Democrats capitalizing on an “ignorance is bliss” era?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Many Americans, particularly our youth have somehow taken great pride in their ignorance, they’ve chosen to lose their fucking minds; they’ve decided to dismiss the use of simple logic and reason to support a twisted ideology. Democrats have these foolish Loons right where they want them.
So what am I referring to?
Sane, educated, moral, decent, GOOD, REAL Americans using their head do not support the following:
Illegals and amnesty
Politicians writing policy for foreigners
Gender choice
Requests to be stripped of constitutional rights
Resistance to law and order
The list goes on and on.....

Way to go Democrats...I gotta hand it to you, you always do a great job preying on America’s desperate, weird, lost, confused and ignorant.
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Many Americans, particularly our youth have somehow taken great pride in their ignorance, they’ve chosen to lose their fucking minds; they’ve decided to dismiss the use of simple logic and reason and support a twisted ideology. Democrats have these foolish Loons right where they want them.
So what am I referring to?
Sane, educated, moral, decent, GOOD, REAL Americans using their head do not support the following:
Illegals and amnesty
Politicians writing policy for foreigners
Gender choice
Requests to be stripped of constitutional rights
Resistance to law and order
The list goes on and on.....

Way to go Democrats...I gotta hand it to you, you always do a great job preying on America’s desperate, weird, lost, confused and ignorant.

Partisan politics is turning the US into a place where "winning" is more important than having a country that is run properly.
True that on your characterization of what has been coined 'low information voters' ... the thing is, despite being blissfully ignorant, the pinch or plenty at the 'pocket book' is recognized by all...

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