Democrats are rigging AI to be just as crazy as they are


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

By rigging woke ideology into it.

What could possibly go wrong?

But alas, all democrats know how to do is rig the system, because a fair competition would destroy them for all eternity.

By rigging woke ideology into it.

What could possibly go wrong?

But alas, all democrats know how to do is rig the system, because a fair competition would destroy them for all eternity.
Notice it’s the left that’s trying to make a bogeyman of AI
But at the same time embracing it
When I play special Ops the ai drives me nuts
I heard they had issues with AI telling the truth rather than being woke.

So they had to "fix" that.

So that's what Joe Biden is up to all his off days, they're plugging him into AI to teach it [AI] how to lie. Going with the best liar they have available.
Garbage In Garbage Out is still very much a thing. It's not 'intelligence', it's programmed rote from a database, and easily manipulated.

they also think having self-driving cars is a grand idea. Some pissed off 13 year old will hack that system and cause mayhem across an entire Metro area one day. The same morons who claim it's 'secure' are the same nerds who claim they couldn't hack banks, credit card companies, or steal peoples' ID's and even their houses these days. We're supposed to beleive they're trustworthy on AI scams. lol lol lol

By rigging woke ideology into it.

What could possibly go wrong?

But alas, all democrats know how to do is rig the system, because a fair competition would destroy them for all eternity.
There's the problem- most of the code writers/programmers of these glorified algorithms are collectivist wokesters.

Is it any wonder that AI's completely making things up/lying, quoting non-existent sources, etc... is a well known fact that happens frequently?
"Hallucinations" they call them & have no idea why they do it or how to stop it.
Gee, that's no alarming...
I said it multiple times on here when chatgtp first made a splash. I said democrats will weaponize it so to speak to flood social media, email, news, forums and everywhere it can reach to push their propaganda.

With it they can make it look like, from an online standpoint, that the majority of America is for what they are.

Plus if you tell a lie to 100 people and 15 of them believe it and they tell 100 people and 15 believe it and they do the same the lie spreads exponentially. With AI they can tell a lie to 10s of millions of people.
"rigging" AI


what a concept

if you were intelligent, would you let yourself be rigged?


Pssst.... I'll share a secret with you. There is no AI. it doesn't exist.

What exists, is sophisticated databases that fool some naive users into thinking they're biological.

We are close - very close - to understanding intelligence. Even the casual observer will notice that the structure of the brain hasn't changed since goldfish. It doesn't require "stacks", what it requires is careful timing. The reality today, is artificial neural networks are programmed from "training datasets", which means they're not truly self organizing, which means they can't be intelligent.
Rigging AI for conservative narrow mindedness would be like giving it a lobotomy.
Why do you destroy this nation? Your party supports all that is perverted and evil. If it wasn't true you could give me some examples of why the statement isn't true.
Years ago Amazon came up with an AI program to sift through resumés and pick the best candidates. It used previous hiring to learn. When implemented it only picked men's resumés.

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