's not correct. They've looked back into college years in the past. And that trail would have uncovered Kegger's behavior. He cleaned up his own act at some point. The whole circus was avoidable and should have been avoided.

Yet you keep ignoring Dr. Fords lies and the testimony of various people who were under oath in the interviews, in which NONE of them support Dr. Ford

Yet you complain about the FBI who had little material to build on....., Ford REFUSED to give the documents to them.....

I dont think she lied, I think that is honestly what she thinks she remembered, something obviously seriously affected her.
I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
But the FBI doesn't investigate "allegations" for a nominee or any background check. It's supposed to go out and interview people. There were not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women. That was what really spurred on Ford and other women. It all should have been fully disclosed to the judiciary committee, but even Kegs was blindsided. And it took a democrat who at best has dementia to make the committee aware.

The system was broken. The question is why. The FBI's excuse was "we don't look that far back." But that's not correct. They've looked back into college years in the past. And that trail would have uncovered Kegger's behavior. He cleaned up his own act at some point. The whole circus was avoidable and should have been avoided.
And how do you expect them to catch something that no one anywhere was saying. Interview people? Virtually everyone he had contact with said he was an upstanding guy. You really think the FBI goes out and interviews people you have had no contact with in 30 years and they have no idea of any connection other than they happen to go to the same school? Seriously?

There were 'not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women.' Yes there was a 'few.' A very minute few. If you go back through all the people you have had encounters with or may have some connection to you through some group over the last 30 years that will yield thousands of people. That there are 5 that say you were a wild drunk and liked the ladies is a tiny number. Even that leads you nowhere at all. There were zero indications that led to any illegal behavior.

Are we looking for priests to nominate to the court or professionals? That you have a wild sex life and drunk way to often 30 years ago is not even worth mentioning at all. Not one single bit. Nor is it worthy of FBI scrutiny without allegations of assault no matter how many 'devils triangles' he liked to participate in.

Or do you think that the government belongs in our bedrooms making sure we are only acting in a Christian manner?
Agree. And they were minors at the time.
I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
But the FBI doesn't investigate "allegations" for a nominee or any background check. It's supposed to go out and interview people. There were not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women. That was what really spurred on Ford and other women. It all should have been fully disclosed to the judiciary committee, but even Kegs was blindsided. And it took a democrat who at best has dementia to make the committee aware.

The system was broken. The question is why. The FBI's excuse was "we don't look that far back." But that's not correct. They've looked back into college years in the past. And that trail would have uncovered Kegger's behavior. He cleaned up his own act at some point. The whole circus was avoidable and should have been avoided.

Yet you keep ignoring Dr. Fords lies and the testimony of various people who were under oath in the interviews, in which NONE of them support Dr. Ford

Yet you complain about the FBI who had little material to build on....., Ford REFUSED to give the documents to them.....

I dont think she lied, I think that is honestly what she thinks she remembered, something obviously seriously affected her.

You forget that her 4 named witnesses all say they were never there or knew about a sexual assault, she claims they were there that is LYING!
I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
But the FBI doesn't investigate "allegations" for a nominee or any background check. It's supposed to go out and interview people. There were not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women. That was what really spurred on Ford and other women. It all should have been fully disclosed to the judiciary committee, but even Kegs was blindsided. And it took a democrat who at best has dementia to make the committee aware.

The system was broken. The question is why. The FBI's excuse was "we don't look that far back." But that's not correct. They've looked back into college years in the past. And that trail would have uncovered Kegger's behavior. He cleaned up his own act at some point. The whole circus was avoidable and should have been avoided.

Yet you keep ignoring Dr. Fords lies and the testimony of various people who were under oath in the interviews, in which NONE of them support Dr. Ford

Yet you complain about the FBI who had little material to build on....., Ford REFUSED to give the documents to them.....

I dont think she lied, I think that is honestly what she thinks she remembered, something obviously seriously affected her.

You forget that her 4 named witnesses all say they were never there or knew about a sexual assault, she claims they were there that is LYING!
I think they said they didnt recall...which is different. It does not mean she was lying...how much of a drunk fueled highschool party are these folks going to acuurately remember, including Ford? It doesnt mean she was lying.
I think they said they didnt recall...which is different. It does not mean she was lying...how much of a drunk fueled highschool party are these folks going to acuurately remember, including Ford? It doesnt mean she was lying.
The story she told, while disturbing, was not really "criminal". She said a group of boys pushed her onto a bed and kinda got on top of her for a second then walked off laughing.

It's the kind of thing where if you told a cop, he'd say "You kids quit horsing around" or something...
I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
But the FBI doesn't investigate "allegations" for a nominee or any background check. It's supposed to go out and interview people. There were not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women. That was what really spurred on Ford and other women. It all should have been fully disclosed to the judiciary committee, but even Kegs was blindsided. And it took a democrat who at best has dementia to make the committee aware.

The system was broken. The question is why. The FBI's excuse was "we don't look that far back." But that's not correct. They've looked back into college years in the past. And that trail would have uncovered Kegger's behavior. He cleaned up his own act at some point. The whole circus was avoidable and should have been avoided.

Yet you keep ignoring Dr. Fords lies and the testimony of various people who were under oath in the interviews, in which NONE of them support Dr. Ford

Yet you complain about the FBI who had little material to build on....., Ford REFUSED to give the documents to them.....

I dont think she lied, I think that is honestly what she thinks she remembered, something obviously seriously affected her.

You forget that her 4 named witnesses all say they were never there or knew about a sexual assault, she claims they were there that is LYING!
I think they said they didnt recall...which is different. It does not mean she was lying...how much of a drunk fueled highschool party are these folks going to acuurately remember, including Ford? It doesnt mean she was lying.

Come on! she days this under oath, and they responded under oath, someone is lying and since he is wrong on many other things, she is the prima candidate that her allegations were dead on arrival thus why bother airing them in the first place?
I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
But the FBI doesn't investigate "allegations" for a nominee or any background check. It's supposed to go out and interview people. There were not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women. That was what really spurred on Ford and other women. It all should have been fully disclosed to the judiciary committee, but even Kegs was blindsided. And it took a democrat who at best has dementia to make the committee aware.

The system was broken. The question is why. The FBI's excuse was "we don't look that far back." But that's not correct. They've looked back into college years in the past. And that trail would have uncovered Kegger's behavior. He cleaned up his own act at some point. The whole circus was avoidable and should have been avoided.

Yet you keep ignoring Dr. Fords lies and the testimony of various people who were under oath in the interviews, in which NONE of them support Dr. Ford

Yet you complain about the FBI who had little material to build on....., Ford REFUSED to give the documents to them.....

I dont think she lied, I think that is honestly what she thinks she remembered, something obviously seriously affected her.

You forget that her 4 named witnesses all say they were never there or knew about a sexual assault, she claims they were there that is LYING!
Technically we do not actually know if she is lying or misremembering. Technically.

I have to agree with you, I think she is misrepresenting some things but... we do not necessarily know. One of the reasons that I do not think these things should get the air that they do. The accused gets raked over the coals and usually is utterly destroyed. When the accusation turns out to be false there is no reprimand for the accuser. Proving they are lying is extremely difficult and even when it is shown they are dishonest usually no one bothers anyway.

On the converse, there are plenty of sexual monsters that get away with what they do because it is also very difficult to prove sexual assault in the first place and a lot of people do not report it when it happens. That is slowly changing.
I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
But the FBI doesn't investigate "allegations" for a nominee or any background check. It's supposed to go out and interview people. There were not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women. That was what really spurred on Ford and other women. It all should have been fully disclosed to the judiciary committee, but even Kegs was blindsided. And it took a democrat who at best has dementia to make the committee aware.

The system was broken. The question is why. The FBI's excuse was "we don't look that far back." But that's not correct. They've looked back into college years in the past. And that trail would have uncovered Kegger's behavior. He cleaned up his own act at some point. The whole circus was avoidable and should have been avoided.

Yet you keep ignoring Dr. Fords lies and the testimony of various people who were under oath in the interviews, in which NONE of them support Dr. Ford

Yet you complain about the FBI who had little material to build on....., Ford REFUSED to give the documents to them.....

I dont think she lied, I think that is honestly what she thinks she remembered, something obviously seriously affected her.

You forget that her 4 named witnesses all say they were never there or knew about a sexual assault, she claims they were there that is LYING!
Technically we do not actually know if she is lying or misremembering. Technically.

I have to agree with you, I think she is misrepresenting some things but... we do not necessarily know. One of the reasons that I do not think these things should get the air that they do. The accused gets raked over the coals and usually is utterly destroyed. When the accusation turns out to be false there is no reprimand for the accuser. Proving they are lying is extremely difficult and even when it is shown they are dishonest usually no one bothers anyway.

On the converse, there are plenty of sexual monsters that get away with what they do because it is also very difficult to prove sexual assault in the first place and a lot of people do not report it when it happens. That is slowly changing.

Actually we KNOW she is lying because some of them can't be explained away, like you and Coyote are trying to do right now by making excuses for her many "errors" she made with her obviously bogus allegation against him, since EVERYTHING she claims against Kavanaugh have been shown to be false and unsupported.

Stop making excuses for her!
I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
But the FBI doesn't investigate "allegations" for a nominee or any background check. It's supposed to go out and interview people. There were not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women. That was what really spurred on Ford and other women. It all should have been fully disclosed to the judiciary committee, but even Kegs was blindsided. And it took a democrat who at best has dementia to make the committee aware.

The system was broken. The question is why. The FBI's excuse was "we don't look that far back." But that's not correct. They've looked back into college years in the past. And that trail would have uncovered Kegger's behavior. He cleaned up his own act at some point. The whole circus was avoidable and should have been avoided.

Yet you keep ignoring Dr. Fords lies and the testimony of various people who were under oath in the interviews, in which NONE of them support Dr. Ford

Yet you complain about the FBI who had little material to build on....., Ford REFUSED to give the documents to them.....

I dont think she lied, I think that is honestly what she thinks she remembered, something obviously seriously affected her.

You forget that her 4 named witnesses all say they were never there or knew about a sexual assault, she claims they were there that is LYING!
I think they said they didnt recall...which is different. It does not mean she was lying...how much of a drunk fueled highschool party are these folks going to acuurately remember, including Ford? It doesnt mean she was lying.
The coat and the front page magazine articles of her wearing it makes me question her honesty to be quite frank. Her story never added up and she was eating up the publicity over it.

The pressure that seems to have been applied to one of her friends so that she would back her up makes me question her even more.

The entire thing just does not make sense. In the end, there was nothing to back her up.
I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
But the FBI doesn't investigate "allegations" for a nominee or any background check. It's supposed to go out and interview people. There were not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women. That was what really spurred on Ford and other women. It all should have been fully disclosed to the judiciary committee, but even Kegs was blindsided. And it took a democrat who at best has dementia to make the committee aware.

The system was broken. The question is why. The FBI's excuse was "we don't look that far back." But that's not correct. They've looked back into college years in the past. And that trail would have uncovered Kegger's behavior. He cleaned up his own act at some point. The whole circus was avoidable and should have been avoided.

Yet you keep ignoring Dr. Fords lies and the testimony of various people who were under oath in the interviews, in which NONE of them support Dr. Ford

Yet you complain about the FBI who had little material to build on....., Ford REFUSED to give the documents to them.....

I dont think she lied, I think that is honestly what she thinks she remembered, something obviously seriously affected her.

You forget that her 4 named witnesses all say they were never there or knew about a sexual assault, she claims they were there that is LYING!
Technically we do not actually know if she is lying or misremembering. Technically.

I have to agree with you, I think she is misrepresenting some things but... we do not necessarily know. One of the reasons that I do not think these things should get the air that they do. The accused gets raked over the coals and usually is utterly destroyed. When the accusation turns out to be false there is no reprimand for the accuser. Proving they are lying is extremely difficult and even when it is shown they are dishonest usually no one bothers anyway.

On the converse, there are plenty of sexual monsters that get away with what they do because it is also very difficult to prove sexual assault in the first place and a lot of people do not report it when it happens. That is slowly changing.

Actually we KNOW she is lying because some of them can't be explained away, like you and Coyote are trying to do right now by making excuses for her many "errors" she made with her obviously bogus allegation against him, since EVERYTHING she claims against Kavanaugh have been shown to be false and unsupported.

Stop making excuses for her!
Meh, not making excuses for her. Like I said, I think she lied too.

That does not change the fact we cannot prove that and I mean that in a legal sense. A much higher bar than my best evaluation of the situation.
I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
But the FBI doesn't investigate "allegations" for a nominee or any background check. It's supposed to go out and interview people. There were not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women. That was what really spurred on Ford and other women. It all should have been fully disclosed to the judiciary committee, but even Kegs was blindsided. And it took a democrat who at best has dementia to make the committee aware.

The system was broken. The question is why. The FBI's excuse was "we don't look that far back." But that's not correct. They've looked back into college years in the past. And that trail would have uncovered Kegger's behavior. He cleaned up his own act at some point. The whole circus was avoidable and should have been avoided.

Yet you keep ignoring Dr. Fords lies and the testimony of various people who were under oath in the interviews, in which NONE of them support Dr. Ford

Yet you complain about the FBI who had little material to build on....., Ford REFUSED to give the documents to them.....

I dont think she lied, I think that is honestly what she thinks she remembered, something obviously seriously affected her.

You forget that her 4 named witnesses all say they were never there or knew about a sexual assault, she claims they were there that is LYING!
I think they said they didnt recall...which is different. It does not mean she was lying...how much of a drunk fueled highschool party are these folks going to acuurately remember, including Ford? It doesnt mean she was lying.
The coat and the front page magazine articles of her wearing it makes me question her honesty to be quite frank. Her story never added up and she was eating up the publicity over it.

The pressure that seems to have been applied to one of her friends so that she would back her up makes me question her even more.

The entire thing just does not make sense. In the end, there was nothing to back her up.
I agree, nothing to back her up and you cant run on that. But I do think something happened to her, based on the reputations of all concerned.
I think they said they didnt recall...which is different. It does not mean she was lying...how much of a drunk fueled highschool party are these folks going to acuurately remember, including Ford? It doesnt mean she was lying.
The story she told, while disturbing, was not really "criminal". She said a group of boys pushed her onto a bed and kinda got on top of her for a second then walked off laughing.

It's the kind of thing where if you told a cop, he'd say "You kids quit horsing around" or something...
I just wanted to add to this...I realize she said in her Congress testimony that it disturbed her greatly and she still thinks about it a lot...but I'm just saying, to an outside party, I wouldn't exactly arrest a young kid for doing that. I'm not condoning it, I'm jsut saying I dunno if it's worth Jailtime or charges or whatever.
I think the question is whether "someone" in the DoJ or above told the FBI not not investigate. Ford was not the only accuser. Personally, imo, what someone does in HS or undergraduate is immaterial, unless it was a felony, and unless there are ongoing allegations during a person's professional career, as there were in Thomas's case. Pols like Slick Willy and Trump and Cuomo are a little different because they are not lifetime appointments people don't directly vote upon. We can always vote out a pol if he/she becomes too toxic.

And that just whooshes right over the heads of those who think this needs to go further.

Thank you. What Bart, Squee, Tobin and Donkey Dong Doug are accused of doing was a felony. Plus they didn't interview dozens of other women. Rigged investigation.
IOW, keep going until the correct result is obtained.
Seems to be the general idea.

The verdict is known. Proving it is just an inconvenient detail.
To me the issue is really about future FBI background checks. The failure to adequately investigate so a president could choose to not nominate a person has come up before. Nixon twice nomiated men who should have been disqualified for CURRENT racist assocations. LBJ nominated a guy for CJ who, it was found, had outside income. That was actually made into more than one book.

IF we don't want confirmation hearings to be circuses with "gotcha" moments we need the FBI to know what its supposed to investigate and for the FBI do do it. Consistently.
Sure but that has nothing to do with this case, actually. The FBI really should not be doing much investigating here either as this was a 'gotcha' moment from the get go. There was nothing to 'investigate' before the hearing as allegations had not been made. Once those allegations had been made we had one account that was 30 years old, lacked a single corroborating witness, time of the incident, location of the incident, any real details that could have been useful and would not even be, afaik, in the jurisdiction of the FBI in the first place. It was well known from the get go that nothing would be found here as there was nothing to the allegation in the first place and the other allegations were far worse.

The background check did not fail here, it cannot find what is not there. This was a hit job from day one.
But the FBI doesn't investigate "allegations" for a nominee or any background check. It's supposed to go out and interview people. There were not a few people who were familiar with Kegs' drunken behavior with women. That was what really spurred on Ford and other women. It all should have been fully disclosed to the judiciary committee, but even Kegs was blindsided. And it took a democrat who at best has dementia to make the committee aware.

The system was broken. The question is why. The FBI's excuse was "we don't look that far back." But that's not correct. They've looked back into college years in the past. And that trail would have uncovered Kegger's behavior. He cleaned up his own act at some point. The whole circus was avoidable and should have been avoided.

Yet you keep ignoring Dr. Fords lies and the testimony of various people who were under oath in the interviews, in which NONE of them support Dr. Ford

Yet you complain about the FBI who had little material to build on....., Ford REFUSED to give the documents to them.....

I dont think she lied, I think that is honestly what she thinks she remembered, something obviously seriously affected her.

You forget that her 4 named witnesses all say they were never there or knew about a sexual assault, she claims they were there that is LYING!
I think they said they didnt recall...which is different. It does not mean she was lying...how much of a drunk fueled highschool party are these folks going to acuurately remember, including Ford? It doesnt mean she was lying.

Come on! she days this under oath, and they responded under oath, someone is lying and since he is wrong on many other things, she is the prima candidate that her allegations were dead on arrival thus why bother airing them in the first place?
Before you just assume she was lying consider exactly how accurate old memories of drunken ard to, period. Something traumatic must have happened, but it might not be what she recalls. I give her the benefit of the doubt but blame the Dems for using her.

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