Democrats are not just like Republicans

keep telling yourself there's a difference, bobo, if it helps you sleep better.

HUGE difference between the two parties. That's why one party is doing really well right now and the other is in shambles.

The GOP spent the last 8 years fucking us and now the Dems will work to undo the damage. Are they perfect? No. But are they different enough that one is better than the other? Of course. Why else bother voting? And why else would Spector defect?

Last week we sent over 30,000 letters to Congress, urging legislators to support the bipartisan Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act. And yesterday, the Senate overwhelmingly approved it by a vote of 92-4, bringing us one step closer to providing federal law enforcers with the resources they need to go after the white-collar criminals who have wreaked so much havoc on our economy and hard-working families.

When the Bush-Cheney Administration took thousands of federal investigators off financial fraud cases, criminals like Bernard Madoff -- whose "Ponzi scheme" cost investors $65 billion -- operated with virtual impunity. Unless we act to reverse this course, financial frauds will continue to rob hard-working Americans of their retirement funds, their homes, and their savings.

If passed by Congress and signed by President Obama, the bipartisan Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act will:

Authorize an additional $245 million a year to hire hundreds of federal investigators, prosecutors, and staff to fight fraud,

Fill in statutory gaps to account for modern types of fraud and correct erroneous court decisions,

Update the definition of "financial institution" in federal fraud statutes to include all mortgage lending businesses, and

Protect federal recovery funding from fraudulent use.
The Senate has taken bold action. Now it's the House of Representatives' turn to get tough on white-collar crime.

How do you think these letters would have been received by a Republican majority? Much different than how the Dems handled it.

Remember Republicans. When you tell us that the Dems suck, I'm going to remind you that the GOP are no different. And when you say they are no different, I'll show you differences.

Government is as inept to fight fraud as it is to fight drugs, terrorism, poverty, climate change, etc. It simply is too inept, no matter how much money is stolen to fund it. The only course of action is to punish those guilty of fraud, and not give false hope as to circumvent due diligence one would exert otherwise.

Gop are no different than Dems. They both pillage the rights of the people to serve themselves and those well connected, the opposite of what should be according to our Constitution.
When you come right down to it, nobody who gets into difficulty using credit cards (including me) has anybody to blame but themselves. You agree to the terms. That includes agreeing to the credit card company being able to change the agreement. You can take the time to read all the fine print or you can choose not to. If you choose not to, that was your choice. If you choose to accept the credit card even though you do not understand the fine print, that is your choice.

Believe me, I think those who profer credit cards are some of the most dispicable people in our sphere. But NOBODY forces you do deal with them. Also, pretty much EVERYBODY knows that the "recommended" way to use credit cards is NEVER to purchase more than you can pay off in a single month so that you don't run afoul of the astronomical interest they charge.

To say that GOVERNMENT should protect you from failing to understand that is absurd. And I say that conceding that I have failed to "understand" that (or at least my wife has) as far as credit cards are concerned. Nothing a credit card company says it will do to you is anything it doesn't say it can do to you when you agree to accept the credit card.

Name one other contract that you have ever signed where the other end said that they could raise their rates at any time for any reason.

Yes, the government is supposed to protect us from this sort of thing. That is EXACTLY the governments role.

I love you right wingers and the positions you take. Good luck winning the young vote talking nonsense like this.

Name one law that says you are excused from the terms of a contract if you don't bother to READ it before signing it! Playing the eternal victim is a liberal thing. OUR government was NOT set up to protect people from their own bad decisions. OUR system of government was set up with the definite premise that a normal adult was in a far better position to know what was and was not in his own best interests over a bunch of faceless strangers who not only do not know of your existence -but don't give a shit that you exist.

Government is ONLY OTHER PEOPLE. It is NOT a magical entity that is all knowing and holds the answers to all problems. I wouldn't dream of turning over my life's decisions to the guy on the next block. So why on earth would I ever consider turning them over to a bunch of faceless strangers who managed to get hired by government but cannot ever be fired no matter how incompetently they do their job? Until they can be fired for incompetence, I don't want them involved in my life on ANY level, thank you. I reject the notion that I need government to protect me from MYSELF! Those who think they need government to protect themselves from themselves -live in the wrong country.

And no matter what propaganda you want to repeat like a mindless parrot -it is this very basic premise that differentiates liberals from conservatives. WHO has primary responsiblity for the individual? The individual or a bunch of faceless strangers pretending that getting hired into a job they can't be fired from endowed them with magical abilities to somehow just "know" what is in your best interests? Liberals and conservatives answer this one differently.

If you claim to know what is in your own best interests over a bunch of strangers for the most important decisions of your life -then you can't turn around and play the victim card when you don't like the consequences of YOUR bad decisions. Having to handle those consequences is how we learn -all our lives. Insisting that people should not have to face those consequences is why we have more people than ever before in history -making all sorts of bad decisions. And then expecting someone else to protect them from those consequences. Now perhaps instead of pretending that a normal adult is an eternal victim who cannot be held accountable for his own decisions in life -perhaps you can explain for us all how protecting normal adults from the natural consequences of their own poor decisions -benefits society? I'd love to hear that one.

BTW -I have three kids in college. All have at least one credit card. NONE have an outstanding balance. But maybe that is because as responsible parents we made sure to drill into their heads that credit card companies only exist to MAKE MONEY. Not to give them "free" loans for stuff they otherwise could not afford to buy. Try spreading that one around instead of the liberal "eternal victim" bullshit. You won't because the idea of using any sort of wisdom, common sense and seeing life beyond just tomorrow when making life's decisions -goes against the liberal mentality that we are eternal victims. Of ourselves. Excuse me while I puke.
When you come right down to it, nobody who gets into difficulty using credit cards (including me) has anybody to blame but themselves. You agree to the terms. That includes agreeing to the credit card company being able to change the agreement. You can take the time to read all the fine print or you can choose not to. If you choose not to, that was your choice. If you choose to accept the credit card even though you do not understand the fine print, that is your choice.

Believe me, I think those who profer credit cards are some of the most dispicable people in our sphere. But NOBODY forces you do deal with them. Also, pretty much EVERYBODY knows that the "recommended" way to use credit cards is NEVER to purchase more than you can pay off in a single month so that you don't run afoul of the astronomical interest they charge.

To say that GOVERNMENT should protect you from failing to understand that is absurd. And I say that conceding that I have failed to "understand" that (or at least my wife has) as far as credit cards are concerned. Nothing a credit card company says it will do to you is anything it doesn't say it can do to you when you agree to accept the credit card.

Name one other contract that you have ever signed where the other end said that they could raise their rates at any time for any reason.

Yes, the government is supposed to protect us from this sort of thing. That is EXACTLY the governments role.

I love you right wingers and the positions you take. Good luck winning the young vote talking nonsense like this.

Name one law that says you are excused from the terms of a contract if you don't bother to READ it before signing it! Playing the eternal victim is a liberal thing. OUR government was NOT set up to protect people from their own bad decisions. OUR system of government was set up with the definite premise that a normal adult was in a far better position to know what was and was not in his own best interests over a bunch of faceless strangers who not only do not know of your existence -but don't give a shit that you exist.

Government is ONLY OTHER PEOPLE. It is NOT a magical entity that is all knowing and holds the answers to all problems. I wouldn't dream of turning over my life's decisions to the guy on the next block. So why on earth would I ever consider turning them over to a bunch of faceless strangers who managed to get hired by government but cannot ever be fired no matter how incompetently they do their job? Until they can be fired for incompetence, I don't want them involved in my life on ANY level, thank you. I reject the notion that I need government to protect me from MYSELF! Those who think they need government to protect themselves from themselves -live in the wrong country.

And no matter what propaganda you want to repeat like a mindless parrot -it is this very basic premise that differentiates liberals from conservatives. WHO has primary responsiblity for the individual? The individual or a bunch of faceless strangers pretending that getting hired into a job they can't be fired from endowed them with magical abilities to somehow just "know" what is in your best interests? Liberals and conservatives answer this one differently.

If you claim to know what is in your own best interests over a bunch of strangers for the most important decisions of your life -then you can't turn around and play the victim card when you don't like the consequences of YOUR bad decisions. Having to handle those consequences is how we learn -all our lives. Insisting that people should not have to face those consequences is why we have more people than ever before in history -making all sorts of bad decisions. And then expecting someone else to protect them from those consequences. Now perhaps instead of pretending that a normal adult is an eternal victim who cannot be held accountable for his own decisions in life -perhaps you can explain for us all how protecting normal adults from the natural consequences of their own poor decisions -benefits society? I'd love to hear that one.

BTW -I have three kids in college. All have at least one credit card. NONE have an outstanding balance. But maybe that is because as responsible parents we made sure to drill into their heads that credit card companies only exist to MAKE MONEY. Not to give them "free" loans for stuff they otherwise could not afford to buy. Try spreading that one around instead of the liberal "eternal victim" bullshit. You won't because the idea of using any sort of wisdom, common sense and seeing life beyond just tomorrow when making life's decisions -goes against the liberal mentality that we are eternal victims. Of ourselves. Excuse me while I puke.

You are a conservative, and so you are going to see the GOP's side in every argument. And you guys aren't the deepest of thinkers, which is why it is impossible to educate you on anything.

Sure, everyone is responsible for reading the fine print. But that doesn't mean it is ok for the credit card companies to practice deceptive lending.

Boy, how to even begin to respond to you. The government's role is to protect its citizens, both domestic and abroad. The credit card companies are enemies to the people. Their practices are deceptive and misleading. You don't even know it, but that's ok. No matter whether you want the help or not, the democrats won't let them predatory lend to you either. And if you miss a payment, your interest should not jack up to 30%. Whether you approve or not, we won't let them fuck you. Because if they can fuck you, they can fuck the rest of us. Not that we mind if they fuck you. In fact, you deserve to get fucked hard.

Who has responsibility over you. Yea, we heard that mantra all last year. Here again is a conservative talking point that does not require any in depth thinking. Never does.

No one played the victim during Clinton's reign. No, it took the GOP to deregulate industries that need to be regulated before people became victims. And talk about being victims. You right wingers claim you are victims of freddy/fanny. Soooo full of shit its insane.

You have three kids in college? My guess is that you make more than the average family. If not, you and your kids all have debt.

If your kids have to pay off their college, then they can thank you for their college tuition increases and the debt that they will have when they graduate.

If you are paying for their college, then you can not relate to the average American, because you make too much.

I just came here to show you how the Dems are better than the GOP

Obama cracks down on overseas tax loopholes - Stocks & economy-

Obama cracks down on overseas tax loopholes

his plan would generate $210 billion in new taxes over 10 years and "make it easier" for companies to create jobs at home. Over a decade, $210 billion would make a modest dent in a federal deficit expected to swell to $1.2 trillion in 2010.

Under the plan, companies would not be able to write off domestic expenses for generating profits abroad. The goal is to reduce the incentive for U.S. companies to base all or part of their operations in other countries.
Pubie notes:

And thus in lies the distinction... which this member just can't seem to discern.

The proof is in the pudding, chum.

the distiction between the parties in rhtetoric is quite apparent.

The distinction in actions (THAT ACTUALLY MATTER TO THIS NATION) is not.

Your disgust with the Republican party and mine with the DEMOCRATIC party are actually more similar than you imagine.

The one thing I really sense about you is that you are sincerely a patriotic American.

On that matter you and I are quite similar.


President Obama and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner will announce that they are cracking down on tax laws that encourage corporations to send jobs overseas and allow the corporations to hide money in international tax shelters.

President Obama to Call for Tax Changes for Corporate Tax-Avoiders, Out-sourcers - Political Punch

Tax laws that Republicans wrote and denied existed.

Tax laws the CORPORATE media didn't tell us about (I heard it one day on NPR back in 2003 or 2004 and never again)

And tax laws that Republicans will argue to keep in place. Let me guess, if we take these loopholes away, it'll cost jobs and raise prices. Get ready for the lame old arguments from the right.
President Obama and Secretary Geithner plan to remove tax deductions for companies that take jobs overseas, saving $60 billion from 2011 to 2018. Combined with reforming the foreign tax credit system, the total savings would be $103 billion.
Pubie notes:

And thus in lies the distinction... which this member just can't seem to discern.

The proof is in the pudding, chum.

the distiction between the parties in rhtetoric is quite apparent.

The distinction in actions (THAT ACTUALLY MATTER TO THIS NATION) is not.

Your disgust with the Republican party and mine with the DEMOCRATIC party are actually more similar than you imagine.

The one thing I really sense about you is that you are sincerely a patriotic American.

On that matter you and I are quite similar.

I just said that... so congrats... ya finally struck brilliance...
Hardly. The fact that you spend so much ASCII discussing these matters leads me to think this matters are very important to you.

The distinction, is in the principle for which the GOP stands..

But seldom acts

and the absence of principle on which the Left operates...

The left and the Dems are hardly the same thing.


And the above sentence is a great example of why I seldom read your posts. They're confusing because, I suspect, your thinking is confused.

We both seem to agree that it's failed... but we both see the failure from two DISTINCT PERSPECTIVES and as I stated a moment ago... THEREIN... rests the distinction.

Without a doubt you and I have very different views about the course that the nation should set upon.
What we are looking at here is a replay of the Great Depression... and it's embarassing.

It's similar, but not the same

The first crowd had an excuse... The failure of left-think had not been thoroughly, incontestably exposed in the results of the application of Left-think from 1929... forward more than A DECADE with CATASTROPHIC RESULTS.

So you say, but fail to prove.

The principles of course, being constant were present at the time; and there were millions who understood that the left was standing in direct contest of sound sustainable, AMERICAN principle... but at LEAST the left did not have a CENTURY of DEVASTATION wrought by one catastrophic leftist policy failure after the next... to look upon and understand the absurdity of their advocacies and actions; and the Right did not have the same with which to use as a means to counter their disasterous notions.

Lost me in your rush to get you thought down, I think.

We have no such excuse today... and yet we sit here, facing exactly the same catastrophe... it's madness.

What we're doing is madness, I quite agree.

Where we differ, among other things, is WHO is responsible.

You have created a boogieman subset to blame all things on...the left or liberals or communist or socialists or whatever.

My boogiemen are the players who were in charge of the laws and policies which we have today.

They are in both parties and neither of them are lefties or righties, either.

You think this problem stems from their political philosophies.

I think this problem stems from the kleptocrats who rule the government, industry, education, and international organizations.

You think they're leading us to a socialistic society.

I think they're leading us to a form of socialistic society which looks one hell of a lot more like a feudal society with capital on top of the heap than communist one where the workers dominate.
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Pubie notes:

The proof is in the pudding, chum.

the distiction between the parties in rhtetoric is quite apparent.

The distinction in actions (THAT ACTUALLY MATTER TO THIS NATION) is not.

Your disgust with the Republican party and mine with the DEMOCRATIC party are actually more similar than you imagine.

The one thing I really sense about you is that you are sincerely a patriotic American.

On that matter you and I are quite similar.

I just said that... so congrats... ya finally struck brilliance...
Hardly. The fact that you spend so much ASCII discussing these matters leads me to think this matters are very important to you.

But seldom acts

The left and the Dems are hardly the same thing.

And the above sentence is a great example of why I seldom read your posts. They're confusing because, I suspect, your thinking is confused.

Without a doubt you and I have very different views about the course that the nation should set upon.

It's similar, but not the same

So you say, but fail to prove.

Lost me in your rush to get you thought down, I think.

What we're doing is madness, I quite agree.

Where we differ, among other things, is WHO is responsible.

You have created a boogieman subset to blame all things on...the left or liberals or communist or socialists or whatever.

My boogiemen are the players who were in charge of the laws and policies which we have today.

They are in both parties and neither of them are lefties or righties, either.

You think this problem stems from their political philosophies.

I think this problem stems from the kleptocrats who rule the government, industry, education, and international organizations.

You think they're leading us to a socialistic society.

I think they're leading us to a form of socialistic society which looks one hell of a lot more like a feudal society with capital on top of the heap than communist one where the workers dominate.

It looks like you are arguing with yourself.
When you come right down to it, nobody who gets into difficulty using credit cards (including me) has anybody to blame but themselves. You agree to the terms. That includes agreeing to the credit card company being able to change the agreement. You can take the time to read all the fine print or you can choose not to. If you choose not to, that was your choice. If you choose to accept the credit card even though you do not understand the fine print, that is your choice.

Believe me, I think those who profer credit cards are some of the most dispicable people in our sphere. But NOBODY forces you do deal with them. Also, pretty much EVERYBODY knows that the "recommended" way to use credit cards is NEVER to purchase more than you can pay off in a single month so that you don't run afoul of the astronomical interest they charge.

To say that GOVERNMENT should protect you from failing to understand that is absurd. And I say that conceding that I have failed to "understand" that (or at least my wife has) as far as credit cards are concerned. Nothing a credit card company says it will do to you is anything it doesn't say it can do to you when you agree to accept the credit card.

Name one other contract that you have ever signed where the other end said that they could raise their rates at any time for any reason.

Yes, the government is supposed to protect us from this sort of thing. That is EXACTLY the governments role.

I love you right wingers and the positions you take. Good luck winning the young vote talking nonsense like this.

Name one law that says you are excused from the terms of a contract if you don't bother to READ it before signing it! Playing the eternal victim is a liberal thing. OUR government was NOT set up to protect people from their own bad decisions. OUR system of government was set up with the definite premise that a normal adult was in a far better position to know what was and was not in his own best interests over a bunch of faceless strangers who not only do not know of your existence -but don't give a shit that you exist.

I wouldn't dream of turning over my life's decisions to the guy on the next block. So why on earth would I ever consider turning them over to a bunch of faceless strangers who managed to get hired by government but cannot ever be fired no matter how incompetently they do their job?

And no matter what propaganda you want to repeat like a mindless parrot -it is this very basic premise that differentiates liberals from conservatives. WHO has primary responsiblity for the individual? The individual or a bunch of faceless strangers pretending that getting hired into a job they can't be fired from endowed them with magical abilities to somehow just "know" what is in your best interests? Liberals and conservatives answer this one differently.

If you claim to know what is in your own best interests over a bunch of strangers for the most important decisions of your life -then you can't turn around and play the victim card when you don't like the consequences of YOUR bad decisions. Having to handle those consequences is how we learn -all our lives. Insisting that people should not have to face those consequences is why we have more people than ever before in history -making all sorts of bad decisions. And then expecting someone else to protect them from those consequences. Now perhaps instead of pretending that a normal adult is an eternal victim who cannot be held accountable for his own decisions in life -perhaps you can explain for us all how protecting normal adults from the natural consequences of their own poor decisions -benefits society? I'd love to hear that one.

BTW -I have three kids in college. All have at least one credit card. NONE have an outstanding balance. But maybe that is because as responsible parents we made sure to drill into their heads that credit card companies only exist to MAKE MONEY. Not to give them "free" loans for stuff they otherwise could not afford to buy. Try spreading that one around instead of the liberal "eternal victim" bullshit. You won't because the idea of using any sort of wisdom, common sense and seeing life beyond just tomorrow when making life's decisions -goes against the liberal mentality that we are eternal victims. Of ourselves. Excuse me while I puke.

Name one other contract other than CC companies who can change the terms/interest/rules at anytime for any reason.

And I love how you don't trust government that you get to elect, but you trust greedy robber barons who will own the corporations long after the politicians get tossed out of office.

No we don't answer that question differently. I am responsible for me. You are responsible for you. This is just a right wing talking point meant to suggest that we want bigger government to control our lives. You're brainwashed dude.

And this victim bullshit you keep talking about. The GOP government worked against American labor in favor of corporations TOO MUCH the last 8 years. Now you'll be the cry baby when the government works in our favor. Watch and see what a cry baby you will be the next 8 years.

Tell me more about how you afford to send 3 kids to college and none of them have credit card debt, that you know of anyways. If they all have AT LEAST one credit card, are you micromanaging all of those cards? You are probably clueless and they each probably owe over $3K on their cards. I fucking bet!! And they are probably liberals and won't tell you because you are an dumb old dog. LOL.

Do they have college loans? Can't wait to hear more. I'll expose
keep telling yourself there's a difference, bobo, if it helps you sleep better.

Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, "My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness,
benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
Why did the GOP allow credit card companies to do these things?

Probably for the same reason Joe Biden did, the credit card companies paid them off, any questions?
you have to understand bobo, if anything is bad, there is a republican at the root of it
doesnt matter how many democrats went right along with it, its only the republicans fault
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Why did the GOP allow credit card companies to do these things?

Probably for the same reason Joe Biden did, the credit card companies paid them off, any questions?
you have to understand bob, if anything is bad, there is a republican at the root of it
doesnt matter how many democrats went right along with it, its only the republicans fault

Thanks for the warning! I have encountered enough blind partisan loyalists in my days here on earth to know the species when I encounter it and take anything they say with a grain or two or ten thousand of salt. :)
Name one other contract that you have ever signed where the other end said that they could raise their rates at any time for any reason.

Yes, the government is supposed to protect us from this sort of thing. That is EXACTLY the governments role.

I love you right wingers and the positions you take. Good luck winning the young vote talking nonsense like this.

Name one law that says you are excused from the terms of a contract if you don't bother to READ it before signing it! Playing the eternal victim is a liberal thing. OUR government was NOT set up to protect people from their own bad decisions. OUR system of government was set up with the definite premise that a normal adult was in a far better position to know what was and was not in his own best interests over a bunch of faceless strangers who not only do not know of your existence -but don't give a shit that you exist.

I wouldn't dream of turning over my life's decisions to the guy on the next block. So why on earth would I ever consider turning them over to a bunch of faceless strangers who managed to get hired by government but cannot ever be fired no matter how incompetently they do their job?

And no matter what propaganda you want to repeat like a mindless parrot -it is this very basic premise that differentiates liberals from conservatives. WHO has primary responsiblity for the individual? The individual or a bunch of faceless strangers pretending that getting hired into a job they can't be fired from endowed them with magical abilities to somehow just "know" what is in your best interests? Liberals and conservatives answer this one differently.

If you claim to know what is in your own best interests over a bunch of strangers for the most important decisions of your life -then you can't turn around and play the victim card when you don't like the consequences of YOUR bad decisions. Having to handle those consequences is how we learn -all our lives. Insisting that people should not have to face those consequences is why we have more people than ever before in history -making all sorts of bad decisions. And then expecting someone else to protect them from those consequences. Now perhaps instead of pretending that a normal adult is an eternal victim who cannot be held accountable for his own decisions in life -perhaps you can explain for us all how protecting normal adults from the natural consequences of their own poor decisions -benefits society? I'd love to hear that one.

BTW -I have three kids in college. All have at least one credit card. NONE have an outstanding balance. But maybe that is because as responsible parents we made sure to drill into their heads that credit card companies only exist to MAKE MONEY. Not to give them "free" loans for stuff they otherwise could not afford to buy. Try spreading that one around instead of the liberal "eternal victim" bullshit. You won't because the idea of using any sort of wisdom, common sense and seeing life beyond just tomorrow when making life's decisions -goes against the liberal mentality that we are eternal victims. Of ourselves. Excuse me while I puke.

Name one other contract other than CC companies who can change the terms/interest/rules at anytime for any reason.

And I love how you don't trust government that you get to elect, but you trust greedy robber barons who will own the corporations long after the politicians get tossed out of office.

No we don't answer that question differently. I am responsible for me. You are responsible for you. This is just a right wing talking point meant to suggest that we want bigger government to control our lives. You're brainwashed dude.

And this victim bullshit you keep talking about. The GOP government worked against American labor in favor of corporations TOO MUCH the last 8 years. Now you'll be the cry baby when the government works in our favor. Watch and see what a cry baby you will be the next 8 years.

Tell me more about how you afford to send 3 kids to college and none of them have credit card debt, that you know of anyways. If they all have AT LEAST one credit card, are you micromanaging all of those cards? You are probably clueless and they each probably owe over $3K on their cards. I fucking bet!! And they are probably liberals and won't tell you because you are an dumb old dog. LOL.

Do they have college loans? Can't wait to hear more. I'll expose

Tell us, why DID Bill Clinton loosen the restrictions even more than Jimmy Carter did on credit card eligibility?

You're such a freakin' goof.
Name one law that says you are excused from the terms of a contract if you don't bother to READ it before signing it! Playing the eternal victim is a liberal thing. OUR government was NOT set up to protect people from their own bad decisions. OUR system of government was set up with the definite premise that a normal adult was in a far better position to know what was and was not in his own best interests over a bunch of faceless strangers who not only do not know of your existence -but don't give a shit that you exist.

I wouldn't dream of turning over my life's decisions to the guy on the next block. So why on earth would I ever consider turning them over to a bunch of faceless strangers who managed to get hired by government but cannot ever be fired no matter how incompetently they do their job?

And no matter what propaganda you want to repeat like a mindless parrot -it is this very basic premise that differentiates liberals from conservatives. WHO has primary responsiblity for the individual? The individual or a bunch of faceless strangers pretending that getting hired into a job they can't be fired from endowed them with magical abilities to somehow just "know" what is in your best interests? Liberals and conservatives answer this one differently.

If you claim to know what is in your own best interests over a bunch of strangers for the most important decisions of your life -then you can't turn around and play the victim card when you don't like the consequences of YOUR bad decisions. Having to handle those consequences is how we learn -all our lives. Insisting that people should not have to face those consequences is why we have more people than ever before in history -making all sorts of bad decisions. And then expecting someone else to protect them from those consequences. Now perhaps instead of pretending that a normal adult is an eternal victim who cannot be held accountable for his own decisions in life -perhaps you can explain for us all how protecting normal adults from the natural consequences of their own poor decisions -benefits society? I'd love to hear that one.

BTW -I have three kids in college. All have at least one credit card. NONE have an outstanding balance. But maybe that is because as responsible parents we made sure to drill into their heads that credit card companies only exist to MAKE MONEY. Not to give them "free" loans for stuff they otherwise could not afford to buy. Try spreading that one around instead of the liberal "eternal victim" bullshit. You won't because the idea of using any sort of wisdom, common sense and seeing life beyond just tomorrow when making life's decisions -goes against the liberal mentality that we are eternal victims. Of ourselves. Excuse me while I puke.

Name one other contract other than CC companies who can change the terms/interest/rules at anytime for any reason.

And I love how you don't trust government that you get to elect, but you trust greedy robber barons who will own the corporations long after the politicians get tossed out of office.

No we don't answer that question differently. I am responsible for me. You are responsible for you. This is just a right wing talking point meant to suggest that we want bigger government to control our lives. You're brainwashed dude.

And this victim bullshit you keep talking about. The GOP government worked against American labor in favor of corporations TOO MUCH the last 8 years. Now you'll be the cry baby when the government works in our favor. Watch and see what a cry baby you will be the next 8 years.

Tell me more about how you afford to send 3 kids to college and none of them have credit card debt, that you know of anyways. If they all have AT LEAST one credit card, are you micromanaging all of those cards? You are probably clueless and they each probably owe over $3K on their cards. I fucking bet!! And they are probably liberals and won't tell you because you are an dumb old dog. LOL.

Do they have college loans? Can't wait to hear more. I'll expose

Tell us, why DID Bill Clinton loosen the restrictions even more than Jimmy Carter did on credit card eligibility?

You're such a freakin' goof.
clearly, to bobo, Bush forced both Carter and Clinton to do that

KK right wing? :eek:

Bozo's world, anyone that isn't a flaming left wing nut is right wing...... :eek:

The GOP ALLOWED the credit card companies to turn themselves into shady loan sharks who cheat American consumers.

One very small example is moving the due dates around. Before the GOP deregulated the CC industry, they weren't allowed to do that.

So now Americans are saying that they missed their due dates and the CC company jacked up their interest to 20%??? And not annual, but monthy!!!

And the the rates they charge now were not acceptable before Bush got into office.

So what interest do you think a credit card company should be allowed to charge? 20% monthly? 40%? 50%?

One difference between Dems and Republicans is I guarantee you the Dems will say a much lower number than the Reps will.
Where does the government have the authority to interfere in a business transaction with a private company? The percent a credit card company will charge will be dependent on what the public is willing to pay. If they charge too much, they go out of business. You need to keep things in perspective, and not think the American public are completely illiterate. I get calls from credit card companies quite often trying to persuade me to apply for their card. They are offering cash back bonuses and guarantee the lowest rates from other companies. There is fierce competition out there, and if the goddamn government would stay out of it, it would take care of itself.
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Bozo's world, anyone that isn't a flaming left wing nut is right wing...... :eek:

The GOP ALLOWED the credit card companies to turn themselves into shady loan sharks who cheat American consumers.

One very small example is moving the due dates around. Before the GOP deregulated the CC industry, they weren't allowed to do that.

So now Americans are saying that they missed their due dates and the CC company jacked up their interest to 20%??? And not annual, but monthy!!!

And the the rates they charge now were not acceptable before Bush got into office.

So what interest do you think a credit card company should be allowed to charge? 20% monthly? 40%? 50%?

One difference between Dems and Republicans is I guarantee you the Dems will say a much lower number than the Reps will.
Where does the government have the authority to interfere in a business transaction with a private company? The percent a credit card company will charge will be dependent on what the public is willing to pay. If they charge too much, they go out of business. You need to keep things in perspective, and not think the American public are completely illiterate. I get calls from credit card companies quite often trying to persuade me to apply for their card. They are offering cash back bonuses and guarantee the lowest rates from other companies. There is fierce competition out there, and if the goddamn government would stay out of it, it would take care of itself.

Where does the government have the authority? Here:

April 20 (Bloomberg) -- The United Steelworkers union asked President Barack Obama to cap automobile-tire imports from China, saying the lower-priced goods are costing U.S. jobs.

When Chinese imports lead to the idling of American factories.

When it has caused a recession.

When it causes really high unemployment.

When we learn it caused last year’s record $266 billion trade deficit with China on the Asian nation’s subsidies, currency value and import curbs.

And do you know what is great about this? It is going to open the floodgates on complaints about unfair free trade.

And nothing was done about this under GW, except maybe he helped the Chinese and corporations fuck us American workers. And you argue in favor of screwing American workers for cheap goods. What a patriot.

Former President George W. Bush, during his eight years in office, turned down every request for general safeguards, which calls for the government to impose import quotas or tariffs to protect domestic industries from foreign competition deemed unfair.

I can't find information from the "liberal" media, but former Bush employees now work for China helping them find the loopholes the GOP created to get around any safegards.
The steelworkers begging for the protection of the government because they can't compete doesn't give the government the authority to do anything, let alone anything to do with credit cards. The Constitution gives the government its authority.
Why did the GOP allow credit card companies to do these things?

Oh yea, free market. Free to fuck the American consumers butt good.

credit card invented in 46 under a dem president.....ya it was all a gop trick....:cuckoo:

Here's the Diff.

A month ago, Ben Nelson, a conservative Democratic Senator from Nebraska said he would not vote for real healthcare reform. He actually called the choice of a public healthcare option "a deal breaker."

Sen. Nelson's stonewalling didn't last long, because DFA partnered with ChangeCongress-org to push back. With phone calls from DFA members, blog ads, and an aggressive mailer to influential Democrats in Nebraska, we asked if Senator Nelson will sell out Nebraska for $2 million in contributions from the insurance industry. Within two weeks, Sen. Nelson caved, flipping his position and promising he won't support a Republican filibuster.

Thanks to your work, one by one roadblock Democrats are caving. We're getting the message across: either you stand with President Obama and Dr. Dean in favor of a public option or you will stand alone for reelection.

Who's next? Senator Mary Landrieu in Louisiana. She's siding with the insurance interests who've given her $1.6 million instead of with the 76% of Americans in favor of a public option. This time, we're going big with a hard hitting T.V. ad.
Why did the GOP allow credit card companies to do these things?

Oh yea, free market. Free to fuck the American consumers butt good.

Here's the thing you don't get bobo. This country was founded on the concept of freedom. Freedom requires a level of responsibility on the part of EVERYONE, not just big business. And it isn't even debatable that the American consumer has dropped there end of the stick on that one. Anyone with basic math skills should be able to figure out the consequences and scenarios involved in credit cards or a mortgage. Stop passing the buck on behalf of the American consumer. The single easiest way for this country to improve (however you choose to define that) is for people to look the fuck in the mirror and start with themselves by educating themselves. Information on any and every subject is more accessble than it has ever been before, yet we're observable becoming dumber as a nation.

That can only be pinned on dems. You can start with Carter and the CRA if you like or maybe even FDR I dont' ask myself how the hell Obama got elected, I ask why would a righty ever get elected again. Libs cater to the lowest common denominator. Government is going provide your health care, government is going to create jobs for you, government is going to protect you from this, government will give you that. I think you can see where the appeal would lie for most people. What candidate could ever win on a platform of what really needs to be said. That Americans need to be MORE responsible if they want to see improvement. That they don't have a right to obligate someone else to their healthcare costs. That the best way to not get swindeled is to do your homework as a consumer. I mean all of these require a modicum of effort on the part of the individual. Something that we have been conditioned to do less and less. Getting elected is nice, but all the dems are achieving is making us dumber because if you look back at the various major dem policies. The New Deal, the CRA, Obama's credit card legislation transfer responsibility from individuals to someone else.
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