Democrats Are Trying To Make It Impossible To Reopen Schools....They Need Protesters


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
If you look at some of the ridiculous measures that Democrats are detailing before we can reopen schools, it's becoming more clear that they really don't want our kids to go back.

They claim that our schools are unsafe. If they do allow them to reopen, they're going to have to have people with Clorox wiping everything down. They will reduce the number of seats allowed in classrooms. Their masks aren't enough. They want to make sure our overcrowded schools are down to 50%.

Why the Hell did they encourage millions of illegals to come to America if they were going to do this only ending up compounding the problem? Last year they were plopping poorly screen immigrants with infectious diseases in the middle of our classrooms and not expecting the predictable infectious pandemic that shut down the economy. This is yet another example of Democrats causing a problem and then using it to attack their opponents.

But why did they do this?

They need millions of thugs running around the streets standing in front of cars. They need looters to break into businesses. They need chaos....and the best way to assure that is by letting our kids run around in the streets unsupervised.

Do you have a link?

The school districts here are going absolutely bat shit crazy. I live in a red state. My son's university is only going to be open August to November and then closed November to February. That is in another state.
Kids are super spreaders and schools are germ factories. After they force kids back to in-person classes there will be a rash of school closures as outbreaks bloom across the nation. This will happen and there will be hospitalizations and deaths. Accept that and then adjust your opinions for those who actually care about children.
The protesters are already working for Soros and the DNC. Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Occupy Wall Street, SEIU, Black Panthers, Coffee Party- its all just the same outfit with different names.
Knowing in advance that the vast majority of kids learn face to face and that everyone is going to shift to the out of sight out of mind education system.................this is almost ridiculous.
Impossible to open schools unless children can be safe

Trump: Fuk em, I got an election coming


Children who attend the Government Schools are never really "safe". This guy that lived on my street when I was a kid lost an eyeball at the government high school.

Like thousands of other students, he took a shiv in the eye instead of giving up his lunch money.

Coronavirus is the least of the safety hazards facing children in the government schools.
Kids are super spreaders and schools are germ factories. After they force kids back to in-person classes there will be a rash of school closures as outbreaks bloom across the nation. This will happen and there will be hospitalizations and deaths. Accept that and then adjust your opinions for those who actually care about children.

So you agree with my idea of just a few years ago- make the Government School system a strictly online experience?

We may disagree with the reasons for adopting it- my idea is that it will eliminate heating bills for schools, school transportation, lunches and so many other expenses that the taxpayers pay for.
Impossible to open schools unless children can be safe

Trump: Fuk em, I got an election coming


Children who attend the Government Schools are never really "safe". This guy that lived on my street when I was a kid lost an eyeball at the government high school.

Like thousands of other students, he took a shiv in the eye instead of giving up his lunch money.

Coronavirus is the least of the safety hazards facing children in the government schools.
Hundreds of millions of kids have made it through public schools without getting a shiv in the eye
Impossible to open schools unless children can be safe

Trump: Fuk em, I got an election coming


Children who attend the Government Schools are never really "safe". This guy that lived on my street when I was a kid lost an eyeball at the government high school.

Like thousands of other students, he took a shiv in the eye instead of giving up his lunch money.

Coronavirus is the least of the safety hazards facing children in the government schools.
Hundreds of millions of kids have made it through public schools without getting a shiv in the eye

A shiv in the eye is only one of many things that can happen to government school kids.
Why do Republicans insist that schools open even if local health officials think it is not safe?

What is the matter with you people?
Why do Republicans insist that schools open even if local health officials think it is not safe?

What is the matter with you people?

President Trump is only suggesting, he isn't insisting on anything. And he has reminded school directors that there will be funds for those who decide to reopen.
If you look at some of the ridiculous measures that Democrats are detailing before we can reopen schools, it's becoming more clear that they really don't want our kids to go back.

They claim that our schools are unsafe. If they do allow them to reopen, they're going to have to have people with Clorox wiping everything down. They will reduce the number of seats allowed in classrooms. Their masks aren't enough. They want to make sure our overcrowded schools are down to 50%.

Why the Hell did they encourage millions of illegals to come to America if they were going to do this only ending up compounding the problem? Last year they were plopping poorly screen immigrants with infectious diseases in the middle of our classrooms and not expecting the predictable infectious pandemic that shut down the economy. This is yet another example of Democrats causing a problem and then using it to attack their opponents.

But why did they do this?

They need millions of thugs running around the streets standing in front of cars. They need looters to break into businesses. They need chaos....and the best way to assure that is by letting our kids run around in the streets unsupervised.

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I disagree with trump on this issue

the public schools are a disaster

they should remain closed and 50% or more of the teachers and staff should be fired

because we do not need so many people to teach by distance learning

that will cripple a powerful democrat lobby and prevent the marxist teachers from brainwashing the children
Impossible to open schools unless children can be safe

Trump: Fuk em, I got an election coming


Children who attend the Government Schools are never really "safe". This guy that lived on my street when I was a kid lost an eyeball at the government high school.

Like thousands of other students, he took a shiv in the eye instead of giving up his lunch money.

Coronavirus is the least of the safety hazards facing children in the government schools.
Hundreds of millions of kids have made it through public schools without getting a shiv in the eye

Or a single rational thought in their head.
If you look at some of the ridiculous measures that Democrats are detailing before we can reopen schools, it's becoming more clear that they really don't want our kids to go back.

They claim that our schools are unsafe. If they do allow them to reopen, they're going to have to have people with Clorox wiping everything down. They will reduce the number of seats allowed in classrooms. Their masks aren't enough. They want to make sure our overcrowded schools are down to 50%.

Why the Hell did they encourage millions of illegals to come to America if they were going to do this only ending up compounding the problem? Last year they were plopping poorly screen immigrants with infectious diseases in the middle of our classrooms and not expecting the predictable infectious pandemic that shut down the economy. This is yet another example of Democrats causing a problem and then using it to attack their opponents.

But why did they do this?

They need millions of thugs running around the streets standing in front of cars. They need looters to break into businesses. They need chaos....and the best way to assure that is by letting our kids run around in the streets unsupervised.

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They also want to keep the economy crushed......who do people think will watch the kids at home if the parents can go back to work? Most people with kids have two income homes, so the school is the baby sitter while the parents work.....if the kids are home....who will watch them?
It is hilarious really.

let’s see; conservatives have spent what 70 years bitching about schools and public education. youd think having them shut down would be the best thing ever for these dumbasses.

but the blob says he wants them reopened and presto! Schools must be reopened regardless of the virus.

It’s as funny as bitching about the NFL not holding games; the same NFL these dumbasses swore off of 5 years ago
It is hilarious really.

let’s see; conservatives have spent what 70 years bitching about schools and public education. youd think having them shut down would be the best thing ever for these dumbasses.

but the blob says he wants them reopened and presto! Schools must be reopened regardless of the virus.

It’s as funny as bitching about the NFL not holding games; the same NFL these dumbasses swore off of 5 years ago

They need to be replace, dumb ass....but that can't happen over night. Kids are not in danger from the Chinese flu....and you need them closed to hurt the economy......innocent people are just tools for moron.
It is hilarious really.

let’s see; conservatives have spent what 70 years bitching about schools and public education. youd think having them shut down would be the best thing ever for these dumbasses.

but the blob says he wants them reopened and presto! Schools must be reopened regardless of the virus.

It’s as funny as bitching about the NFL not holding games; the same NFL these dumbasses swore off of 5 years ago

They need to be replace, dumb ass....but that can't happen over night. Kids are not in danger from the Chinese flu....and you need them closed to hurt the economy......innocent people are just tools for moron.

Closing schools hurts the economy? Did you drop out in the 3rd grade?
Kids are super spreaders and schools are germ factories. After they force kids back to in-person classes there will be a rash of school closures as outbreaks bloom across the nation. This will happen and there will be hospitalizations and deaths. Accept that and then adjust your opinions for those who actually care about children.
I'll bet if Biden wins all a sudden it will be okay for kids to go back to school.

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