Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee: Arms Dealer Freed in Griner Swap ‘Has Not Killed Americans’ — ‘His Weapons Might Have Been Used to Kill Americans’

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
A reminder. This is the ignorant black woman who thought we've been to Mars and planted the American flag there. She's no different than black democrat Hank Johnson thinking the island of Guam would tip over if we put too many troops there.

Many arms we have dealt have been used to kill American's. Heck, this guy was likely dealing in our arms shipments.
And Progs want to take away weapons from the American citizens using reverse of what she says.
This touches on a question I've asked before regarding this man's detention. What American laws did he violate on American soil? Any? If not... This guy truly was a political prisoner, held captive for no other reason than being a competitor for US arms dealings. What authority does the US have to stop people from doing the same shit we do daily abroad? Especially when it comes to detaining foreign citizens, and abducting them from other countries?
When this congressional diva is not displaying her lack of both intelligence and common sense, it Shelia Jackson Lee’s sense of entitlement that gets her noticed. In the 1990s, the old Continental Airlines wrote her a letter to her Congressional office inviting her to choose another airline because of the constant instances in which she treated the Continental staff. More recently, she wielded her entitlement to bump a first class passenger on United Airlines and had the predictable audacity to accuse the passenger of playing the race card to target herself because she was a Black woman in First Class.

So Jackson-Lee is blaming the guns and not the terrorist prisoner used in the exchange for a fellow entitled American who shares Jackson-Lee’s affinity for asking what America can do for her.

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