Some segments of American


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
have benefitted from Thief in Chief Biden.

Illegal Aliens

The top of Biden’s winner list has to be illegal aliens. As the saying goes, what you promote, you get more of. Joe Biden and his surrogates have actively promoted the arrival of more than 7–8 million new illegal aliens since his inauguration, when he overrode Donald Trump–era policies and instituted new executive orders, opening the floodgates. Illegal aliens are being housed, fed, given stored value cards, free medical treatment, and “the promise” of amnesty. A peripheral beneficiary of our open border is the Mexican cartels, who are making bank, trafficking drugs, adults, and children.

NGOs and other Leftist Activist Groups

On the heels of illegal aliens are non-governmental organizations and other leftist activist groups, who are grifting the government to the tune of billions of dollars per year. Woke Catholic charities, woke Protestant charities, woke attorneys, woke hotel chains and housing authorities all benefit from the continuation of the border surge. Leftist homeless groups benefit from the continuation of, not the elimination of, homelessness. If they “solved” the homeless crisis, they would be out of work.

Sanctuary Cities/States

Not the “people” in said sanctuary cities and states, but leftist Democrats, who benefit from the increased number of congressional seats afforded them, by the increased counts in the Census, soon to be the right to vote.

Iran, Hamas, Gazans

To date, Joe Biden (Obama) has released billions of dollars to the mullahs in Iran, which has been used by Hamas, Hezb’allah, and other Iranian proxies in their attacks on the State of Israel and America. Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer have summarily attacked Bibi Netanyahu, not Iran’s mullahs or Hamas leadership, for the conflict in Gaza. Radical activist groups and ill-informed college students are pushing the Biden Administration further and further into the arms of people and groups that hate Israel, Jews, and the “Great Satan” America.

The E.U., WHO, WEF, George Soros, Klaus Schwab

Once the world’s superpower, America’s status among nations has taken a hit during Joe’s tenure, with the E.U., the WHO, and the WEF taking an increased role in global (and American) affairs. Globalists George Soros and Klaus Schwab are major beneficiaries of Joe Biden fecklessness.

BLM/Antifa, inner-city criminals

Crime-compliant D.A.s, funded by George Soros and sanctioned by Joe Biden and the radical left, are running roughshod in many inner cities, producing an increase in crime, violent crime, murders, rapes, carjackings, smash-and-grab heists, squatters, and sundry other criminal activities, without judicial recourse. Increasingly, crime pays.

LGBT/Pro-Abortion Activists

The radical wing of the LGBT and pro-abortion communities has seen its deviant ideas forced upon the American public. It is not enough that some (the vast majority of) Americans don’t support abortion — up to birth — or children being coerced into gender transition surgeries, or sexual deviancy being presented to children through books advanced in our, ahem, education institutions. These groups are marching forward with their agendas. You and I don’t have an opposing view. We’re hateful bigots, who must be silenced, fired, or jailed.

Leftist D.A.s, A.G.s, and Judges

Does there not appear to be a more profitable gig today than to be a leftist proponent of political lawfare? Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Arthur Engoron, Fani Willis, George Gascon, Jack Smith, oh my! These miscreants have turned “the law” on its ear and are nothing more than leftist attack dogs (mis)using the law to thwart the will of the people and destroy the premise of equal justice under the law.

Who’s not listed in the cast of winners under Joe Biden is the American people. They are “the losers” in Joe Biden’s America.
have benefitted from Thief in Chief Biden.

Illegal Aliens

The top of Biden’s winner list has to be illegal aliens. As the saying goes, what you promote, you get more of. Joe Biden and his surrogates have actively promoted the arrival of more than 7–8 million new illegal aliens since his inauguration, when he overrode Donald Trump–era policies and instituted new executive orders, opening the floodgates. Illegal aliens are being housed, fed, given stored value cards, free medical treatment, and “the promise” of amnesty. A peripheral beneficiary of our open border is the Mexican cartels, who are making bank, trafficking drugs, adults, and children.

NGOs and other Leftist Activist Groups

On the heels of illegal aliens are non-governmental organizations and other leftist activist groups, who are grifting the government to the tune of billions of dollars per year. Woke Catholic charities, woke Protestant charities, woke attorneys, woke hotel chains and housing authorities all benefit from the continuation of the border surge. Leftist homeless groups benefit from the continuation of, not the elimination of, homelessness. If they “solved” the homeless crisis, they would be out of work.

Sanctuary Cities/States

Not the “people” in said sanctuary cities and states, but leftist Democrats, who benefit from the increased number of congressional seats afforded them, by the increased counts in the Census, soon to be the right to vote.

Iran, Hamas, Gazans

To date, Joe Biden (Obama) has released billions of dollars to the mullahs in Iran, which has been used by Hamas, Hezb’allah, and other Iranian proxies in their attacks on the State of Israel and America. Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer have summarily attacked Bibi Netanyahu, not Iran’s mullahs or Hamas leadership, for the conflict in Gaza. Radical activist groups and ill-informed college students are pushing the Biden Administration further and further into the arms of people and groups that hate Israel, Jews, and the “Great Satan” America.

The E.U., WHO, WEF, George Soros, Klaus Schwab

Once the world’s superpower, America’s status among nations has taken a hit during Joe’s tenure, with the E.U., the WHO, and the WEF taking an increased role in global (and American) affairs. Globalists George Soros and Klaus Schwab are major beneficiaries of Joe Biden fecklessness.

BLM/Antifa, inner-city criminals

Crime-compliant D.A.s, funded by George Soros and sanctioned by Joe Biden and the radical left, are running roughshod in many inner cities, producing an increase in crime, violent crime, murders, rapes, carjackings, smash-and-grab heists, squatters, and sundry other criminal activities, without judicial recourse. Increasingly, crime pays.

LGBT/Pro-Abortion Activists

The radical wing of the LGBT and pro-abortion communities has seen its deviant ideas forced upon the American public. It is not enough that some (the vast majority of) Americans don’t support abortion — up to birth — or children being coerced into gender transition surgeries, or sexual deviancy being presented to children through books advanced in our, ahem, education institutions. These groups are marching forward with their agendas. You and I don’t have an opposing view. We’re hateful bigots, who must be silenced, fired, or jailed.

Leftist D.A.s, A.G.s, and Judges

Does there not appear to be a more profitable gig today than to be a leftist proponent of political lawfare? Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Arthur Engoron, Fani Willis, George Gascon, Jack Smith, oh my! These miscreants have turned “the law” on its ear and are nothing more than leftist attack dogs (mis)using the law to thwart the will of the people and destroy the premise of equal justice under the law.

Who’s not listed in the cast of winners under Joe Biden is the American people. They are “the losers” in Joe Biden’s America.
Where do you come up with these silly lies?

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