Democratioc Debate Rating hit lowest point of 2020 Presidential Campaign.

DemonRAT Debate Rating hit lowest point of 2020 Presidential Campaign...a Miserable, Paltry 6.1 million TV viewers in total. The DeATHRATS Party continues to destroy itself internally...period!!

Democratic Debate Ratings Hit Lowest Point of Campaign

Gee, did they have another debate? This was the last? I think I saw part of the first. It sucked. Watched by 2% of the nation, cared about by fewer. Hosted by a bunch of people I never heard of in LA, the Left's personal stronghold of liberal progressivism on stations few people care to tune into if they receive them at all, and so obviously not one critical or hostile question asked of them.

Did anyone ask Joe what his son was doing working in Ukraine making more in a month than most make in a whole year in a field he knows nothing about? No? you know they sure would have asked the Donald.

I sure hope those aren't the 2% who give the DNC their "popular vote victory" in the next election.
DemonRAT Debate Rating hit lowest point of 2020 Presidential Campaign...a Miserable, Paltry 6.1 million TV viewers in total. The DeATHRATS Party continues to destroy itself internally...period!!

Democratic Debate Ratings Hit Lowest Point of Campaign

This is always the case, the rating for the last GOP debate in 2016 was less than half of the rating for the first.

You people have no sense of history.
I like to inform myself on the bullshit the other side is slinging.

They are running on some stupid shit, all of which will wreck the economy.

Their basic message is “Your life actually sucks. Vote for me, I will give you free shit”. The shit itself varies candidate to candidate, but that’s what they are all running on.
America doesn't want to watch the Commie Clown Car train wreck.
DemonRAT Debate Rating hit lowest point of 2020 Presidential Campaign...a Miserable, Paltry 6.1 million TV viewers in total. The DeATHRATS Party continues to destroy itself internally...period!!

Democratic Debate Ratings Hit Lowest Point of Campaign

This is always the case, the rating for the last GOP debate in 2016 was less than half of the rating for the first.

You people have no sense of history.

Golfing is pretty accurate on that statement. The election season where it is closely watched, doesn't heat up until after New Years and usually grows from there. Still, the Democrats created a bunch of election commercials for the Republicans, even during this one. In the old days, when a candidate said something WE thought was bad politically, we could never be sure if other people thought the same thing.

Today, by the graphs of reaction from the gallery of Democrat, Republican, and Independent voters and watching their reaction on graphs after the fact, we know the Democrats as of this writing are screwed. Independents are having none of what the Democrats are selling. When you have the American people split 3 ways almost evenly between D, R, and I, and 2 of the 3 are saying on visual graph that these people are basically crazy, it should tell everyone that this race is Trumps to lose!
I like to inform myself on the bullshit the other side is slinging.

That's why we have evil right-wing radio and Fox. It's their job to sit through that bore fest and tell us the highlights--if there are any. Watching a bunch of Americans trying to out commie each other is revolting. I simply can't take it.
DemonRAT Debate Rating hit lowest point of 2020 Presidential Campaign...a Miserable, Paltry 6.1 million TV viewers in total. The DeATHRATS Party continues to destroy itself internally...period!!

Democratic Debate Ratings Hit Lowest Point of Campaign

It's hard to believe that there are than many Americans who leave their television on while in another room. Their party is broke, nobody is paying attention to them, but Trump is going to get beat in his reelection attempt according to the left. What planet are these people on anyway?

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