Democrats Create 38% Federal Deficit Reduction Already!

its giggle worthy when both sides are spend whores & one or the other acts superior

...the 2007-09 recession, which hit tax revenues and increased payments for unemployment benefits. Higher tax receipts accounted for about 80 percent of the deficit's reduction...
Wait a sec, the deficit's still more than four times what it was since the recession.

Total spending since '07 now tops $4T over pre-recession levels while total receipts since '07 lags former levels by over a $T.

2007? You mean when the recession started. Guess you can't move millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008 without some kind of fallout.
Job growth is about 162,000 per month going back 43 months, and according to CBPP, ". . .at a pace somewhat faster than population growth." That would be 6,966,000 new jobs with the Democrats largely in control, and putting ObamaCare into place--albeit badly. Especially in the low-income market, there will suddenly be benefits, freeing up spending, not before provided. Like the Make Work Pay, refundable income tax credit, the Lower Income Market can now also participate in the recovery.

Chart Book: The Legacy of the Great Recession ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

In Matthew 25:14-30, the story is reported about how Cheney got five talents, Paulson got two talents, and Bush was really not to up on things, even from the start! It's in the Bible, and even in the OP.

Following that administration, "The share of the population with a job fell to levels not seen since the mid-1980's," the famous, adored, "Reagan Trajectory." More likely, the anti-business party of Cheney, Paulson, Bush, Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, & Paul, Paul, et. al., wanted a new record for themselves to show all history.

The long-term unemployment rate would be the highest since Eisenhower was thinking of himself as something way more imperial than just a general.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Boom, Boom! Ain't it great to be crazy?! Boom, Boom Ain't it Great to Be Nuts. . . .Like Boehner - Ryan!? To Some people, a $57.0 tril. Credit Market is a concept that cannot exist. . .or be allowed to exist. . .or maybe something Warren Buffet can pay off! Mascale has a old friend, now a self-made billionaire! He's not going to pay it, and he's not from Nazareth, either. . . .Maybe like Warren Buffet(?)!)
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The U.S. Labor Force Participation Rate Is At A 35 Year Low

The percentage of Americans that are participating in the labor force is the lowest that it has been in 35 years. During the 70s, 80s and 90s, the labor force participation rate consistently rose as large numbers of women entered the workforce. It peaked at 67.3 percent in early 2000, and just before the last recession it was sitting at about 66 percent. Since the start of the last recession, the labor force participation rate has not stopped falling and it is now at a 35 year low. In September, 11,255,000 Americans were considered to be "unemployed", and an astounding 90,609,000 Americans were considered to be "not in the labor force". The number of Americans "not in the labor force" has increased by more than 10 million since Barack Obama entered the White House. When you add the number of unemployed Americans to the number of Americans "not in the labor force", you come up with a grand total of more than 101 million working age Americans that do not have a job.
Let's see here..................

No jobs...........
Lowest economic growth rate in 35 years.
Poverty at some of the highest levels in history.
Debt grows by more all the other President's in history combined.

And here's the Statist saying how great it is now.

It boogles the mind.
Swine and Pigs tend to grove at one or another of the famous, markets in Chicago. CNBC puts one of them on TV on a regular basis. Everyone is startled at the lower labor force participation rate--without noting much about impoverishment--Caused by Cheney, Paulson and Bush--like shown in the Bible(?)!

Poverty is a long-term concept, and so if the marginal have been otherwise destroyed, then easily it will take awhile to re-engage.

There is also the problem of the bottom of the stock market in March, 2009, to now. Then below see the inflation rate deterioration also in place.

US Inflation Rate | US Inflation

Stock prices have been soaring for some--maybe using that to send adult males and females, off to university. There they learn to fill out forms--and apparently send them off to banks(?)!

Mom stays home, and maybe now can go and buy some Kleenex. In the context, here: Then maybe more affordable wipes are selected, instead.

Again, supposing a functioning household, with more money--paying out less: Then likely fewer hours will be involved at the place of work.

In America, There is also that way to avoid a "whip-lash!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Tea Party now thinks millions better off, reading anti-government speeches of Senator Ted Cruz!)
Job growth is about 162,000 per month going back 43 months, and according to CBPP...
--which comes out to 7 million new jobs in about 3-1/2 years. Whoa NEAT!!

That's what the CBPP says. What the President's Department of Labor says is...

...job growth has only been 5.7 million jobs in the last 3-1/2 years, and that's after having lost 8 million jobs since 2007.

So, who do you believe, the CBPP or the President?
So as expat-panama graciously notes: The Republican Direction of Anti-Business Sentiment is to destruction and misery and end of all proceedings--and the federal government, and money and banking. The Democrats come back in, business-friendly: And so business activity indicators improve dramaticaly!

Even next Friday, Department of Labor will report out more than one indicator of the employment situation. They were doing that, way before Cheney-Paulson-Bush took what deficit they could find, and sent it off to the Wall Street Bankers, to pay out billions, and billions and billions in bonuses. CNBC commentators, call it: "Legitimate profits and bonuses for good work, all well done, the American way of busiiness(?)!"

Anyone wonder just how long the lights will stay off at General Electric(?)! Do the TV stations even pay their electricity bills(?)! Mostly they wait for the federal money(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, not Stirred!"
(Famous remarks of Senator Ted Cruz originate from Ivy League degree(?)! Hmmmm! Make Bush and Yale University look well-educated(?), if that is possible, at all(?)!))

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