Democrat Who Ran Terrorist-Connected Spy Ring Calls NRA 'Just Shy of Being Terrorists'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

EVIDENCE proves Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, then DNC Chairwoman, hired terrorist-connected Pakistanis - individuals known to be connected to terrorists, who were under investigation for possibly killing their father & kidnapping and holding their mother while they spent their father's / her money, individuals who had several law suits out against them and other legal trouble - to be 'IT Techs' for the DNC and Democrats in the house...despite the fact that they did not have security clearances.

These foreign SPIES charged the government for work not done by 'ghost' family members hired / paid / never showed up for work. They were given illegal access to SECRET House files, to include US Foreign Intelligence Files, and before they were caught thy stole equipment and internally downloaded and stole TERA-BYTES of Classified information from the House server / files.

Eventually they were caught, banned from the House, and an Espionage investigation was opened up on them. The Democrats who they worked for, upon hearing this, had mixed reactions: SOME REFUSED TO FIRE THEM WHILE OTHERS REFUSED TO PRESS CHARGES AGAINST THEM WHEN IT WAS DISCOVERED THEY HAD STOLEN THESE POLITICIANS' PERSONAL FILES ... leading to speculation that they were being blackmailed by the Pakistanis.

AFTER BEING CAUGHT, BANNED FROM THE HOUSE, AND AN ESPIONAGE INVESTIGATION HAD BEEN STARTED ON THEM, DWS IMMEDIATELY HIRED ONE OF THE TERRORIST-CONNECTED SPIES AGAIN! She completely ignored the House ban - not only did she give Awan ILLEGAL ACCESS TO HOUSE FILES again, she also gave Awan access to the DNC server, a list of all members, their e-mail addresses, and usernames and passwords to their accounts - all Awan needed to hack into their e-mails / accounts and get whatever they wanted!

NOT LONG AFTER THAT, the DNC server / DNC e-mails were hacked into and all of the DNC's 'dirty little secrets were exposed':
- Racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic e-mails / comments
- How the DNC had stacked the deck in Hillary's favor against Sanders
- How Hillary had 'bought' the DNC after Barry left it $24 Million in debt
- How Hillary and her newly purchased DNC rigged DNC primaries, how she cheated in debates, how they engaged in election fraud during the primaries...all to ensure Hillary was given the one thing she wanted but not win on her own - The DNC Presidential Nomination.

DWS was quickly FIRED for her role in running the spy ring, for giving terrorist-connected foreign spies illegal access to SECRET House Files, and exposing the DNC to hacking, blackmail, and exposing their crimes / attempts to ensure Felon Hillary was GIVEN the nomination! DWS was HIRED even faster by Hillary Rodham Clinton that same day she was fired... (Now why would a Presidential candidate want to run TO - instead of away from - an individual identified / exposed as having run / aided a foreign spy ring commit espionage on her own country? In 2016 everything about Hillary was one big scandal...)

Despite all the evidence in the world needed to indict DWS for espionage, she has instead been protected from criminal charges...or incarceration. The b!t@h belongs in GITMO, not running around loose after committing treason and betraying her country!

Instead of being locked away, DWS surfaced to make the news. The woman who intentionally aided and abetted / ran a terrorist-connected spy ring in which she and those she hired committed espionage actually had the gall / nerve to accuse the NRA of 'being just shy of a terrorist organization'. That statement is obviously false - based on her own actions and love of terrorists / spies, if the NRA was a terrorist organization DWS would have already tried to hire them by now.

The Fact is, unlike Liberals / Democrats, the NRA works to PROECT Americans' Constitutional Rights while promoting gun safety and the legal ownership of guns.

Leave it to the Democratic Party to send out a proven traitor to accuse others of doing what the Democrats have done and of being who the Democrats are.

“They have done everything they can to perpetuate the culture of violence that we have in our country…”
-- DWS

Gun violence glamorized - Liberal Hollywood
Video Game Gun Violence - Liberals
Hate Speech drove snowflake to gun down GOP politician
Liberal Groups paid by the Russians to promote racial division and violence

The NRA, again, works to protect Constitutional Rights and promote the legal ownership of guns and gun safety, teaching thousands of classes each year.

Again, why hasn't this criminal bit@h been per-walked yet?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Let's face it, the NRA is just shy of being a terrorist organization
Terrorist spy ring….GITMO….uh huh….Treason……Video Game Gun Violence…..

You have any idea how stupid you sound?
She sounds like a Republican the way they try to make liberals into communist...Stupid people are just that, stupid, and they say stupid things...
Terrorist spy ring….GITMO….uh huh….Treason……Video Game Gun Violence…..

You have any idea how stupid you sound?
You have no idea how ignorant you have just proven yourself to be, ignoring the fact that everything about DWS and her terrorist-connected Pakistanis is true / has been proven.

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