Democrats are squealing like pigs lol

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Mitts taxes
Mitts bank accounts
Mitt wants to enslave women
Mitt wants to put yall back in chains
Mitts friends are rich
Mitt wants to kill the elderly
Mitt wants the sick to just die
Mitt blah blah blah blah blah blah

You all have pissed and moaned about this shit for months and IT DIDN'T WORK! Sadly it's too late for obumer to come up with an actual plan of his own. Maybe if you're lucky he will bomb someone and get a bump in the polls.
Mitts taxes
Mitts bank accounts
Mitt wants to enslave women
Mitt wants to put yall back in chains
Mitts friends are rich
Mitt wants to kill the elderly
Mitt wants the sick to just die
Mitt blah blah blah blah blah blah

You all have pissed and moaned about this shit for months and IT DIDN'T WORK! Sadly it's too late for obumer to come up with an actual plan of his own. Maybe if you're lucky he will bomb someone and get a bump in the polls.

Nice meltdown :lol::lol::lol:
Mitts taxes
Mitts bank accounts
Mitt wants to enslave women
Mitt wants to put yall back in chains
Mitts friends are rich
Mitt wants to kill the elderly
Mitt wants the sick to just die
Mitt blah blah blah blah blah blah

You all have pissed and moaned about this shit for months and IT DIDN'T WORK! Sadly it's too late for obumer to come up with an actual plan of his own. Maybe if you're lucky he will bomb someone and get a bump in the polls.

LOL You know that's the plan. Somewhere in Libya a few goatherders are walking around with a target on their backs and no idea that they were the ringleaders of the Benghazi consulate attack.
Mitts taxes
Mitts bank accounts
Mitt wants to enslave women
Mitt wants to put yall back in chains
Mitts friends are rich
Mitt wants to kill the elderly
Mitt wants the sick to just die
Mitt blah blah blah blah blah blah

You all have pissed and moaned about this shit for months and IT DIDN'T WORK! Sadly it's too late for obumer to come up with an actual plan of his own. Maybe if you're lucky he will bomb someone and get a bump in the polls.

LOL You know that's the plan. Somewhere in Libya a few goatherders are walking around with a target on their backs and no idea that they were the ringleaders of the Benghazi consulate attack.

Mean while the Actual Ring Leader is openly walking around Benghazi still, according to CNN.
Better than the plan that Romney and Bush both use that gave us 2008.

If Romney is elected, and keeps his promises concerning tax cuts and cuts in government spending, then this nation is going to be much poorer by the end of his first term. If he is elected, I hope that he earns the disgust of the bankers that TR did. "He doesn't stay bought". Mitt the moderate governor may be able to run the country. Mitt the right wing primary candidate will create another disaster for this nation.
Better than the plan that Romney and Bush both use that gave us 2008.

If Romney is elected, and keeps his promises concerning tax cuts and cuts in government spending, then this nation is going to be much poorer by the end of his first term. If he is elected, I hope that he earns the disgust of the bankers that TR did. "He doesn't stay bought". Mitt the moderate governor may be able to run the country. Mitt the right wing primary candidate will create another disaster for this nation.

Obama cut science from nasa to sending tech jobs over sea's. :mad:
Better than the plan that Romney and Bush both use that gave us 2008.

If Romney is elected, and keeps his promises concerning tax cuts and cuts in government spending, then this nation is going to be much poorer by the end of his first term. If he is elected, I hope that he earns the disgust of the bankers that TR did. "He doesn't stay bought". Mitt the moderate governor may be able to run the country. Mitt the right wing primary candidate will create another disaster for this nation.

Pelosi and Reid gave us 2008.
Mitts taxes
Mitts bank accounts
Mitt wants to enslave women
Mitt wants to put yall back in chains
Mitts friends are rich
Mitt wants to kill the elderly
Mitt wants the sick to just die
Mitt blah blah blah blah blah blah

You all have pissed and moaned about this shit for months and IT DIDN'T WORK! Sadly it's too late for obumer to come up with an actual plan of his own. Maybe if you're lucky he will bomb someone and get a bump in the polls.

Yes, yes, yes, but to add another piece of current news by RCP:

Romney takes first lead in electoral college:
The breakdown, below:

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map
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A bunch of fucking children. Do we really want these idiots running this country?

You had to ask?

I remember a few hearings where Barnie Frank,
Maxine Waters,Congressman Meeks and the rest of the Democrats.
They verbally kicked the crap out of one poor slob who was an investigator
who turned in a critical report on Freddie and Fannie.
Man they read him the riot act. :mad:

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