Colorado Signs Bill Requiring Credit Card Tracking of Gun and Ammo Purchases

A ICE / BP Agent does not source all his info from California State LEO Database
I get it, someone who can't/won't answer basic questions because their stance is shit/piss poor.
You were answered. Now, if this is how you wish to post meet me down and the sewer. I'll show you how it is done.

ANd I am still waiting for you to make a point. I am not here for your game of 20 questions. At the point you have offered NOTHING of value to the conversation.
You have been answered. Live with it. If you wish to go at with the insults I am more than willing. Meet down in the sewer and I will show how it is done.
You have not. You've waffled on about fup all but what I asked. If you feel you've answered, you are a fucking brain dead mong.

So go back and try again. If you still struggle, then fuck off to a basic section of the forum.
You were answered. Now, if this is how you wish to post meet me down and the sewer. I'll show you how it is done.

ANd I am still waiting for you to make a point. I am not here for your game of 20 questions. At the point you have offered NOTHING of value to the conversation.
Quit the drink and weed.
You have not. You've waffled on about fup all but what I asked. If you feel you've answered, you are a fucking brain dead mong.

So go back and try again. If you still struggle, then fuck off to a basic section of the forum.
When you have a point to argue come back and see me. Meaning, you try again.

You aint got shit, Captain Coward. I am done with you after I answer your latest meaningless crap.
Quit the drink and weed.
Grow a pair, Coward.
When you have a point to argue come back and see me. Meaning, you try again.

You aint got shit, Captain Coward. I am done with you after I answer your latest meaningless crap.

Grow a pair, Coward.
Listen you thick inbred spastic, you said -

"The fear is a government database of gun owners."

I said, "And in what way?"

As in, "What fear do you posses.

Then I asked,

"When the government knows that a certain American has a gun, what has happened?"

Are you a product of your mother and uncle? Two basic questions. You waffle on about the law, I couldn't give a fuck. Just two basic questions.

Are you mentally ok?????

You should change Huey to End.
Listen you thick inbred spastic, you said -

"The fear is a government database of gun owners."

I said, "And in what way?"

As in, "What fear do you posses.

Then I asked,

"When the government knows that a certain American has a gun, what has happened?"

Are you a product of your mother and uncle? Two basic questions. You waffle on about the law, I couldn't give a fuck. Just two basic questions.

Are you mentally ok?????

You should change Huey to End.
Your point, Capt Pointless? Last chance..

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