Democrats ahead by 10% in midterms, according to a new WSJ/NBC poll

YES!~!! and Hillary has a 99% chance of winning!!!


It's a lock!!!
As a staunch Conservative.....I predict the Right is about to lose it all.

Republicans feel they don't need to vote in the upcoming elections......
They got Trump in and he'll save them.
And if that fails, they've got their guns....and if that fails....they've got God.

I try to talk to all my supposedly Right wing friends.....they aren't "motivated" to vote in the upcoming elections.

I think the Dems are about to clean house. What comes next will be really really bad.
A WSJ/NBC poll had Hillary up by 11 points less than a month before the election.
As a staunch Conservative.....I predict the Right is about to lose it all.

Republicans feel they don't need to vote in the upcoming elections......
They got Trump in and he'll save them.
And if that fails, they've got their guns....and if that fails....they've got God.

I try to talk to all my supposedly Right wing friends.....they aren't "motivated" to vote in the upcoming elections.

I think the Dems are about to clean house. What comes next will be really really bad.

As an Independent, I think this is a bit overwrought.

The Dems are in their own world of hurt due to the Communist-Progs' takeover of the party. Lamb won recently by running as a moderate (pro-Lifer who suppors legal right to abortion, pro-2nd Amendment, ex-Marine). The Dems won't run such candidates in most of the country.
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As a middle-of-the-roader (and a Trump supporter), I would be the first one to congratulate the Democrats if they take the House in November.

Being a good sport is the key to civility in life.

The Democrats may, indeed, have a wonderful night in November if they can turn out enough youth, women, people of color, and -- of course -- undocumented immigrants.

If they do impeach the President and send the case to the Senate, they may live to rue the day that they ever did such a thing.
So let me get this right.... A pro life tax cutting democrat won in PA and somehow this transfers to The left winning in 2018 ? I dont think you lefties are understanding the situation.

On another point. It isn't polls that are the problem it is the obvious bias of those running the polls that make it inaccurate... And no dummies they were not polling for who will win the popular vote. The popular vote wont win you the white house and even three quarter retarded Leftist Democrats know that.

Lamb is opposed to repealing Obamacare and called the GOP tax bill a “giveaway” to the wealthy.

“We didn’t need to add a penny to our debt to have the tax cut for our working- and middle-class people,” Lamb said at a debate, butting heads with Saccone.

Paul Ryan says Conor Lamb, who ran against the GOP tax plan, ran "as a conservative"
Yet still proposes a tax cut bill.... You see I dont think you guys are understanding the situation the left is in.... It isn't about party it is about The left. The regressive movement is going the way of the dinosaur.

You seriously think Lamb would have voted for the tax bill when not a single Democrat in Congress did? :21:
I dont know.... And neither do you since he wasn't in office at the time. I do know that you guys are foolishly thinking this means democrats or leftists have a advantage .... Never dawned on you that leftist regressive ideology is why we have Trump does it?
Never dawned on you that leftist regressive ideology is why we have Trump does it?

You (and, sadly, we) have Trump for 2 fucking reasons:

Hillary was a terrible candidate...and
morons like you fall for a stupid demagogue who tells you want you want to hear.
Never dawned on you that leftist regressive ideology is why we have Trump does it?

You (and, sadly, we) have Trump for 2 fucking reasons:

Hillary was a terrible candidate...and
morons like you fall for a stupid demagogue who tells you want you want to hear.
We have Trump because Idiot Leftists Made Hillary their candidate and PC regressive fascism pushed the voter to far. If it was just Hillary Cruz would have won. He was by far more qualified and intelligent then Trump. Trump attacked the very things the left supports. Cruz didn't. Trump put to words what the country was feeling. Cruz went the classy road. You cant blame the conservatives for Trump we mostly wanted Cruz. We can blame the Left and their fascist tactics and admit trump was smart enough to capitalize on it with loud opposition.
LOL at partisans with their heads in the sand.

I recall you fell for the polls in 2016 and said Cankles would win.

How'd that work out for ya?

Once again, for the tards. The polls were correct as they only measure popular vote, it's the prediction models that were off.

Yeah so off Trump rolled to the White House HAHAHAHAHAHA

Yes he did. But in your post you said "I recall you fell for the polls..." which implies being duped. That isn't the case as the polls were correct and point to something very important, Trump was and still is not popular. Not helpful in the midterms.

Let them sit there like lambs to the slaughter for the next seven months. If losing 39 state legislative seats over the past year, plus an R+11 congressional seat they've held for 20 years isn't enough to convince them to pull their partisan heads out of their ass, then they deserve everything they get.

So true, then we can have thread after thread about voter fraud.
So let me get this right.... A pro life tax cutting democrat won in PA and somehow this transfers to The left winning in 2018 ? I dont think you lefties are understanding the situation.

On another point. It isn't polls that are the problem it is the obvious bias of those running the polls that make it inaccurate... And no dummies they were not polling for who will win the popular vote. The popular vote wont win you the white house and even three quarter retarded Leftist Democrats know that.

Polls are worthless, for any poll showing one result you can find another poll showing another result.

Political Science 101...any poll can be manipulated to achieve any desired result
And then, you average those polls and find Republicans in deep shit.
A WSJ/NBC poll had Hillary up by 11 points less than a month before the election.
The last WSJ/NBC poll had Hillary up by 5%, and she won by 2%, within the margin of error.
But you wanted to be slick so you cited an older poll instead, cum sucker.
LOL at Polls.

LOL at partisans with their heads in the sand.

I recall you fell for the polls in 2016 and said Cankles would win.

How'd that work out for ya?
The average of Polls predicted Hillary would win the popular vote.
She did.
Which means nothing.
It means something.It means polls were accurate in measuring the popular vote, which gives credibility to this WSJ/NBC poll.

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