Democrats Acting Like Scoundrels on Anti-Sex Trafficking Bill!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
On this Senate anti-sex trafficking bill that has been in the major headlines over the past two weeks, those Democrat Senators blocking this bill from coming to the Senate floor are absolutely wrong and totally out-of-line. Their opposition to the prohibition in the bill for the use of this bill's fund to help sex-trafficking victims in being used to fund abortion is completely unreasonable and illegitimate. It is long-standing U.S. government policy to not use U.S. taxpayer funds to fund abortion for many Americans believe human being's come into existence at the moment of conception, this writer is not one of them, so that abortion at any time during the pregnancy is plain and simple murder and so this policy seeks to be sensitive to these Americans' views. This policy is known as the Henry Hyde Amendment and has been enacted into law in one form or another going back to 1976.

Those Democrat Senators blocking this bill on these grounds are cowing to pro-abortion groups and pandering for political support from the Democrat base at the expense of doing their duty. If Democrats want to change this policy let them put together a separate bill repealing Hyde Amendments throughout the Federal government not that it would pass for Democrats are now in the minority in both chambers of Congress but that is their path if they care about acting properly!

The Senate Democrat caucus's wrongful behavior in this matter has been symbolized in Democrat Senator Dick Durbin statement on the Senate floor that the Republicans in holding up a vote on the confirmation of Ms. Loretta Lynch as Attorney General until this anti-sex trafficking bill is completed in the Senate is tantamount to asking Ms. Lynch who is African American to sit in the back of the bus. These remarks by Senator Durbin insinuating that the Republican party is discriminatory, for in America's discriminatory past in certain areas of the country blacks were required to sit in the back of buses, is over-the-top and outrageously wrong. The country does need its leaders stirring the pot of racial conflict at this time the country has enough of a problem in this area without this!
You know all the politicians in Washington not only Dick Durbin should take what happened in the Israel elections this past week as a life long learning experience about not putting their own political interests above their country's interest. The world observed that on the eve of this week's elections the Israeli politician Benjamin Netanyahu came out and said he will never agree to a Palestinian state he of course did this in order to secure right wing Israeli votes and bring about his party winning the parliamentary election. By doing this he essentially has said that the U.S. and the world's diplomatic effort over the past forty years to bring peace to the Israeli-Palestinean conflict by pursuing a two state solution from his viewpoint has been based on a lie, Prime Minister Netanyahu has killed the peace effort with this election eve proclamation. Maybe this is not the politically correct thing to say but it is the absolute truth and anyone thinking with wisdom knows this that Mr. Netanyahu here has sentenced many Jewish people throughout the world to a terrorist death! Because now the Palestininian people their Arab friends in the Middle East and their Muslim supporters throughout the world have no hope for a just peace for the Palestinian people where they can receive their fundamental right to a sovereign country of their own a God's will supported right for how could a God who is all good not want both the Israeli and Palestinian people to have their own country in the land of Palestine. As the world knows that many Muslim people believe, albeit wrongly, that it is morally legitimate to kill civilians to advance the Palestinian people right to have their own country with the peace process now indefinitely dead "pressure" in this area amongst the Palestinean and Muslim people is going to grow and it is only a matter of time before the world sees a dialing up of terroristic attacks against Jewish people world-wide!
The abortion Lobbyist ran in and took control of this vote. And the Democrats could care less about sex trafficking, you or your offspring. they had to satisfy one of their largest DONORS. ABORTION

and you belong to this Godless, disgusting party?

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