Democrats are trying to overthrow our government..


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
We all know that's what they're doing. That's what they say they're doing. I mean, why do we pretend they don't mean what they say when they call for the president to be overthrown and our election process tossed?

That's a coup, kids. That's what it is.

If you had any doubt, consider their willingness to put our country in jeopardy by accusing our president of treason when he is overseas...because he dared to speak to on of the most powerful men in the world as our commander in chief...and because he dared to speak the truth about our rogue agencies, who are actively and opening seeking to overthrow the president.

The president doesn't have to have *permission* from leftwing media to meet with Putin.
I think their primary objection to the president meeting with Putin is they're afraid of what Putin will tell the president about the previous administration, the press, and our agencies and a whole mess of lawyers and politicians still in power..who I bet have been working pretty intimately with the Russians for decades.

And it isn't treason to state the truth...which is that Trump can't trust his intelligence agencies. He'd be a fool to pretend otherwise, and I don't particularly want our president to look like a retard by pretending he loves and relies upon and trusts the federal agencies.

And he's telling the world that if they want to deal with the US..they need to go through him.



Opinion | Yes, antifa is the moral equivalent of neo-Nazis

Antifa Activist Faces Jail Time for “Nazi Punching”
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Its kind of fun to watch them try.....silly creatures....
We all know that's what they're doing. That's what they say they're doing. I mean, why do we pretend they don't mean what they say when they call for the president to be overthrown and our election process tossed?

That's a coup, kids. That's what it is.

If you had any doubt, consider their willingness to put our country in jeopardy by accusing our president of treason when he is overseas...because he dared to speak to on of the most powerful men in the world as our commander in chief...and because he dared to speak the truth about our rogue agencies, who are actively and opening seeking to overthrow the president.

The president doesn't have to have *permission* from leftwing media to meet with Putin.
I think their primary objection to the president meeting with Putin is they're afraid of what Putin will tell the president about the previous administration, the press, and our agencies and a whole mess of lawyers and politicians still in power..who I bet have been working pretty intimately with the Russians for decades.

And it isn't treason to state the truth...which is that Trump can't trust his intelligence agencies. He'd be a fool to pretend otherwise, and I don't particularly want our president to look like a retard by pretending he loves and relies upon and trusts the federal agencies.

And he's telling the world that if they want to deal with the US..they need to go through him.



Opinion | Yes, antifa is the moral equivalent of neo-Nazis

Antifa Activist Faces Jail Time for “Nazi Punching”

How did Your guy reach any form of security agreement with a foreign government, without the advice and Consent of the Senate?
The president doesn't have to have *permission* from leftwing media to meet with Putin. And it isn't treason to state the truth...

Not only do the Left see themselves as the predominant group in charge that has had their authority taken from them, but obviously, it is because we are a bunch of bums, it could never be because of anything THEY did! And stating a truth that hurts THEM, well, that IS treason!

The Hard Left is like a cart full of lit dynamite rolling down a hill with no one at the wheel. You better blow them up now before they have another chance to do some REAL damage. Obama was just Phase One, Hillary was Phase Two and you don't want to know what phase three was. Basically, they plan to treat all in the country not one of them like the cafe owner and coffee shop. The Left is all those crazy, 1960s asshole weirdos on drugs with bad mental damage now all grown up and with power.
The president doesn't have to have *permission* from leftwing media to meet with Putin. And it isn't treason to state the truth...

Not only do the Left see themselves as the predominant group in charge that has had their authority taken from them, but obviously, it is because we are a bunch of bums, it could never be because of anything THEY did! And stating a truth that hurts THEM, well, that IS treason!

The Hard Left is like a cart full of lit dynamite rolling down a hill with no one at the wheel. You better blow them up now before they have another chance to do some REAL damage. Obama was just Phase One, Hillary was Phase Two and you don't want to know what phase three was. Basically, they plan to treat all in the country not one of them like the cafe owner and coffee shop. The Left is all those crazy, 1960s asshole weirdos on drugs with bad mental damage now all grown up and with power.
only in right wing fantasy is the right wing for the gospel Truth.
You have to remember, under Obama and Hillary, AMERICA WAS FOR SALE.
Yes it was.
And a lot of little pissant goobers made a lot of money really quickly doing things like providing the government with giant computer programs that never worked... meant to facilitate obamacare..Or working as school administrators in schools that receive giant federal grants and subsidies...yet the kids never seem to see any of it...though all the administrators are fat cats.

And there are state and county officials who likewise made a lot of money quick, making sweet deals with the feds...

All those people are collectively shitting themselves. Because They're being exposed and the criminal endeavors that prop them up are going away.

It makes me happy.
You have to remember, under Obama and Hillary, AMERICA WAS FOR SALE.
Yes it was.
And a lot of little pissant goobers made a lot of money really quickly doing things like providing the government with giant computer programs that never worked... meant to facilitate obamacare..Or working as school administrators in schools that receive giant federal grants and subsidies...yet the kids never seem to see any of it...though all the administrators are fat cats.

And there are state and county officials who likewise made a lot of money quick, making sweet deals with the feds...

All those people are collectively shitting themselves. Because They're being exposed and the criminal endeavors that prop them up are going away.

It makes me happy.

Has anybody else noticed that Old Fag hardly every posts anymore?

I think maybe he got nabbed by one of the ICE busts.
Ha. I'd say our government was overthrown between the period beginning with Santa Clara County versus Pacific Railroad and completed in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve and it's collection wing, the IRS. That's compunded by the time when the SCOTUS gave themselves the power of judcial review.
It is true the far left wants to be the government and control every aspect of your life.

They want you to have the choices of voting far left or not voting at all.

That is their ultimate goal to rule without any opposition.
Our president is giving our country to the Russians and the one percent
Ladies and gentlemen, I feel it is my obligation to point out the stench of hypocrisy of which koshergrl reeks to high heaven:

Obama just lied about shit.

What a douchebag. I wish he would die of a painful embolism.
To be is one thing to want the death of a traitor.

It's another to be a traitor and call for the overthrow of the duly elected president.
Overthrow the president and the process of electing the president.
Ladies and gentlemen, I feel it is my obligation to point out the stench of hypocrisy of which koshergrl reeks to high heaven:

Obama just lied about shit.

What a douchebag. I wish he would die of a painful embolism.
To be is one thing to want the death of a traitor.

It's another to be a traitor and call for the overthrow of the duly elected president.
Overthrow the president and the process of electing the president.
They want the country overthrown. They want to destroy our constitutional republic, and replace it with marxism, globalism, totalitarianism. Even whoopi was screeching about globalism before she turned off the cameras on Pirro today.

They want to eliminate freedom of speech and everything else the constitution stands for, and protects. That means they are anti-human rights, anti-liberty, anti election. They want to penalize people for their race, they want to penalize people for their faith.

They are calling for a coup. They are fighting in the streets. They are shouting it from the rooftops.

It's just a matter of time before they get the fight they so badly want.
We all know that's what they're doing. That's what they say they're doing. I mean, why do we pretend they don't mean what they say when they call for the president to be overthrown and our election process tossed?

That's a coup, kids. That's what it is.

If you had any doubt, consider their willingness to put our country in jeopardy by accusing our president of treason when he is overseas...because he dared to speak to on of the most powerful men in the world as our commander in chief...and because he dared to speak the truth about our rogue agencies, who are actively and opening seeking to overthrow the president.

The president doesn't have to have *permission* from leftwing media to meet with Putin.
I think their primary objection to the president meeting with Putin is they're afraid of what Putin will tell the president about the previous administration, the press, and our agencies and a whole mess of lawyers and politicians still in power..who I bet have been working pretty intimately with the Russians for decades.

And it isn't treason to state the truth...which is that Trump can't trust his intelligence agencies. He'd be a fool to pretend otherwise, and I don't particularly want our president to look like a retard by pretending he loves and relies upon and trusts the federal agencies.

And he's telling the world that if they want to deal with the US..they need to go through him.



Opinion | Yes, antifa is the moral equivalent of neo-Nazis

Antifa Activist Faces Jail Time for “Nazi Punching”

We're looking at two separate campaigns of sedition that likely intersect somewhere above us in the halls of power. The first is attempted and ongoing coup d'état of our serving POTUS was/is being done by the Justice Department, our alphabet intelligence agencies not under military command, and former State Department elements in league with a number of foreign bad actors. The second is coup d'état by cultural revolution and has been in the works for decades and is being carried out through our youth on campuses and disseminated via pop culture, media outlets and public school curriculum. Victory hinges on Americans' redefining their entire moral fact system, religion, biological identity, etc.

Our President stands in the way of both "rebellions".

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