Could today’s Democrats win in an America that never allowed illegal Mexicans in?….Isn’t that why they insist on an open border?

Since Biden ordered the census to count ILLEGALS this gave Dems 22 more House seats...there's nothing mysterious about why Dem assholes are flooding our country with illegals.
The Dems. attract the following type of people:

1. Youth. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.
2. Single women. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.
3. Twisted genders. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.
4. Dependent people. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.
5. Pompous people. They think they know something when it's hip.
6. Illiterate people. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.

There's no such thing as an independent rational person who supports the Demonicrats.
Since Biden ordered the census to count ILLEGALS this gave Dems 22 more House seats...there's nothing mysterious about why Dem assholes are flooding our country with illegals.
Biden was not in the govt. in 2020, duh...
The Dems. attract the following type of people:

1. Youth. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.
2. Single women. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.
3. Twisted genders. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.
4. Dependent people. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.
5. Pompous people. They think they know something when it's hip.
6. Illiterate people. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.

There's no such thing as an independent rational person who supports the Demonicrats.
GOP has the same base....God you people are stupid as fuck.
The Dems. attract the following type of people:

1. Youth. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.
2. Single women. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.
3. Twisted genders. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.
4. Dependent people. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.
5. Pompous people. They think they know something when it's hip.
6. Illiterate people. They're easily manipulated and make emotionally based decisions.

There's no such thing as an independent rational person who supports the Demonicrats.
Well Democrats know enough not to vote for a lying insurrectionist con man for president or to send a self-professed billionaire money to pay his legal bills or pay off his legal judgments for fraud.

Now that Is beyond stupidity, it is supernatural stupidity.
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GOP has the same base....God you people are stupid as fuck.

Moonglow, you don't have a fucking useful brain, demonstrated by your constant one-liners and projection. You can't prove what you said, because IT"S THE OPPOSITE. But I can, because I'm honest with my feet on the ground.

"I know you are but what am I".....................That's the crest of your brain capacity, pre-kindergarten.
Moonglow, you don't have a fucking useful brain, demonstrated by your constant one-liners and projection.

"I know you are but what am I".....................

That's the crest of your brain capacity, pre-kindergarten.
You tell that to the Log Cabin GOP LGBTQ constituency of the Republican party...Jesus, just dig that stupid hole a little deeper.:dig:
Well Democrats know enough not to vote for a lying insurrectionist con man for president
Trump is an “INSURRECTIONIST” just like he colluded with Russia….hahaha
or to send a self-professed billionaire money to pay his legal bills or pay off his legal judgments for fraud.

Now that Is beyond stupid, it is supernatural stupid.
Remember when all you TDS loons talked all that shit about all the purple hair faggots with nose rings and neck tattoos and the hood negroes who donated to that scam called BLM because a filthy dead negro named George Floyd told them to?
hahahahaha…yeah, I don’t either and that’s how we know you wackos have ZERO credibility.

Trump is an “INSURRECTIONIST” just like he colluded with Russia….hahaha

Remember when all you TDS loons talked all that shit about all the purple hair faggots with nose rings and neck tattoos and the hood negroes who donated to that scam called BLM because a filthy dead negro named George Floyd told them to?
hahahahaha…yeah, I don’t either and that’s how we know you wackos have ZERO credibility.

No. I was not part of BLM or the riots....I never donate any money to any cause, only my own....As far as I am concerned they should have been shot on sight if they were causing damage or assaulting people...Your stupidity doesn't involve me, sorry.
Tell me how do immigrants vote without registering to vote?

Why would an immigrant illegal or otherwise want to reveal his or her address to the authorities?

Damn you are dumb!!!!!!
Tell me how do immigrants vote without registering to vote?

Why would an immigrant illegal or otherwise want to reveal his or her address to the authorities?

Damn you are dumb!!!!!!
hahaha..I’ll pay along because I take such pride in enlightening ignorant fools with their head deep in their ass.
Ready…here goes…Millions of Illegals = litters/more millions of free shit begging Dem voting anchor babies.
TA-DA….see how simple this shit is?
If this is such a big issue why has the GOP done nothing to stop the flow of illegals the past forty years?
Exactly = they dupe their worshippers annually with this garbage. If they in fact fixed the problem without blowing billions of tax dollars on a wall that which has been compromised over and over these fascist communists would not have an issue
Could they win CA, AZ, NV, NM and much of Texas without the offspring produced by illegals?
Could Democrats sell REAL America on their commie-lite / socialism B.S.?
Chip Roy nails it…Democrats can’t win in a nation teaching Western civilization, in a nation teaching kids to believe in America and in our Constitution.

‘Roy later said he has heard comments from other lawmakers, including Republicans, that America is a "nation of immigrants," adding they are correct in that nearly 50 million Americans are foreign-born.

"That puts us at about 15% of the population, which is as high as it's ever been in our history. Of those folks, they've got about 16 to 20 million kids. We're not teaching our kids Western civilization. We're not teaching our kids to believe in the Constitution and believe in America. We are not actually forming a capitalistic system where people are coming here for hard work," Roy warned.’

"We're building up a socialist system with a big safety net that is about to break, and all of us who are working hard and the hard-working people out there, they're going to lose what they inherited from their ancestors in this great country."

View attachment 883157
Only the best propaganda at FOX will do....
hahaha..I’ll pay along because I take such pride in enlightening ignorant fools with their head deep in their ass.
Ready…here goes…Millions of Illegals = litters/more millions of free shit begging Dem voting anchor babies.
TA-DA….see how simple this shit is?
you said nothing because you cannot speak truth which makes you a Trump puppet, robot that never questions a fellow Fascist Communist.
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Exactly = they dupe their worshippers annually with this garbage. If they in fact fixed the problem without blowing billions of tax dollars on a wall that which has been compromised over and over these fascist communists would not have an issue
The fact that Reagan and Bush sr both advocated for immigration and allowing in illegals is why we have the same thing going on today, the GOP uses the border for elections only then it's hands-off legislation that would close the border and immigration.

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